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A:Excuse me! Is this   1   book?

B:Yes, it is.

A:Here is a picture.Is   2   yourI picture, too?

B:No, it   3  .What's   4   the picture?

A:There   5   hills, trees and boats.

B:Are they apple trees?

A:No, they're banana   6  .Look! Those are bananas.

B:Oh, it's a very   7   picture.

A:Look! What's that?

B:It's   8   eraser.Is that your   9  ?

A:No, it isn't.I think it's Li Ming's eroser.

B:Hello! Li Ming, is it your eraser?

C:Yas, it is.

B:Here   10   are.

C:Thank you very much.

B:Not at all.


1.your 2.it 3.isn't 4.in 5.are 6.trees 7.Beautiful 8.an 9.eraser 10.You


科目:初中英语 来源:2010年四川眉山市初中毕业会考英语试题 题型:030


A:Where have you been, Fang Li?I called you, but you weren't in your office.

B:  1  

A:What did you do there?

B:I found out that the factory was pouring waste water into the river near it.  2  .Lots of fish have died.

A:  3  

B:Do you think“Greener China”can do something?

A:  4  .We can write a story about it to the TV station and the newspaper.

B:  5  .Businessmen are afraid of newspapers and TV stations.

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________


科目:初中英语 来源:内蒙古呼和浩特2011年中考英语试题 题型:030


A:Have you ever read the novel Jane Eyre?

B:  1  

A:What a pity!It’s a wonderful book, you know.

B:Well, I’ve been wanting to read for a long time, but I can’t get a copy.The library has only three copies and   2  

A:Well,   3   If you like, I’ll lend it to you.

B:Tahnk you.  4   By the way, when can I get it?

A:  5   Will you please come to my house after school?

B:OK.I’ll go as soon as school is over.


科目:初中英语 来源:安徽省亳州市谯城区涡北片2010-2011学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:030


R:Hello.Can I give you a hand?

A:Oh, thanks.  1  

R:I'm Rose , by the way I'm in Room 206.

A:Oh!  2   My name's Ann.

R:Nice to meet you.

A:Nice to meet you, too.

R:  3  

A:Well, I was born in NewYork, but I'm living here with my aunt now.

R:Oh, you're an American.  4  

A:I'm studying Japanese.What about you?

R:Chinese.  5  

A:Thanks, I'd love to.


科目:初中英语 来源:吉林省长春市2012届九年级上学期期中质量监测英语试题 题型:030


A:Hello, Sally! Congratulations to you on winning the first prize in the speech contest!

B:Thank you.

A:You 1._________ be shy when you talked to others.Why did you take part in the speech contest?

B:Yeah, I were shy years ago.And my mother was really 2._________ it.She told me I must have confidence in everything.She encouraged me to do that.

A:How could you do such a good job?

B:I practiced the speech every day.In order to make it good, I had practiced it hundreds of times

A:3._________ when you won the prize?

B:I got excited and couldn’t help crying when I won the prize, but at first I could hardly believe I was the winner.

A:Did it change you?

B:Yes, it changed me a lot.And it made me feel 4._________.I’m very thankful to all the people who have helped me.

A:Thanks for answering my questions.



科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市万州二中2012届九年级上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:030


Jim:Hey! Where are you going to spend your summer vacation?

Tom:   1  

Jim:I want to have a camping trip.  2  

Tom:I’d love to.But how long will you travel?

Jim:For about two weeks.

Tom:Oh, that’s too long.  3  

Jim:We can go to the countryside or even to another city.

Tom:Great! But it is too far away.  4  

Jim:I’m going to travel by car.

Tom:That sounds much more interesting and exciting.

Jim:Really? We’re sure to have fun.

Tom:  5  


科目:初中英语 来源:福建省漳州市2011年初中毕业及高中阶段各类学校招生考试英语试题 题型:030


A:Excuse me,sir? Could you tell me the way to the nearest bookstore?

B:  1   You can ask the lady over there.

A:Thank you all the same.(A moment later)

A:Excuse me.  2  

C:No,there isn't a bookstore near here,but there is one near No.1 Middle School.

A:  3  

C:It's about ten minutes by bus.

A:  4  

C:The No.6 bus.

A:By the way,where's the bus stop?

C:It's over there,across from the hotel.

A:Thanks a lot.

C:You're welcome.


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省仁寿县联谊学校2012年上学期半期检测八年级英语试题 题型:030



A:Hello, Mark! You look unhappy.  1  

B:I argued with my parents last night.

A:Why did you do that?

B:I got my report card yesterday.I didn't do well in math.  2  

A:  3   You should work harder at math.

B:I know, but I find it really difficult and I really don't know how to improve it.

A:  4  

B:That's great.Thanks a lot.

A:You're welcome.  5  

B:I will.


科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市南开中学2012届九年级下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:030


Mrs.Black comes to Mrs.Green's house for dinner.She knocks at the door and Mrs.Green opens it.(B:Mrs.Black G:Mrs.Green)

G:Good evening, Mrs.Black.  1   Come in and sit down at the talbe.

B:Thank you.Fish, chips, cakes and …… Ah,   2  

G:  3   (Thirty minutes later)How do you like them?

B:They’re very delicious.

G:  4   Would you like to have some rice?

B:No, thanks.I’ve had enough.Thank you for inviting me.

G:  5  

