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— Whose pen is this?  
— Oh, it’s_____. I was looking for it everywhere.

试题分析:句意:这是谁的笔?哦,是我的,我正四处找它呢。句中要用名词性物主代词,其用法相当于名词,后面不用接名词;A 你,你们;人称代词;B 你的/你们的;名词性物主代词;C 我,宾格;D 我的;名词性物主代词;故选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:We’re going on holiday soon,_________ (probable) next month.
小题2:My mother encouraged me ________ (take) part in the football game.
小题3:Mo Yan is a very_______ (success) writer and he got the Nobel Prize in literature (文学).
小题4:I like _________ (France) food, so my mother often goes to buy it for me.
小题5:A _________ (receive) is a person who receives something.
小题6:--- I said “Good morning” to him, but he didn't return the _______ (greet).
--- Maybe he didn't hear you.
小题7:Why not _______ (come) to my house and watch movies with me?
小题8:After the man finished _______ (ski), he went to a restaurant and had a good meal.
小题9:The teacher wrote the __________ (safe) rules on a piece of paper and put it on the wall.
小题10:--- I have so much homework ________(do).
--- Me too. We have no time to play again.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Dear Bruce,
I’m sorry to hear that you feel sad these days. But don’t worry. I think you will be 小题1:.________
(勇敢的)enough to face it. In my 小题2:___________(观点), the first thing you should do is to tell her your problems face to face. After all, she knows what the saying goes, “All work, no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Then she will give you free time. The 小题3:__________ (第二) thing you’d better do is to make full use of time. Everyone knows we can never 小题4:__________(浪费) time. Maybe to your mother, time is life. So please remember: Play while you play, work while you work. Work hard! If she 小题5:__________ (意识)you have tried your best, she won’t let you do so many things.
Good luck!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The old man exercises every day __________(improve) his health.
小题2:The firemen __________(control) the fire, so all of you are out of danger now.
小题3:The Great Wall as well as the Palace Museum _______ (attract) lots of tourists from home and abroad every year.
小题4:Please stop talking, guys. I can’t hear what the youth worker               (explain).
小题5:It was reported that the plane to Beijing               (fly) back to Tokyo by the time of 2:30 yesterday afternoon because of the rainstorm.
小题6:If Steve finishes the job in time, he ____________ (allow) to have a two-week off.
小题7:—Did you notice anybody enter the building just now?
—Sorry, I          (cut) down the tree in the garden.
小题8:The three boy students Miss White paid special attention to           (make) great progress at last.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

A: ________ photo would you like to hang on the wall, the one with John or the one on the beach?  
B: I like the one on the beach better.  
A.What B.WhereC.WhichD.Whose


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:They have finished their tasks.(改为否定句)
They____          finished their tasks.
小题2:My sister said to me, "Don't copy homework.”(改为间接引语)
My sister told me____         .copy homework.
小题3:He has been collecting shells for two years.(同义句)
He has been collecting shells ____two years        
小题4:She paid 3,000 yuan for the computer.(同义句)
The computer____        3,000 yuan.
小题5:I was born in Jinan in June,2000?(对划线部分提问)
        and         were you born?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:You can find lots of useful   (信息)you want on that website.
小题2:He   (躺)on the sofa and did nothing at all the whole day.
小题3:Taking a deep   (呼吸)can help you feel less nervous.
小题4:My parents promised to give me a mobile phone for my   (二十)birthday.
小题5:All you need is far   (超越)my power.
小题6:I'm sorry to say your group scored the   (少)points of the three groups in the game.
小题7:Keep on trying.  Nobody   (怀疑)your ability.
小题8:- What do you think of New York and London?
-I don't like   city. I like Sydney.
小题9:- He fell   and crashed his car into a tree while he was driving.
- Bad news. I was told that he often worked far into the night.
小题10:- Why not buy that expensive skirt? It looks good on you.
-I can't because I am   money to buy a big house.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:There are twelve m______ in a year.
小题2:Mum always cooks for the family in the k______ after work every day.
小题3:Mike likes playing games on the /k?m'pju?t?/ ______.
小题4:It’s quiet here and I can /sli?p/______ well every night.
小题5:I want to go to the library to b______ some story books.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Our club has a         (一周) meeting on Wednesday.
小题2:Have you seen the film         (导演) by Zhang Yimou? Not yet.
小题3:These Asian tigers are actually         (消失) quicker than pandas.
小题4:The twin brothers are         (争论)about what TV programmes to watch.
小题5:A poor man was found       (死) at home last week.
小题6:The actors in this film act much         (差) and I feel far more bored.
小题7:Don’t give up easily while         (面对) difficulty.
小题8:The number of wild animals is getting smaller because of the________of their living areas. (丧失)
小题9:The girl is a top student in her school. She will go abroad for________study next month. ( 进一步)
小题10:Would you please pass on a ______________(音信) for me to Jack?
小题11:The car _____________(产业) is important to the United States.
小题12:The year’s Beijing Music Awards will be c___________ live.
小题13:To be a good actor, Eddie decided to put all his         (努力)into practicing.
小题14:His _____________(成就) go beyond IT industry.
小题15:The students all stood up when the teacher _____________ (进入) the classroom.
小题16:Mr Green put a lot of _______________(努力) into arranging the concert.
小题17:Gong Li is a famous Chinese successful _______________ (演员).
小题18:He asked me to stop that _________________  (立即).
小题19:His _________________(die) was a great loss to the whole world.
小题20:You’d better ____________ (not play) on the road.

