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Have you ever wanted to stop eating something sweet but you just couldn’t ? Is the first thing you do when you get home from school to look in the biscuit tin ? Can you eat a huge bar of chocolate all by yourself ? Can you say “no” to sweets at parties ? If you can’t ,  then there is a reason…perhaps you’re sugar addict (有瘾的人)! Does that sound funny ? Well, doctors say that people who eat sweets regularly can easily become addicted (成瘾的) to sugar .What’s more, most sugar addicts don’t even realize that they’re addicted! Sugar addiction is serious because it can really damage your health .Doctors say that we should eat food which is healthy such as fresh fruits and vegetables, and that we shouldn’t eat a lot of sugar ,fat or fast food .But sugar addicts can’t follow this advice.They know they must stop eating sweet food, but they can’t .So what can you do if you think you’re addicted to the taste of sugar ?Well, here is some advice:
Eat some fresh fruits when you really want something sweet to eat .
Cut down on sweet food slowly. Don’t try to stop eating it all at once.
You have to tell your parents, If they know, they will help you.
小题1:Who can become addicted to sugar easily?
A.People who eat sweet regularly.
B.People who eat lots of fat and fast food.
C.People who don’t have a balanced diet.
D.People who eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
小题2:What does the underlined word “damage” mean?
A.be kind toB.be good for
C.be harmful toD.be sorry for
小题3:What can we infer (推断) from the passage?
A.Fresh fruits are the best food for us.
B.We shouldn’t eat sugar to keep healthy.
C.Parents may help you give up bad eating habits.
D.It’s very necessary to stop eating sweet food at once.
小题4:What’s the main idea of the passage ?
A.Some advice to stop eating sweet food.
B.The importance of have good eating habits.
C.The reasons why people become addicted to sugar.
D.Something about sugar addiction and how to give it up.


小题1:细节理解题。根据doctors say that people who eat sweets regularly can easily become addicted (成瘾的) to sugar .可知那些定期吃甜食的人可能容易对糖上瘾。故选A。
小题2:词义猜测题。根据Doctors say that we should eat food which is healthy such as fresh fruits and vegetables, and that we shouldn’t eat a lot of sugar ,fat or fast food .可知新鲜水果和蔬菜是健康的食物,大量的糖、脂肪和快餐是不健康的食物,因此对糖上瘾是对健康有害的,故选C。
小题3:推理判断题。根据You have to tell your parents, If they know, they will help you.可知应该告诉你的父母你对糖上瘾,他们会帮助你的,故推断父母可能帮助你改掉你的坏的饮食习惯。故选C。
小题4:概括归纳题。根据Sugar addiction is serious because it can really damage your health .和So what can you do if you think you’re addicted to the taste of sugar ?Well, here is some advice:可知本文讲了对糖上瘾的害处和以及解决这个问题的一些建议。故选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What is the hottest topic at your school recently? In Hangzhou Yongjin Middle School, it’s money.
The school held an activity called “making money” last weekend. About 200 Junior 1 and Junior 2 students were divided into 30 teams. They went out to make money by selling things.
What did they choose to sell? Some sold newspapers; some chose bottled water; some sold environmentally friendly shopping bags and bamboo baskets.
Hu Qing’s team decided to sell some useful books in front of the Children Activity Center. They thought parents would like to buy the books for their children. But unfortunately, they met urban management officers (城管). The officers asked them to leave. “We played hide-and-seek (捉迷藏) with the officers for the whole morning,” said Hu. “Finally we had to give up.”
Wang Bing and her team sold ice cream in a square. They didn’t meet any officers. But few people were interested in what they were selling. The team then put up a board saying “For Country Kids”. It worked. More people came to their stall (小摊). A foreigner even gave them 100 yuan. “He didn’t want any change. He said he wanted to help the children,” said Wang. “We were touched.” Later that day they gave the money they made to the “Project Hope” office.
Meng Zhaoxiang and his team were luckier. They sold all their cakes in four hours, spending 39.5 yuan and getting back 80 yuan. They made 40.5 yuan. “It was not easy to make the money,” said Meng. “Some people just looked. Others just tasted but didn’t buy. Now I know how hard it is for our parents to make the money we need to lead happy lives.”
小题1: In Hangzhou Yongjin Middle School, what the students talk more about is ________.
A.the officers
B.the kind foreigner
C.the activity called “making money”
D.the money they made last weekend
小题2:________ took part in the activity.
A.All the students
B.Some teachers
C.About 200 students of the three grades
D.Part of Junior 1 and Junior 2 students
小题3:Hu Qing’s team finally gave up because ________.
A.the parents didn’t like to buy the books
B.the Children Activity Center was too crowded
C.the officers didn’t allow them to sell anything there
D.the team played the game of the hide-and-seek the whole morning
小题4: Why did more people come to Wang Bing’s stall at last?
A.The team put up a magic board.
B.A foreigner came up and helped them.
C.The people liked to help country kids.
D.The people were interested in their ice cream.
小题5:According to the passage the students learn ________.
A.it’s impossible for them to make money
B.it’s not easy for their parents to make money
C.it’s very important for them to make a living
D.it’s necessary for school to hold more activities in the future


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“Who needs a shopping mall if you have Taobao?” says Wang Lin, 28, a writer in Beijing.
Taobao, China’s largest online shopping web site, has become an important part of Wang Lin’s life. She spends lots of money on Taobao.
A growing number of Chinese Internet users like Wang have found the fun of online shopping. Most online shoppers are students or young workers. More women shop on line than men. Clothing and home-use products are the most popular on line.
It was reported that more than 250 billion(十亿) yuan was spent on online shopping last year, 80% through Taobao.
Taobao means “looking for treasure(珠宝)” in Chinese. People can find almost everything they need on Taobao, from clothes to books, from candies to DVD players.
You may ask the security of online shopping, Wang Lin said, “It’s very safe and convenient. Unless you receive the products from the sellers and are satisfied(满意的) with them, the shop owner will not get the money. You can also get your money back if you want to return the products.”
小题1:The most popular things on line are ________.
A. candies and DVD players 
B. clothes and books       
C. clothing and home-use products
小题2:Taobao is ________.
A. a shopping mall         
B. an online shopper       
C. an online shopping web site
小题3:Most online shoppers are ________.
A. young people             B. women                C. men
小题4:The underlined word “security” may mean ________.
A. 质量                 B. 安全                 C. 信誉
小题5:The best title(标题) of the passage is ________.
A. Wang Lin’s life        
B. Online shopping in China
C. Shopping on line is not safe


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dear Li Fei,
How are you? I will have a short holiday next week and have decided to visit Shanghai for a second time. I have booked a room in the Peace Hotel. I hear it is on the Bund(外滩) and has a good view of the famous Huangpu River. I will arrive on the night of March 27 and leave early on March 29. I would like to visit some of the most famous places, such as Nanjing Road and Yu Garden in Chenghuangmiao.
Can you give me some suggestions for my visit to Shanghai? I will have only one day to look around Shanghai. I will be happy if you can make a tour plan for me. Please say hello to Lu Mei. I’m looking forward to your reply.  
小题1:Who will visit Shanghai next week?
A. Li Fei. B. Lu Mei. C. Sandy.
小题2:Where has the writer booked a room?
A. On Nanjing Road.      B. In Yu Garden.     C. In the Peace Hotel.
小题3:We can learn from the letter that the writer ___________Shanghai.
A. has never visited        B. once visited       C. often visits
小题4:When will the writer look around Shanghai?
A.On March 27.         B.On March 28.     C.On March 29.
小题5:The most important purpose of writing this letter is to ___________.
A. ask for a tour plan     B. ask for a reply      C. say hello to Lu Mei


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Friends play an important role in our life. Most people hope that their friends will always be there. They _____ friendship to last forever. ____, even the best friendship can end.
As time goes by, many friendships end because of a(n) ______ in personality or way of life. The friendship slowly loses importance and finally_______.
Tommy wrote, “I didn’t even know the friendship was over until I caught myself thinking of Alan as a former friend.”
Peter explained. “We _____ seeing each other less and less. The friendship was just over.”
Sometimes friendships______ suddenly from a disagreement or move to another place.
Alice said,  “The end of our friendship was a gradual thing. I moved from one side of the city to the other. Since then we _____ made a phone call. We met less and less. At last our friendship ended.”
Jack said, “ When I moved to Seattle after college, our friendship died. Both of us were always____ with new jobs, so we didn’t keep _____ touch with each other. Our friendship was so dead that I didn’t call him_____ I went home.”
Yet the biggest problem to a friendship is change. Lillian Rubin in her book Just Friends say, “Generally it’s______ that friends will accept each other if they both remain what they were when they met, or change in similar directions. If they change or grow in different ways, the friendship most likely______ lost.”
No matter why, when, or how friendships end, there is always_____ pain of loss.  When nothing can be____ to keep the friendship, it is important to forget the pain. Then move on_____ new friendships.
May new friendships bring you pleasure and happiness!
A.break downB.break awayC.break offD.break in
A.even ifB.whileC.beforeD.since
A.will beB.isC.willD.to be
A.to ask forB.formingC.to buildD.beginning


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A recent research shows that physical activity(体育活动) may help students do better in their classes. The research comes because educators in some countries are reducing time for activities like P.E. class.
Researchers go over the results of fourteen studies. Twelve were from the United States, one from Canada and one from South Africa. The studies appeared between 2009 and 2013. They included more than 55,000 children, aged six to eighteen.
Thomas Singh, one of the researchers, says the studies showed a relationship between physical activity and scores on subjects such as math, English and reading. Ms. Singh offers some possible explanations (解释):
“ There are, first, physiological (生理的) explanations, like more blood flow, and so more oxygen (氧气) to the brain. Being physically active means there are more hormones( 荷尔蒙) produced like endorphins ( 脑内啡). And endorphins make your stress level lower and your mood improved, which means you will perform better in class. Also, students who take part in organized sports learn rules and how to follow them. This could improve their classroom behavior and help them know what they should do.
All in all, the finding tells us that physically active kids are more likely to do better in school. Ms. Singh says schools should consider the finding before they cut physical education programs. 
小题1:What led the researchers to do the studies?
A.Schools’cutting physical activity.
B.Their interest in physical activity.
C.The tests including about 55,000 children.
D.Kids’unsatisfying schooling performance.
小题2:How many countries took part in the studies?
A.14. B.12C.2. D.3.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages of physical activity according to the passage?
A.Getting more blood flow.
B.Better classroom behavior.
C.Feeling relaxed and refreshed.
D.Greater ability to organize activities.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The students’ life today can be very stressful (紧张的). They are under pressure (压力) every day. They need a (1)break from it. Parents should ask children to do something else. But not let them relax in front of the TV.  A hobby is the perfect answer.
There are many different kinds of hobbies. Chess is a good example. It is a very enjoyable game and it also helps children develop their thinking skills.
Collecting something is also a good hobby for children. A child can collect almost anything:
key rings, stamps, postcards, old coins, etc. Many of these collecting can be both interesting and fun. They teach children a lot and broaden (开阔)their knowledge. For example, gardening (园艺) is a useful hobby because it is a physical activity and it also teaches children about nature.
(2) A hobby can be a useful learning tool. Children may become experts in something if they really love their hobbies. Children will also learn to become more organized and make places, for example in collecting something. Hobbies will also teach children a lot about responsibility(责任).
It is a good hobby for children to collect something.
小题3:How many kinds of hobbies can you find in this passage?
Gardening a useful hobby. Because it is          a physical activity           it teaches children about nature.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:The Millers work in Shenzhen. They have two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a sitting room and a kitchen. 
小题2:Jane is moving to her new house. She will have workers make some furniture. So she needs to buy some good wooden materials in the store. 
小题3:Sarah needs a round dining table. But she has no time to go to the stores to buy one. Besides she thinks it is very tiring to go to the shops. 
小题4:There is often a terrible smell which is bad for our health in a newly painted house. Mr Li wants to buy some plants to help solve this problem. 
小题5:Sophia is a lovely girl. Now she wants to make her room beautiful and cute. She would like to buy some lovely toys or cartoon characters. 
Dongshen Market 
In our market you can buy all kinds of furniture materials. And also the price here is lower than that in any other market.
House for Sale  
A new house with 2 bedrooms, 100 square meters is for sale in Shenzhen. This house is quite suitable for a family of three.
Dongdong Flower Shop
Do you like flowers? Do you want to give flowers to friends? We have all kinds of flowers and plants here, and we can tell you the meanings of these flowers and plants.
Xinagyun Gift Shop
Many cute things are on sale in our shop, including toy animals and different kinds of cartoon characters. You can buy them for your friends or yourself.
Shopping Online
Now more and more people buy clothes, shoes, furniture and many other things online. It can save people much time.
How to Paint Your Room
The book homelike gives you advice on how to wonderfully paint your room. It just costs 5yuan.
Great House for Sale
A house with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen and a sitting room is for sale in Shenzhen city center. Call 13613712100 for more information.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A. Here is Jilin Children’s Hospital .It is at 135 Jiling Street Jilin City. There are many advanced equipment about children. Zhao Weibing is a famous doctor. His telephone number is  (0432) 6983245. And E-mail is Zhaoweibing@sohu. com.
B. HongXing Supermarket lies in the center of Wanda. Lots of goods are sold. Foods, vegetables and fruits are for sale now. On the second floor, Some clothes for children are on sale, and the price is the lowest of all.. Welcome to choose.
C. The Painting on World of Sports . In the city center lies a famous stadium where the first-class sportsmen are training for the coming games. You are  allowed to take some pictures of them when they are training.
D.This is Jiling Jiajia Company. It is at 35 Jiling Street Jilin City.There are lots of compers and mobile phones here. We can also repair these machines. Li Weihua is  a computer engineer. His telephone number is (0432)2458988. E-mail: 1 wh988@263.com.
小题1:Mrs White is free today. She can go to ________ to buy something for her daily life.
小题2:Li Ping, a famous Chinese artist, who is good at painting and drawing. He can go to______.
小题3:There is something wrong with my compter. What should I do ?
You can go to _______ and ask for help.
小题4:If my baby has a fever, I will go to ______and try to know some ways to avoid common cold.

