精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
Nowadays many people go abroad. Then they must learn some customs about the country because different countries have different customs. In order that we can learn more about customs, the Culture Palace has invited some foreign speakers to give us speeches. Here is the timetable.
Speaker:Mr Smith (From America)
Speech: Table manners in America
Place: Room 1204 in Culture Palace
Time:7:30~9:30p.m.on Tuesday, March 3rd
Ticket Price : ¥25
Speaker:Mrs White (From England)
Speech: Who pays for the meals in England?
Place: Room 3218 in Culture Palace
Time:8:00~10:00p.m.on Wednesday March 4th
Ticket Price : ¥20
Speaker:Mr Brown (form Australia)
Speech: How to be a polite person in Australia?
Place: the Culture Hal
Time:7:30~10:00p.m.on Tuesday, March 5th
Ticket Price : ¥15
Speaker:Mrs Black(From Germany)
Speech:Good manners in Germany
Place: Room 320 in Culture Palace
Time:7:30~9:00p.m.on Friday, March 6th
Ticket Price : ¥20
小题1:The Culture Palace invites some foreign speakers to give speeches, because __________.
A.people are interested in western culture
B.people want to communicate with foreigners more
C.it may make people learn English much harder
D.people should know more about foreign customs
小题2:Mr Smith comes from_________.
小题3:If you want to go to England on business, you can attend the speech in __________.
A.Room 1240 in Culture Palace
B.Room 3218 in Culture Palace
C.the Culture Hal
D.Room 320 in Culture Palace
小题4:How much is it if someone wants to listen to all the speeches?
A.¥20B.¥ 35C.¥60D.¥80
小题5:Which of the following is true according to the timetable?
A.Mr. Smith is going to give a speech on who pays for the meals in England.
B.Mrs. White will give a speech in Room 3218 in the Culture Hall on Tuesday.
C.Mr. Brown will give the speech “How to be a polite person in Australia” in the Culture Hall.
D.Mrs. Black will give a speech on good manners in Germany on March 5th.


小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Then they must learn some customs about the country”理解可知。
小题2:细节理解题,根据文中第一个文本框的语句“Speaker:Mr Smith (From America)”理解可知。
小题3:细节理解题,根据文中第二个文本框的语句“Place: Room 3218 in Culture Palace
小题5:细节理解题,根据文中第三个文本框的语句“peaker:Mr Brown (form Australia)
Speech: How to be a polite person in Australia?”理解可知。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Sports City Bar
Every Tuesday and Thursday evening in Sports City Bar everyone can enjoy a “Buy one, get one free”Tex-Mex &seafood Buffet* for 118 yuan.
At our Sunday Family Buffet, we have exciting games for children.  The buffet lasts from 11:00am to 2:00 pm. And costs 98 yuan per adult.  Children aged 12 to 16 eat for half price, and children under 12(limited* to two) eat for free.
Happy hours at Sports City Bar lasts from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm.  But one soft drink, get one free.
Location: The fourth floor, Blue Sky shopping centre.
小题1:Who have free lunch at the Sunday Family Buffet?
A.Children under 12B.All the children
小题2:If you are thirteen, you        
A.can’t buy one, get one free in Sports City Bar.
B.Can eat for free at Sunday Family Buffet.
C.Must pay 49 yuan for your lunch at Sunday Family Buffet
D.Must go to the Sports City Bar with your parents
小题3:How much will your father pay if he and your 10-year old brother go to have lunch at the Sunday Family Buffet?
A.49 yuanB.98 yuanC.118 yuanD.147 yuan


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

John is twelve years old. He had a bad cold and coughed day and night. He went to see a doctor .The doctor gave him some cough medicine:
Shake it well before use. Take it three times each day before meal. Not right for children below the age of four. Put it in a cold place. Use it before December1st,2012
Did John have a cough?
How many times need John take the medicine every day ?
Can John take the medicine on January 1st,2013?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The following four advertisements are from Star Evening News, Mar 8th, 2012
           Piano lessons
Jim, an excellent musician.
Good at teaching kids for 5 years.
¥100 an hour.
Call Jim at 86083957
          Free parking and soft drinks
If  you spend $100 in Happy Store, you will receive free drinks.
$200 or more, six hours of free parking.
Call 31388888 for more information.
            Lost cat
Small size, black and white hair.
Answer you when you call it Mimi.
Thank you for returning it.
Call Linda at 315161222.
           House for sale
A beautiful house with a small garden.
Wonderful sea sights out of the windows.
QQ: 86153788.
Call Miss Smith at 13819315345.
小题1:If you spend 100 yuan, you can       .
A.get a piano lesson
B.get 6 hours of free parking
C.get free drinks
D.get a lost cat
小题2:How can you contact(联系) the owner of the house for more information?
A.By visiting Mrs. Smith.B.By sending a letter.
C.By making a phone call.D.By calling Linda.
小题3:Who can teach children to play the piano?
A.Miss SmithB.JimC.LindaD.Happy Store
小题4:When you find a small cat with black and white hair, you may call      .
小题5:Where are these advertisements from?
A.China Daily.B.New York Times.
C.Changjiang Evening News.D.Star Evening News.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Are you looking for something fun and would you like to help other people in your free time? Then join us.
We have jobs for people of all ages;Anyone from twelve-year-old children to 80-year-old people can become one of us.
You can help people in many ways.Schools need help with taking care of children while their parents are working.Hospitals need us to look after children while their parents see a doctor.Animal lovers can help take care of those dogs and cats without homes.There is something to do for everyone.
“As a member of this group,I don’t want to get anything.Seeing the children’s happy faces,I am happy,too.”said Susan,an old woman of 62.  
“I often played computer games in my free time before.Now I help older people learn how to use Computers,”said another one at the age of 18.
If everyone helps out a bit, we’1l all have a better world to live in.
Interested? Call us on 3847613 or visit our website(网站):http://www.activol.com.
小题1:The passage is_______.
A.a storyB.an advertisementC.a playD.a song
小题2:What kind of people can become a member of that group?
A.People from 12 to 18.
B.All young people.
C.People from 12 to 80.
D.People from twenty to eighty.
小题3:Which of the following is not talked about in the passage?
A.Help people in hospitals.
B.Help children in schools.
C.Help animals.
D.Teach cooking.
小题4:Who does Susan look after?
A.Children.B.Old peopleC.Animals.D.People in hospital.
小题5:What will you do if you want to join the group?
A.Call them or visit them.
B.Call them or visit their website.
C.Visit their website or write to them.
D.Visit them or visit their website.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解


小题1: “Three Little Cows” is ___________.
A.the name of a zoo
B.the name of a movie
C.the name of a restaurant
D.the name of a party
小题2: When are great drink specials and half price pizza offered?
A.On Monday and Friday, 3-6 pm.
B.From Monday to Friday, 3-6 pm.
C.On Wednesday, 6-10 pm.
D.At any time.
小题3: From 6 pm to 10 pm on Wednesday, customers can __________.
A.have free wine
B.make a bottle of wine
C.pay $10 less for the wine
D.have wine for only $10


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hi! Welcome to Lotte Mart.(乐天玛特)We have clothes at very good price(价格 ).We have sweaters in all colors at ¥ 16 each. Are they very cheap? And we have black trousers for only ¥9. We have blue bags for sports for just ¥7 for girls. T-shirts in all colours are ¥10 each. The white socks are only¥3. Can you believe it? Come and see in our supermarket.
Please fill in the table according to the advertisement(广告 )for the clothes. 
     all colors
¥ 16
¥ 9
bags for sports
      ¥  58 
all colors


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Welcome to the zoo
Opening time:                                           Price:
From Monday to Friday                                Adults: ¥20
8:30 a.m.---5:30 p.m.                                   Children: ¥10
On Saturday & Sunday                                
8:30 a.m.---6:00 p.m
Location: Xiaohe Street, Changchun Distrct, Binhai City
小题1:The zoo opens      a week.
A.two daysB.five daysC.six daysD.seven days
小题2:On Tuesday, the zoo closes at     .
A.5: 30 p.m.B.6:00 p.m.C.6:30 a.m.D.8: 30 a.m.
小题3:On Wednesday,the zoo is open for          .
A.8 hoursB.8.5 hoursC.9 hoursD.9.5 hours
小题4:The zoo is in the city called        .
小题5:Beibei is 11 years old,and this Sunday she wants to visit the zoo with her parents. How much should they pay for the ticket?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:Who (谁) lost a watch?
小题2:Is the ring Betty’s?
A.Yes, it is.B.No, it isn’t .C.Yes, this is D.No, it is David’s.
小题3:What color is Jim’s new watch?
A.Green.B.White. C.Black.D.Red.
小题4:Who can you call for the backpack?
A.BettyB.JimC.Bruce D.David
小题5:What’s Bruce’s phone number?
A.678- 4219B.892- 0231 C.708- 5209D.291-2084

