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On my way home I knocked into a stranger as he passed by. “Oh. I’m terribly sorry,” I said. “That’s all right. Please excuse me too; I wasn’t even 26____ you. I wish  I didn’t hurt you.”
We were very  27  . We said good-bye and went on our way.
But at home we often  28 our loved ones in a different way.
Later that day, while I was cooking the evening meal, my daughter stood beside me very quietly. When I turned, I nearly  29 her down. “Move out of the way.” I shouted. She walked away, tears (眼泪) in her eyes.
While I lay awake in bed, I realized how  30  I’d spoken. So I decided to get up to say sorry to my daughter. On the way to her bedroom, to my surprise, I found some  31 by the door of the kitchen. At that time my tears began to fall. I quietly went and got down on my knees by her  32 . She woke up and put her arms around my neck when I kissed her. Then I asked, “Did you pick these flowers for me?”
She smiled, “I found them out by the tree. I picked them  33 they’re pretty like you. I knew you’d like them. I stood quietly in order to give you a surprise.”“Oh dear, I’m really sorry for the way I acted today; I shouldn’t have shouted at you.”
“ That’s okay. Mom. I  34  you anyway.”
I suddenly realized what a clever way it is to explain the word   35  like this: (F) ather (A) nd (M) other, (I) (L) ove (Y) ou!

小题1: D

小题1: D 根据句意可知,应该是注意到某人,故答案为D。
小题1: C 根据前面可以判断相互道歉,应该是“我们”之间有礼貌。
小题1: B 应该是以不同的方式对待我们家里爱的人。
小题1: C 句意:当我转身的时候,几乎撞到了她。故选C。
小题1: B 结合上文可知,“我”意识到我的态度很粗鲁。
小题1: C 根据下文“Did you pick these flowers for me?”可知应该选C。
小题1: A 从后句中“She woke up”可知,“女儿”已经睡觉了,故答案为A。
小题1: D 由句意可以推知,前后句是因果关系,故答案为D。
小题1: A 从前句可以应该是爱她的妈妈。
小题1: C 通过“(F) ather (A) nd (M) other, (I) (L) ove (Y) ou!”可知应该选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Look at this picture. It is __1 __nice classroom. In the picture, you can see a teacher’s2__on his desk. It’s a Chinese book. Eight desks and eight chairs in the room. You can see a girl and__3__ boys.
The girl’s __ 4 __is Julia. She is eleven. The boy __5__a black hat is Tom. The other boy is Tony. They __6 __the same coats and they are the same age. I __7   they are twins. Tom is a__8__ boy. A book is in his hand. You __9__ see the teacher.10   __is the teacher? He is taking the photo
A.isB.wear (穿)C.lookD.am
A.is notB.can’tC.be notD.doesn’t


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A generation gap(代沟)has become a serious problem.! read a report about it in the newspaper. Some children have killed  31  after quarrelling (爭吵)with 32  .I think this is because they don't often have a talk with each other. Parents now  33 more time in the office, 34  they don't have much time to stay with their children. As time passes, they both feel that they don’t have the  35  topic(话题)to talk about. I want to tell parents to be more patient with your  36_,get to know them and  37 them. And for children, show your 38_to your parents. They are the people who love you. So 39  them your thoughts. In this way, you 40  have a better understanding of each other.
A.get on with
B.look after


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

People who have finished education often admire students for their carefree life. But they don't know how difficult it is to ___1__ a student. He can never finish his homework. Furthermore, he has to ___2___ the great pressure of examinations. Everyone wants to get the first __3__ in exams. And after school, there are also many extra classes waiting for him. The worst of all is that students can hardly do ____4__they really love to do, for they ___5__ almost all their time on studies.
(    ) 1.  A. grow    B. take      C. as        D. be
(    ) 2.  A. use     B. become    C. face      D. wait
(    ) 3.  A. place    B. top       C. position    D. desk
(    ) 4.  A. how    B. why      C. what     D. which
(    ) 5.  A. take    B. spend     C. take     D. have


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Driving a car at a high speed along a highway seems to be fun. You only need to follow the
bright traffic signs beside the highway and it will take you where you wish to go.
But to a London taxi driver, driving is not an easy job. A taxi driver needs to have not only good driving skills but also a good knowledge of the city of London, from the loneliest street to the popular restaurant around. He has to be at the service of all kinds of passengers (乘客) at all times.
A London taxi driver said the following about his job.
During the night it is usual for him to stop two or three times for some food. He said, “I never drink when I’m working, otherwise I’d lose my license (驾驶执照).”
He normally goes home between two and three o’clock in the morning. There are times he has to stay longer and try to make more runs. He said, “That’s the worst thing about working for yourself. If you don’t make money, no one is going to give it to you. ”
London taxi drivers not only “take” but also “give”. Every summer hundreds of poor children from London go for a day at the sea ― by taxi! There rides are paid by the taxi drivers. At the sea, they are met by the mayor (市长) , and a lunch party is also held for the taxi drivers and the children. After a happy day’s running around the beaches and visiting the market there, the children go home again by taxi, free of charge of course!
小题1:London taxi drivers try to make more runs sometimes mainly because __________.
A.they make a living by driving
B.they prefer to work for themselves
C.they want to help more passengers
D.they are used to working deep into the night
小题2: How do London taxi drivers “give”?
A.They give the poor children a lunch party at he sea each summer.
B.They give poor children the chance to meet the maor.
C.They pay for some poor children’s rides for a day’s tour each summer.
D.They play with some poor children at the sea for a day each summer.
小题3:Which of the following words can be used to describe London taxi drivers?
A.Brave and careful.B.Rich and generous
C.Modest and easy-goingD.Hard-working and kind.
小题4: The passage is most likely to be found from __________.
A.an advertisement of a taxi company
B.an online travel guide
C.a website about the taxi drivers in London
D.a report about living conditions in London


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you still get free plastic(塑料) bags from the supermarkets?  
Free plastic bags are not allowed at shops and supermarkets in China, and people have to pay for them. The rule started on June 1, 2009. It came because our country tried to make litter less. Making super-thin (超薄) plastic bags has not allowed.
The Chinese once used about 3,000,000,000 plastic shopping bags a day, and they have caused pollution of the environment. The bags have become a main cause of plastic pollution because they are easy to break and people throw them away here and there. So the Chinese people are encouraged to bring their own bags for shopping.
What kind of shopping bag is the best to bring? Some students in Chongqing city have a good idea. They make their own shopping bags. They use old clothes to make cloth bags, and send them to their parents as presents. They also ask their parents and friends to use cloth bags instead of plastic ones. They think it is their duty to protect the environment.
小题1:China made this rule because plastic bags were bad for the _______.
小题2:The Chinese people are encouraged to bring _______ for shopping.
A.no bagsB.free plastic bags
C.their own bagsD.super-thin plastic bags
小题3:Some students in Chongqing _______.
A.ask their parents to make cloth bagsB.make cloth bags themselves
C.pick up plastic bags everywhereD.buy cloth bags for their parents


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

We wanted to study how students at our school spend money. In order to study this, we made some questions to ask our classmates. First, we asked our classmates how much money they spent in one month. Then we asked how much money they spent on things like drinks, music, books, movies, computer games, and other things. Our math teacher helped us make a graph of our classmates’ answers.
Then we thought it would be interesting to compare these answers with our classmates’ expenses from last year. We used their answers to make another graph for their expenses last year.
Looking at the two graphs, it is easy to compare the expenses for the two years. Some of their expenses increased, but others decreased. This was a very interesting project for us.
注:⑴ graph 图表  ⑵ expense消耗,消费
小题1: What did the students spend most of their money on?
A.Books.B.Movies.C.Drinks and snacks.D.Computer games.
小题2:Which expense of the students’ stayed the same?
A.CDs.B.Phone costs.C.Others.D.Transportation.
小题3:What does the word “decrease” mean?
小题4:What did the students spend the same money on last year?
A.Books& OthersB.CDs & Movies C.Movies & BooksD.all the above
小题5:Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the graph?
A.Students spent the least money on e-mail and phone costs this year.
B.Students spent the same money on movies and transportation this year.
C.The expenses on e-mails and phones increased from 10% to 16% this year.
D.The expenses on others decreased from 9% to 4% this year.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

选用方框内所给单词填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。注意:1 每个词限填一次2 每空限填一词,有些词需要做相应的变化。3 其中有两个多余选项。
Where, instead, that, way, health,  bobby, balance, spend, good, watch, habit, when
Many teenagers have problems that worry them. Some do not learn their school subjects 小题1: . Some are good learners and do well in exams, but are so poor at sports  小题2: their classmates call them “bookworms”. Many teenagers suffer from stress, The good news is that there are some simple 小题3: to deal with stress..
Firstly, eating a 小题4: diet, getting enough sleep and doing exercises are very important. How can we be happy if we are not 小题5: ?
For school work, planning ahead can help. Making a list of things they need to do and planning  小题6: to do them can help students organize their time. If you are weak in a subject, you should  小题7:more time on it and ask a teacher for help.
Students should pay no attention to people who laugh at them  小题8:, they should find the things they are good at.
Students should also make enough time for their   小题9: . Playing sports, reading and   小题10:films help them relax.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

From the world’s heaviest apple, the oldest lady to the world’s smallest dog, these are all parts of a group of the world’s strangest people and things. And they are all in the Guinness Book of Records(《吉尼斯记录》).
The book is going to celebrate its birthday this August. It began exactly half a century ago. And it’s always one of the best selling books in the world.
People now can break over 1000 records every week! Why do so many people want to break the records? Do they want their names in the book or meet more people around the world? “It gives people a chance to show they’re the best in the world.” said one of the record keepers Stewart Newport.
The book was started by Hugh Beaver from Britain. In 1951, he went shooting birds and talked with his friends about the fastest bird in Europe. Three years later, they were still talking about it. So Beaver believed that people must have different ideas. So, he decided to start a book to record the world’s truly greatest people and things in it!
The newest book came out last Tuesday. This book has a lot of interesting records. Here are two:
☆ A British dog, Whitney, is the world’s smallest dog. It’s only 76mm tall.
☆ An American woman Lee Redmond has the longest fingernails(指甲).They grew as long as 600 mm! She made the record in 1971.
小题1:We can see everything in the Guinness Book of Records except         .
A.the heaviest fruits and vegetablesB.the smallest people and animals
C.the strangest people and thingsD.very ordinary people and things
小题2:The Guinness Book of Records has been one of the best selling books for           .
A.50 yearsB.76 yearsC.600 yearsD.1000 years
小题3:Newport thought many people tried to break Guinness records because       .
A.their names be kept in the world records.
B.their names could be seen by the whole world.
C.they could meet more people all over the world.
D.they could be known as the greatest by the world.
小题4: Which of the following is right according to the passage?
A.Newport started the Guinness Book of Records in Britain.
B.More than four thousand records are broken each month.
C.The Guinness Book of Records started in the year 1954.
D.The newest book of Guinness comes out every Tuesday.
小题5: The writer of this passage wants to         .
A.tell us the strangest records in the world
B.show us the beginning of the Guinness Book of Records
C.give us an introduction to the Guinness Book of Records
D.let us know the most interesting things in the world

