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1. Simon hates to be like others, so he always does everything ________ (不同).
2. Making a lot of noise and______________(打扰)others are impolite.
3. Do you have any  ____________(困难) with your studies these days?
4. —Who is Daniel _____________(争论) with? —His best friend, Simon.
5. His mother is much ___________ ( 严格的 ) with him than his father.
6. They are wet all over __________(可能)because of the heavy rain.
7. He wanted to join the club,but was________(拒绝).
8. My penfriend in the USA hasn’t ________ (答复) to my last three e-mails yet.
9. My twin brothers ___________(更喜欢) to walk to school when they were in high school.
10. You shouldn’t leave a child      (单独)in the house.

1. differently  
4. arguing 
9. preferred   



科目:初中英语 来源:2011届江苏省常州市部分学校中考模拟联考英语卷 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】People born under Virgo are practical and pay attention to    ▲  (细节).
【小题2】It’s generous of Amy to     ▲   (提供) books and stationery for the schools in the west of China.
【小题3】Tom is such a(n)     ▲    (诚实的) boy that we all trust(信任) him.
【小题4】It is said that      ▲   (几个) foreigners will come to our school soon.
【小题5】 I have got a collection of     ▲    (十九) dolls.
【小题6】Congratulations! Both of you are the       (win) of the match.
【小题7】Zhang Tao is in his        (three) year at No. 1 Middle school.
【小题8】Tom has to give up     ▲  (play) computer games..
【小题9】 People all over the world hope to live a        (peace) and wealthy life.
【小题10】Do you know any novels    ▲   (write) by Hanhan?


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省镇江市部分学校八年级上学期联考英语卷 题型:单词拼写

The old man ____________ (刷) his dog’s fur every day.
2.  Bill is very smart and he can always answer questions ______(正确地).
3.  The girl is very young, but she can speak some foreign           (语言).
4.  Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng are the h_____ we admire very much.
5.  Don’t tell anyone about our plan. Keep it a s      .
B.用所给词的适当形式填空: (10分)
6.He then decided _______(have ) a great day out by motorbike.
7.Why not             now? (decide)
8.           (luck),he hurt himself in the accident..
9.The trip to the hill was really            . (bore)
10.We are cheering for our school basketball team. They are the            of the final. (win)


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年浙江省绍兴文理附中九年级上期中考试英语卷 题型:单词拼写

As we know most of the things in our daily life have to be     1    (买) with money. But money cannot buy many things,     2     (包括) time,       3      (健康) and      4      (友谊).
There are 24 hours in a day.       5     (有时) when we are happy, we wish that the happiness would last longer,  but      6       (无论什么) we do, or how much money we are willing to spend, we can’t make a day last 25 hours. When we feel unhappy, money cannot make the unhappy time pass away more       7      (快).
So we should      8      (认识到) that money is       9       (必需的) in our life. But it’s not the most       10       (重要) thing in our life.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省太仓市九年级上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:单词拼写

单词拼写 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
【小题1】It is good for your writing to keep __________(日记).
【小题2】 The boy had no difficulty __________(解释)the answers to his classmates.
【小题3】Daniel is __________(实事求是的)and never dreams about everything.
【小题4】Please try to do it __________(不同地).
【小题5】The twins __________(争吵)with each other before their parents returned home.
【小题6】 I’m afraid this is the only double room __________(可获得的).
【小题7】 That’s all right. I have __________(原谅)you for what you did.
【小题8】The man looks even __________(疯的)than his wife.
【小题9】I used to live on the __________(二十二)floor.
【小题10】Sigmund Friend gave Tom a very useful! __________(建议)on study.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年度连云港市灌南县堆沟港中学八年级第一次月考英语卷 题型:单词拼写

1. He is looking at the blackboard with his eyes open ___________(张大地)
2. There is nothing in the box. It’s _________.(空的)
3. I’m _________ (thin) than you.
4. His brother has two big eyes and looks very h_______.
5. Lily has a ______ (圆的)face with shoulder-length hair.
6. In this bookshop, we can buy many newspapers and m_________.
7. He has bad _________ (视力)because of too much computer work at night.
8. My English teacher has a good sense of __________(幽默).
9. He is 1.80 meters in h__________(高度).
10. Is today a __________ (特别的) day?
11.What do you think of these ___________ (广告) on TV?.
12. I am _________ (will) to teach these children.
13. Yang Zhenning is one of ___________ (famous) scientists in China.
14. Which is __________ (hot) season of the year?
15 Laura is a lovely girl with __________ (smile) eyes.
16. Which city is __________ (far) to the sea, Beijing or Tianjin?


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省泰州市海陵区六校九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单词拼写

1. Did you know colours can                (影响) our moods?
2. Listening to music can make me feel              (放松).
3. Stamp collecting is one of my               (爱好).
4. Daniel is                (辩论) with Millie about the problem.
5. My father is an                 ( 精力充沛的) man.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年云南省丽江市永北镇中学初二月考英语试卷 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】 The rainforests can give us many _________(use) things.
【小题2】 Don’t keep your friends _________ (wait) so long.
【小题3】Han Mei spends two hours _________ (practice) English every day.
【小题4】 When you’re out, You’d better take care of ________ (oneself).
【小题5】If you want to be thinner, you must eat _______ (little) food and take more exercise.
【小题6】Running can help you keep _______ (health).
【小题7】Ann is going to go _______ (skate) with her classmates tomorrow.
【小题8】Can you tell me your reason for_______ (leave) home in a hurry?
【小题9】He is going away for at _______ (little) a week.
【小题10】Take care of your_______(tooth) or you’ll have a toothache.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年四川省成都市铁路中学初二2月入学考试英语试卷 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】I’m very t      . Please give me something to drink.
【小题2】If you want to keep fit, you should take more e      .
【小题3】There are a few d      between the twins.
【小题4】Take the m      three times a day and you’ll feel better.
【小题5】We had a singing c       last Monday.

