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Shaquille O'Neal was chosen in 1996 as one of the 5 0 Greatest Players in NBA History.He was __1__ as the 1999-2000 Most Valuable Player by media(媒体).He was in All-Star ten times.O'Neal is a great basketball player,and he IS also a successful __2__.

Shaquille O'Neal is a big man,more than 7 feet tall and 310 pounds,and a big basketball star.Here are some facts about this __3__ player.He was born on March 6,1972,in Newark,New Jersey.His nickname(绰号),Shaq is taken from his given name,__4__ means “little warrior(勇士)” in Arabic.__5__ a child,he did not want to play basketball or be a rap singer.He wanted to be a break dancer(跳街舞者),__6__ when he was 13,he started playing basketball for an American team in Germany,where he was living __7__ his family.His parents had to __8__ the young basketball player in his daily life because he was too young at that time.In Germany,he met Dale Brown,the trainer of the basketball team of Louisiana State University(LSU).This connection with Trainer Brown __9__ Shaq to choose LSU __10__ he finished high school.Then at the age of 20,Shaq __11__ the Orlando Magic,an NBA team.Shaq is now Number 34 with the Los Angeles Lakers and has signed(签订)a __12__ contract for $123 million,or “a hundred mil” as Shaquille calls __13__ in his rap song It Was All a Dream.

Shaquille O'Neal is the greatest __14__ of an NBA player who became a rapper.He has made four successful rap albums(专辑).It Was All a Dream is one of his rap songs.In the song he tells people.how he felt when he became successful.

__15__ amazing(惊奇的)success story he has had.

1.A.reached                   B.caught                 C.held                       D.picked

2.A.dancer                   B.rap(说唱)singer C.trainer                    D.movie star

3.A.rich                   B.famous            C.strange               D.young

4.A.that                    B.which                   C.who                 D.whom

5.A.As                     B.When               C.While                D.since

6.A.so                     B.then               C.but                  D.or

7.A.from                  B.with                    C.by                  D.for

8.A.look at                B.look over            C.look after             D.look up

9.A.had                   B.made              C.let                   D.guided

10.A.after                B.while               C.before               D.since

11.A.played                B.joined                   C.left                   D.took part in

12.A.seven-year          B.seven years         C.one year              D.seven-years

13.A.them                B.it                       C.one                  D.its

14.A.example              B.name               C.story                  D.singer

15.A.How an              B.What a             C.What an              D.How

1—5 DBBBA         6—10 CBCDA         11—15 BABAC


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年吉林长春外国语学校七年级上学期期末考试英语试题(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

   Do you want to be a basketball player like Kobe Bryant , Shaquille O’Neal or Yao Ming ? Come to join us ! We have many sports clubs : basketball , ping-pong , soccer , volleyball , and more . The price is 5 dollars for each lesson .
Do you want to join our sports clubs ? Please call Mr. Green . He plays basketball very well . His telephone number is 371-1236 . His e-mail address is spcb@163.com . Or you can call Miss Jones at 371-1237 . She is our tennis coach(教练). She is good with the students . Her e-mail address is jiayi@126.com .
【小题1】From the passage , we know Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O’Neal are _______ players .

【小题2】Miss Jones can help you with _______ .
【小题3】---How much is each lesson ? ---________ .
A.10 yuanB.5 yuanC.5 dollarsD.10 dollars
【小题4】 Mr. Green plays _______ very well .
【小题5】________ is good with the students .
A.Miss JonesB.Mr. GreenC.Yao MingD.Kobe Bryant


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届山东省胜利油田第五十八中学初三下学期期中质量调研英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。
Many of us Chinese are Yao Ming’s fans. Of course we all know he 1     ( retire ) for several months . Yao made farewell(告别) conference Wednesday. He said he   (force )to make this decision by a series of foot and leg injuries. Yao played eight seasons in the NBA.
“Today is an important day for me and   3  (hold) a special meaning for both my basketball career and my future,”Yao said. “ I    4  (think) about my future for a long time. Today I am announcing a personal decision,   5  (end ) my career as a basketball player and officially retire. But one door is closing and another one   6  (open).’’
Yao said he   7   ( return) to work with his former Chinese team, the Shanghai Sharks, with the possibility of    8  (become) general manager. He already   9  (own) the club and wants to contribute more. He thanked a lot of people — his family, former coaches, even players like Shaquille O’Neal — “for making me a better player.’’
Rockets(火箭队) general manager Daryl Morey was among those attending the farewell conference Wednesday. “I would be sorry if I wasn’t here.” “It’s a big moment,’’ Morey added. “Yao had a sense of humor, a great attitude and sense of responsibility. I hope we 10  (continue) his culture in the NBA.’’


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年山东省初三下学期期中质量调研英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。

Many of us Chinese are Yao Ming’s fans. Of course we all know he 1     ( retire ) for several months . Yao made farewell(告别) conference Wednesday. He said he   (force )to make this decision by a series of foot and leg injuries. Yao played eight seasons in the NBA.

“Today is an important day for me and   3  (hold) a special meaning for both my basketball career and my future,”Yao said. “ I    4  (think) about my future for a long time. Today I am announcing a personal decision,   5  (end ) my career as a basketball player and officially retire. But one door is closing and another one   6  (open).’’

Yao said he   7   ( return) to work with his former Chinese team, the Shanghai Sharks, with the possibility of    8  (become) general manager. He already   9  (own) the club and wants to contribute more. He thanked a lot of people — his family, former coaches, even players like Shaquille O’Neal — “for making me a better player.’’

Rockets(火箭队) general manager Daryl Morey was among those attending the farewell conference Wednesday. “I would be sorry if I wasn’t here.” “It’s a big moment,’’ Morey added. “Yao had a sense of humor, a great attitude and sense of responsibility. I hope we 10  (continue) his culture in the NBA.’’



科目:初中英语 来源:2014届吉林长春外国语学校七年级上学期期末考试英语试题(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

   Do you want to be a basketball player like Kobe Bryant , Shaquille O’Neal or Yao Ming ? Come to join us ! We have many sports clubs : basketball , ping-pong , soccer , volleyball , and more . The price is 5 dollars for each lesson .

Do you want to join our sports clubs ? Please call Mr. Green . He plays basketball very well . His telephone number is 371-1236 . His e-mail address is spcb@163.com . Or you can call Miss Jones at 371-1237 . She is our tennis coach(教练). She is good with the students . Her e-mail address is jiayi@126.com .

1.From the passage , we know Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O’Neal are _______ players .





2.Miss Jones can help you with _______ .





3.---How much is each lesson ? ---________ .

A.10 yuan

B.5 yuan

C.5 dollars

D.10 dollars

4. Mr. Green plays _______ very well .





5.________ is good with the students .

A.Miss Jones

B.Mr. Green

C.Yao Ming

D.Kobe Bryant



科目:初中英语 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

    Basketball stars have become hip-hop singers (街舞歌手). It's true. In the NBA, hip-hop music is very
popular. Many of the players, like Shaquille O'Neal of the Los Angeles Lakers, write rap rhymes (有节奏
感的唱歌) when they travel on planes from one city to another. 
    When they play basketball, some of the younger stars even try to look like hip-hop singers. "Hip-hop is
just part of our culture." says one player. "All of us grew up listening to rap and playing basketball, and
rappers grew up doing the same thing."
    Master P is a famous rap star who wants to become a basketball player. Two NBA teams, have invited
him to join them. They enjoy listening to his music. An NBA player has become a rapper. He has made four
successful rap albums (集).
    The NBA has a closer connection (亲密的联系) to hip-hop than any other sports league.
1. Many basketball players in NBA like ________.
2. Many NBA players ________ rap rhymes when they travel on planes.
3. ________ is just part of the NBA players' culture.
4. Master P is invited to join the NBA teams just because ________.
5. Some rapper hip-hop singers have become ________.

