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________ of them knows her very much.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1970 was the World Conservation(保护)Year. Everyone must know that the world is in danger.   16   is one example of the   17 .At one time there were 1,300 different kinds of trees and flowers in Holland(荷兰),but now only 866 remain(继续存在),   18 have been destroyed by modern man. We are changing the earth, the air and the water, and    19 that grows and lives. If we go on like this , we shall destroy ourselves.
What will happen in the future? Perhaps   20   is more important to ask “What must we do now?” The people who will be living in the world tomorrow are   21  young of today. A lot of them know that conservation is necessary. Many are helping to save   22 .
Now fifteen million young people in many countries are studying   23  and the country around him. In some countries they spend much time as “conservation volunteers.” They plant trees and help to   24  wild birds and animals.
But everyone,   25 young people, must work to save our world.
A.someB.othersC.the otherD.the others
A.everythingB.nothingC.somethingD.all things
A.ourselvesB.our worldC.our livesD.living things
A.manB.menC.a manD.the men
A.not onlyB.exceptC. alsoD.together with


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

任务型阅读 请根据材料内容,按照要求完成各题。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
In real life, all of us have friends. We can talk to them, play and go to the cinema with them. (1) But we know that not all of them are real good friends, because simply “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.
But why are they still our friends? (2) In every one of us there is a ______ need to have friends and not to live ______ in this world. This need makes us get along with the others. On the other hand, this need keeps us searching everywhere to find new friends. But when we have found one, some time later we realize that he or she is not what we are looking for.
Everybody knows how to become a friend, but not all of them know how to become a good friend, because they don’t know what a good friend means. Some of us want to have friends just to make themselves happy, or maybe get something from others. He or she is not thinking about the others or what makes them happy. He or she is a selfish person.
Someone knows the meaning of good friendship. Someone knows how to be loyal(忠诚的) to someone, how to take care of him, and how to love him, as he is a very important person in his life. Unluckily, not everyone on the Internet wants to be a good friend as what is happening in real life. They are looking for friends, just to prove that they have a lot of friends.
About me, I’m not interested in numbers. Because I learned from the life: “Finding a real good friend is not an easy task”.
1. 将(1)句译成中文:_________________________________________________________
2. 在(2)句的空白处分别填入一个适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺:
_____________________ _____________________
3. 回答问题:What can we do with friends according to this passage?
4.在文中找出与We are not alone because of the need of having friends意思相近的句子:
5. 写出文中最能表达该短文主题的句子。


科目:初中英语 来源:2012年初中毕业升学考试(江苏连云港卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


As everyone knows, (1) e______________ fast walk or slow walk does good to the muscles and lungs of human. So people walk to build up their body, or to lose (2) w_____________. But only some of them know that taking a walk every day is also good for (3) p______________ man’s heart. Heart attack has become the first disease in the world (4) b_____________ more and more people suffer from it.

Taking a walk can improve the blood supply to our hearts. If you try to walk as (5) o___________ as possible, you’ll have a healthier heart.



科目:初中英语 来源:2010-2011学年安徽省芜湖市初三一模考试英语卷 题型:其他题

任务型阅读  请根据材料内容,按照要求完成各题。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

In real life, all of us have friends. We can talk to them, play and go to the cinema with them. (1) But we know that not all of them are real good friends, because simply “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.

But why are they still our friends? (2) In every one of us there is a ______ need to have friends and not to live ______ in this world. This need makes us get along with the others. On the other hand, this need keeps us searching everywhere to find new friends. But when we have found one, some time later we realize that he or she is not what we are looking for.

    Everybody knows how to become a friend, but not all of them know how to become a good friend, because they don’t know what a good friend means. Some of us want to have friends just to make themselves happy, or maybe get something from others. He or she is not thinking about the others or what makes them happy. He or she is a selfish person.

    Someone knows the meaning of good friendship. Someone knows how to be loyal(忠诚的) to someone, how to take care of him, and how to love him, as he is a very important person in his life. Unluckily, not everyone on the Internet wants to be a good friend as what is happening in real life. They are looking for friends, just to prove that they have a lot of friends.

    About me, I’m not interested in numbers. Because I learned from the life: “Finding a real good friend is not an easy task”.

1. 将(1)句译成中文:_________________________________________________________

2. 在(2)句的空白处分别填入一个适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺:

_____________________ _____________________

3. 回答问题:What can we do with friends according to this passage?


4.在文中找出与We are not alone because of the need of having friends意思相近的句子:


5. 写出文中最能表达该短文主题的句子。





科目:初中英语 来源:2013届江苏省无锡市南长区八年级上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

We drink tea every day. But more than three hundred years ago most of the people in Europe (欧洲) did not know anything about tea. Some people heard about it, but very few of them know what to do with it.

  There is a story about an English sailor (水手) who went to countries in the east,the west and the south. He went to India and China. One day he came home and brought some tea as a present for his mother. She told her friends about the present and asked them to a “tea party”. When her friends came to the “tea party”, the old woman offered (给) them brown tea-leaves (茶叶). The old woman’s friends began to eat them. Of course, nobody liked the tea-leaves.

  At that time the sailor came in. He looked at the table and said, “Mother, what have you done with the tea?”

  “I boiled (煮) it,as you said.”

  “And what did you do with the water?”

  “I threw it away, of course.” answered the old woman.

  “Now you may throw away the leaves, too.” said her son.

(    ) 1. Most of the people in Europe ________.

     A. drank tea every day 300 years ago        B. drink tea every day

     C. know nothing about tea               D. like to eat the tea-leaves

(    ) 2. One day the English sailor brought his mother some tea from ________.

     A. countries in the west                   B. countries in the south

     C. India or China                       D. a tea shop in England

(    ) 3. The sailor’s mother asked her friends to her house, because ________.

     A. the sailor told her to

     B. she wanted to ask her friends what to do with the tea

     C. she liked to show off (炫耀)

     D. she wanted to sample (品尝) the tea together with her friends

(    ) 4. At the “tea party”,________.

     A. all the woman’s friends spoke highly of the tea

     B. nobody knew what to do with the tea

     C. the woman offered her friends some dried (干的) tea

     D. the woman gave her friends each a glass of tea water

(    ) 5. What mistake did the old woman make? She ________.

     A. boiled the tea                       B. did as the sailor said

     C. poured away the water                D. didn't throw away the tea-leaves


