精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
swim,  play ,  look happy,  be good at ,  read
wear glasses,   come from ,at weekends;  of course;  talk about;
小题1:Many of my classmates _____________ because they have poor eyesight(视力不好)
小题2:Amy and Daniel ____________swimming. They like swimming.
小题3:Yao Ming is good at playing basketball, and he is a good basketball ________.
小题4:--- He ___________ today. Why?
---Because today is his birthday.
小题5:Do you know Pat? Yes, I do , he’s in the  _________ Club.
小题6:----Where does he come from?  ----- He  ___________Suzhou..
小题7:Lily likes  __________   very much .  So he often goes swimming.
小题8:What do you often do ________?        --- I often watch TV all day.
小题9:Do you play football on weekends?      ---________.
小题10:Do they ________ their favourite badminton star?   
--- Yes. They like Lin Dan very much.

小题1:wear glasses
小题2:are good at
小题4:looks happy
小题6:comes from
小题8:at weekends
小题9:Of course
小题10:talk about

小题1:句意:我的很多同学都戴眼镜,因为他们视力不好。根据句意因为他们视力不好,可知这个空应该是说很多同学都戴眼镜,故应用短语wear glasses,戴眼镜。这句话的主语是many of my classmates,是复数的意思,故wear直接用动词原形。
小题2:句意:Amy和Daniel擅长游泳。他们喜欢游泳。be good at 擅长,是一个固定短语。这句话的主语是Amy和Daniel,说的是两个人,故这里的be 动词应该用are。
小题3:句意:姚明擅长打篮球,他是一名优秀的篮球运动员。根据句意可知,姚明是一个优秀的篮球运动员,player是运动员的意思,且空的前面有不定冠词a ,故用单数形式。
小题4:句意:-他今天看起来很开心。为什么?-因为今天是他的生日。根据对话中的回答可知,今天是他的生日,故他看起来应该很开心。look happy 看起来开心。又因为这句话的主语是he,是一个第三人称单数形式,故look 应该变成第三人称单数形式,直接加s。
小题5:句意:-你认识Pat吗?-是的,我认识,他在读书俱乐部里。根据句意可知,这里的Reading Club是一个俱乐部的名字,故read 应该用其ing的形式,是一个动名词,做定语,修饰club,并且第一个字母要大写。
小题6:句意:-他来自哪里?-他来自苏州。come from 来自……,是一个固定的短语。并且这句话的主语是he,仍是一个第三人称单数形式,故动词come要用其三单形式,直接加s。
小题7:句意:Lily非常喜欢游泳,所以她经常去游泳。根据句意可知,她经常去游泳,故Lily应该非常喜欢游泳,故本空应该用单词swim。空前有like,其句型应该是like doing sth. 喜欢去做某事,故应该用ing形式。双写m 后加ing。
小题8:句意:-周末你经常做什么?-我经常整体看电视。at weekends 意为:在周末。根据句意可知这里应该是问他周末经常做什么。故填at weekends。
小题9:句意:-你周末踢足球吗?-当然了。of course 当然了。这是一个固定短语,经常出现在情景对话中。根据这句话的意思,可以看出说话人非常喜欢踢足球,故用of course 来回答。
小题10:句意:-他们谈论他们最喜欢的羽毛球明星吗?-是的,他们非常喜欢林丹。talk about 谈论某事或某人。根据这个情景的答语可以看出,他们在谈论林丹。talk with sb. 意思是和某人谈话。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

why , like , much, wake up , dream, again, sleep , about, think, quick
"Dreams (梦 ) may be more important than sleep. We all need to dream," some scientists say.
Dreams take up about one quarter of our 小题1:________ time. People have several 小题2:_______each night. Dreams are like short films. They are usually in color. Some dreams are 小题3:_______ old films. They come to us over and over 小题4:_______. That may be because the dreamer is worrying about something. Dreaming may be a way of trying to find an answer.
Some people get new ideas小题5:_______ their work from dreams. They may have been 小题6:_______ about their work all day. These thoughts can carry over into dreams.
Sometimes, we 小题7:_______ with a good feeling from a dream. But often we can't remember the dream. Dreams can disappear (消失) 小题8:_______ from memory (记忆).
Too much dreaming can be harmful (有害的). The 小题9:_______ we sleep, the longer we dream. The mind is hard at work when we dream. That is 小题10:_______ we may have a long sleep and still wake up tired.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

动词填空  (本大题共8分,每小题1分)
小题1:I would like to invite my friends_______ (watch) films at the weekend.
小题2:---Where are the students? --- They_______ (plan) a day out in the classroom.
小题3:Thanks for __________ (wash) the clothes for me!
小题4:--- How soon ____________ he __________(come) back?  --- In three days.
小题5:It’s bad to ask the children ____________ (not help) the old people in the street.
小题6:--- Who _____________(fly) the kite once a week? --- Lily does.
小题7:Are you afraid of __________ (study) English?
小题8:I hope ___________(visit) Hong Kong some day.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

词汇运用 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词)。(15分)
小题1:He is one of the best ____________(lead) in his country.
小题2:It is said that an old lady was found ________________(die) in the street three days later.
小题3:There will be an English test tomorrow, so she feels quite ___________(stress).
小题4:My parents don’t allow me _________(stay) out late to play football.
小题5:This nice bike is well worth __________________(buy).
小题6:You get a high mark. I think your teachers will be __________(satisfy) with your result.
小题7:His son looked at his broken toy with __________(sad).
小题8:Daniel told us that when he was a student he ___________(prefer) colour paper to photos.
小题9:The girl is too shy ____________(speak) in front of the whole class.
小题10:Exercise and healthy food are important to the _________(grow) of a child.
小题11:Finally, he worked out the math problem ______________(success).
小题12:They don’t know where ____________(buy) this kind of computer.
小题13:I hope my advice will be of great _________(value) to you.
小题14:---What will I do if someone ___________(laugh) at me?
---Pay no attention to them.
小题15:My father likes reading. He often buys ____________(week) newspapers to read.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

success , lazy , twelve, warn, German
小题1:Next Sunday is my son’s  ________  birthday .
小题2:The _________ a person is, the more things he has to do tomorrow.
小题3:A good plan can make your study _____________.
小题4:Travelers _____________that a new flu called H7N9 has arrived in Asia.
小题5:This morning I met some ________ in the supermarket.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:仿写题,造句

遣词造句 根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子。(10分)

小题1:have, breakfast

小题2:jacket, his

小题3:would like

小题4:farmer, farm

小题5:long legs


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

anxious    strange    reminded    provide   give away   give out
小题1:Could you   ____  me  with some information  about  student exchange programs?
小题2:His  words _____  us   of  the old days we spent in the country.
小题3:They are____  to know  the results of  the   survey.
小题4:There is a ____  smell  in the  house. Do you know what it is?
小题5:Be quiet, please. I am going to __  your  test  papers.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

leave,  work,  park,  phone,  own
小题1:How do you study for a test? By _______ with a group.
小题2:Teenagers should be allowed to choose their _____ clothes.
小题3:What will you do in your free time? I’ll help to clean up the city _____.
小题4:Do you know when the _____ was invented? It was invented in 1876.
小题5:By the time I got outside, the bus had already _____.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: May I speak to Nick?
B: This is Nick speaking.
A: Hi, Nick! I haven’t seen you for a long time. What 小题1:________to you?
B: I have been in hospital.
A: Oh, 小题2: ________ . But for what?
B: I 小题3:___________ three weeks ago.
A: Really?小题4:___________?
B: Yes. But luckily, only my left arm was broken. And I can move it now.
A: Good. But how did it happen?
B: I was driving fast to work on that rainy morning. I couldn’t stop my car and it 小题5:________ another car.
A: Oh, you should drive slowly.

