精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
There was once a lonely girl who was thirsty for love.【1】One day while she was walking in the forest, she found two lovely songbirds(黄莺). But the birds were so hungry and weak that they could not sing any songs. The girl took them home and put them in a small cage. She cared them with love and the birds grew stronger. Every morning they greeted her with a wonderful song. The girl felt great love for the birds.
One day the girl left the door of the cage open. The larger and stronger one of the two birds flew from the cage. The girl was afraid that he would【2】____ ________. So when the bird flew close, she caught him quickly. She was glad that the bird did not fly away. But she held him too tight (紧),and the bird died in her hand. She opened her hand and sadly looked at the dead bird. She knew that her love had killed him.
The other bird was moving back and forth (来回地)in the cage. She knew he wanted very much to fly in the clear blue sky. So she opened the door of the cage .The bird flew out and circled once, twice, three times……
The girl watched happily at the bird’s enjoyment. Suddenly he flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. He sang her the sweetest song.
The fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tight; the best way to keep love is to give it wings!
小题1:在【2】处填入适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺: ________   ___________
Why did the larger and stronger bird die ?    .___________
They sang a wonderful song to greet her every morning.-___________

小题1:fly away
小题3:Because she held him too tight
小题4:Every morning they greeted her with a wonderful song
小题5:The fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tight; the best way to keep love is to give it wings!

小题1:fly away 根据这一段中所提到的One day the girl left the door of the cage open. The larger and stronger one of the two birds flew from the cage. The girl was afraid that he would(43)____ ________.有一天她忘记关笼子门了,两只大点的小鸟飞走了,她害怕它会飞走了。故填写fly away.
小题3:Because she held him too tight  根据倒数第二段提到But she held him too tight (紧),and the bird died in her hand.她抓得太紧了,鸟死在她的手里。
小题4:Every morning they greeted her with a wonderful song 句意:每天早上他们会用欢乐的叫声来欢迎她。
小题5:The fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tight; the best way to keep love is to give it wings! 本文在讲述小女孩把小鸟关在笼子里,有一天不小心没有关笼子,小鸟跑了,后来当她抓住后,又握得太紧了,小鸟死了,后来她明白爱它最好的方式是给它自由。最后一句话深化文章的主题。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Dear Peter,
I’m glad to receive your letter. Thank you for your caring a     the weather and my health. Now I’d like to tell you something about the smog(雾霾).
Since the winter last year, the smog has taken place for several times. It has done great harm(伤害) to our d­     life. Many traffic accidents have happened because of the h     smoggy weather. More and more people have to go to see a d     because of the serious diseases(疾病) caused by the smog. Quite a lot of flights have to be put off. A great number of people have to s     at home for fear of the poisonous(有毒的) air caused by the smog.
People have realized(意识到) the great harm caused by the smog and the importance of
p     the environment. People from all over the country are taking a     to improve the smoggy weather. The government asks people to go to work or school with public traffic tools, such as the bus and the u    . Also we should plant more trees.
According to me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I won’t throw the waste anywhere. M     , I will tell people that all of us should protect the environment as p     as we can. Would you like to tell me some good ideas? I’m looking forward to your reply.
Wang Hua


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空


Sam is a farmer. He has a very big  小题1:. On the farm, he grows oranges, grapes and bananas. Many people come to  小题2: his farm. He is a successful young man and becomes very famous.
Several years ago, in 2003, he went back to his hometown after he finished high school. “What can I do?” he said to himself. Then he had 小题3:idea. “I’m  小题4:in farming. I can grow fruit!” He began to watch many programs about growing fruit 小题5:TV. He also read a lot of books about
it. Then he went to 小题6: on Mr. Smith’s farm for two years. He learned a lot there. In 2005, he started his own fruit farm. At that 小题7:, Sam’s farm was small. But now, his farm is much  小题8:.
His fruits are very good .He sends them to many big   小题9:  in China, such as Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. He also grows vegetables and raises  小题10:on his farm. Therefore, his family eats their own vegetables and chicken. They have a very healthy lifestyle.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I’d like to tell you about Halloween. People in the USA c___小题1:___ it on the evening of October 31st. On that day, children like to p___小题2:___ a game called “trick or t__小题3:___”. They knock on p___小题4:__ doors and shout “trick or treat”. If people don’t give them a___小题5:___ candies, they can play a trick o___小题6:____ them. Usually they w___小题7:___ masks or paint their faces. People don’t know who they are. Another i____小题8:___ thing is to make pumpkin lanterns. On the evening of that day, families always have a s____小题9:___ party. People can e___小题10:___ hot drinks and lots of nice hot food. It’s really wonderful.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Bobby: Good afternoon, can I help you?
Mike: Yes please. Can I join(参加)  your basketball club?
Bobby: Sure.May I have your name, please?
Mike: My name is Mike Hunt.
Bobby: How old are you?
Mike:  I’m25 years old.
Bobby: Where are you from?
Mike: I’m from the USA.
Bobby: And what’s your phone number?
Mike: It’s52647081.
Bobby: All right. Here’s a card. Please fill(填写) it out.
Mike: Thanks a lot.
Bobby: You’re welcome.
First name: ____小题1:______          
Family name: _____小题2:_____
Age: ____小题3:______
Phone number:_____小题4:____
Sports you play:____小题5:____


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Dear Nancy,
I am happy to tell you my school and my life. Every day my father drives me to school. My school is very big and beautiful. I like my school very much. The desks and chairs are new. There are lots of pictures on the walls. You can also see some flowers on the teachers’ desk. We clean the classroom every day.
I don’t go to school on Saturday and Sunday. I get up at six on Saturday. I play basketball with my father in the park near my home for half an hour. Then I eat my breakfast. I help my mother water the trees and flowers in the garden. At eight I begin to do my homework. My parents and I have lunch in the KFC. In the afternoon, I have Art lessons. Sometimes I play computer games or chat with my friends on the Internet in the evening.
I like my weekend very much.
Li Hua
A   小题1:  to Nancy from Li Hua. It   小题2:  about his school and life.
It’s big and   小题3: .
Life on weekdays
He goes to school 小题4: days a week and he goes to school by car with his   小题5: every day.
Life at weekend
He often   小题6: basketball with his father and helps his mother water the trees and flowers in the   小题7: . He does his homework at   小题8:  o’clock.
He has Art lessons.
Sometimes he likes 小题9: with his friends on the  小题10: .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Here is a question I have often asked at dinner parties:
You're on an island with only one other person, your best friend. He's d  小题1:  of cancer. In his f 小题2: days, he tells you, "I have 100,000 dollars in a bank back home. When I die, make s 小题3:my son goes to medical school." Then he dies. But his son is a no-good playboy who has no i小题4: in going to medical school and will 小题5:  that money away in a very short time. But your son is entering college, and he is 小题6:  to become a doctor. Which one do you give the money to for medical school?
I've asked this question of everyone from the president of a famous university t小题7: an ordinary young soldier, and it has never 小题8: to get a discussion going. Everyone has an opinion, most of them different, but all of them c小题9:. Sometimes this one topic l 小题10: the whole evening.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Betty: Hey, boys!
Tony:Hi, Betty. Hi, Lingling. Where are you going?
Betty: We’re going to the park to skate. There’s thick ice on the lake. Are you小题1: ____________ (come)with us?
Tony: Are you joking? It’s really cold today.
Daming: And it’s小题2:            (cloud) too, so it might snow.
Lingling: What’s the temperature?
Tony: It’s between minus eight小题3: ___________ minus two degrees! Winter is小题4: _____________ (cold) here than in England.
Daming: Is it小题5: ______________ ( snow) in England in December?
Tony: Not usually, although this year it小题6: _____________ (snow) quite a lot. Most Decembers are wet and小题7: ______________ ( rain).
Daming: What’s the weather like in America in winter, Betty?
Betty: We have cold winters and小题8: _____________ summers. It’s snowy in New York in winter.
Tony: Sounds great! I like小题9: ______________ (sun) weather, and I like snow as well. But I don’t like showers or windy weather.
Betty: Me neither. Rainy weather is terrible! I wish I小题10: ____________ (be) in Australia now. It’s probably sunny and hot there.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空


Liu Wei is very famous in China because he can play the piano with his toes .
One day when Liu Wei was only 10 years old, he played a game with some friends. He lost both his arms because of electricity.
(1)Liu Wei was very sad when both his arms were cut off after the accident. But soon he had
to make a choice. (2)“For people like me, there were only ______ choices. One was to give up all the dreams, which would cause a quick death. The other was to work hard without _______to live an excellent life.” says Liu Wei.
Liu’s dream was to be a pianist. His excellent life included a show on China’s Got Talent(《中国达人秀》) and a wonderful performance playing the beautiful Marriage D’amour with his two feet on the piano.
Liu Wei learned to play the piano with his feet. And teaching himself to play the piano with his feet was very hard. Many times he wanted to give it up, but his parents went on encouraging him and he wanted to make his parents proud. Maybe you can not believe that Liu Wei is able to play well only with his toes. The audience were deeply moved and very excited when they watched his performance.
小题3:How did the audience feel when they watched Liu Wei’s performance?(2分)
小题4:What was hard for Liu Wei?(2分)
小题5:Why Liu Wei is famous in China?(2分)

