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用方框中所给词完成对话 (每词限用一次) 。
outside, food, for, want, how's, wear rules, T-shirts, eat, study, awful
A: Hi,  _ 1_   your new school ?
B: It's   _2 _ . I don't like their rules.
A: Yeah? What __3 _ ? Do you have to _ 4   a  uniform ?
B: No, we don't. We can't wear __5_  .
A: Oh. How is the  _6 _ ?
B: Awful! And we have to _ 7_  in the cafeteria.
A: Can you go home    _8__ lunch?
B: No, we can't, and we can't eat __9_  .
A: What do you have to   10 _ ?
B: Math, science, history,  geography, computer science ... And we have to study English. It's 
    OK, but I _ 11_   to study French and Spanish, too.
1. _      _  2.  _  _      3._ _         4.   __       5.    __    
6.       __  7.      __    8.     __     9.   __      10.        __
11. _____
l. how's   2. awful    3. rules   4. wear    5. T-shirts
6. food    7. eat      8. for     9. outside  10. study
11. want

科目:初中英语 来源:月考题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

 to;  except;  how;  about;  what;  course;  time;  on;  fine;  round
A: Why don't you come   _1_ for a meal one evening next week?
B: I'd love   _2_  .
A: Which day would suit you?
B: Any day __3_  Saturday.
A: __4       _5_ Wednesday?
B: Yes. Wednesday would be   _6 _     _7      __8_   shall I come?
A: About 6:30. Will that be all right?
B: Yes, of   _9   . Thanks a lot.
A: See you   _10_ Wednesday, then.
1. ______  2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5._______
6.______   7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10._______


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

 biggest, about, get, many, friendliest, close,
 watch, cheapest, thress, far, sure, most
A: How 1._______ cincmas are there in your town?
B: There are 2._______.
A :Which one is the 3._______?
A: Does it have the 4. _______ service?
B: No.  But it's the 5._______
A :How 6._________its seats?
B: It has the 7._______comfortable seats.
A: Is it 8._______to your home?
B: No.  But it is not 9. _______ from my home.
A: Do you often 10. _______the movies there?
B: 11._______
A: How do you 12. _______ there then?
B: I usually walk there.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答


before, back, than, with, leave, interest, return, see, have,  begin

A: Hello, Bill ! I haven't   1  you for a long time.  
B: I've been to Korea    2  my parents.  
A: Did you    3   a good journey?
B: Certainly. We visited places of   4   .
A:I hear you are going   5  to Australia for the summer   holidays.
B: Yes, I’m  6   to my hometown to see my grandparents.
A : How long are you going 'to stay there?
B: Less  7  two months. And I'll be back to school      8 new term 9  .
A : How long will your family stay in Korea?
B: We won't 10 Korea until my father finishes his   work.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

know, afraid, seat, reach, full
W: Oh, so many people! Excuse me, could you please help me with this bag?
M: Certainly. You look a bit tired. Here, please take my    l   .
W: That's very kind of you. I'm not feeling well now. I think I have a bit of cold. Could you please tell me when we   2   Long Street? I'm    3   . I can't see where we are because the bus is    4   of people.
M: Sure. I'll let you   5   when we get there.
W: Thank you.

