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Ask them ________ they thought about each thing.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省启东市东海中学初三下学期抽测英语试卷 题型:单词拼写

You’re standing with your classmates. E  66 ___  is talking except you. Perhaps you’re afraid they will laugh at when you say. Maybe you just aren’t b  67  enough to speak. Shyness is like a snake that crawls(爬进)into our mouth and s  68  us speaking. But we shouldn’t let it stay there.
I am 29 years old. Even today, that snake still sometimes v  69  me. When I was in high school, I was so shy that I wouldn’t talk to anyone except my parents and best friends. If a stranger asked me the w  70  to a local shop, it was as if I’d forgotten how to talk. One summer, I got a j  71  in a restaurant and that helped a lot. It meant I had to talk to customers(顾客). I had to tell them how m  72 their meal cost. I had to ask them if they want to drink Coke or Sprite.
This job taught me how to speak with people. You may be too young to find a part-time job. But you can look for other c  73  to speak with people. You can offer to help an old woman carry her heavy bag. O  74  you can go to get a newspaper for your family. If you do these things for a while, the ‘shyness’ snake will soon begin to l  75  you alone. It’ll look for another mouth to crawl into.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014年广东省毕业生学业调研测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

配对阅读? 左栏是五个中学生遇到的难题,某报专栏编辑给他们的七个建议。请根据五个中学生遇到的难题为他们选出最合适的建议,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。

1.Sometimes I get angry easily and shout at my friendsThat makes them think I’m not being friendly to them

2.In my teachers’eyes, I am a good studentBoth my classmates and my parents also think soNo one knows what my problem isI often feel worried about my school work

3.My parents never allow me to play computer games at allThey want me to study all day and do well in my examsI feel unhappy

4.I want to join in some after-school activities, but my parents think they are too dangerous and don't allow me to go out alone

5.My mother gets me to take piano lessonsShe makes it a rule that I must practice two hours a dayI really try my best, but I just can't play well????????????? ALet your parents know you will not be aloneAlso, you can ask a teacher to talk to your parents about the after-school activities

BDon't worryYou can still have some indoor sports

They are also fun

CDon't worry, even great piano players have to practice. Hard work and a lot of practice are the only ways to become a good piano player

DWhen you feel angry you should stop talking and count to ten or walk away until you keep quiet

ETell your friends how you are feelingYou are in a

new class, so you still need their friendshipAlso, you can make new friends

FDon't worryEverybody worries about their school

work, even those students like you who study well. Find a hobby or a sport to help you relax for a while

GTell your parents that many kids play computer games and do well at school, tooAsk them to let you play computer games for a short time on weekends



科目:初中英语 来源:2015届江西南康新世纪学校七年级下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. American schools begin in September. There are two terms in a school year. The first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Then the students have a great summer vacation.

High school students have only four or five subjects each term. They usually have same lessons every day, and teachers don’t ask them to do much homework. After school, they can do many interesting things like playing sports. Most students are seventeen years old when they finish high school.

After high school, many students go to college(大学). They can go to a small one or big one. They need a lot of money to go to college. So many college students work after school to make money.

1.American students always go to school in ________after summer vacation.

A.September        B.June             C.February          D.January

2.Most children go to college when they are _________ in America.

A.twenty           B.seventeen         C.fifteen            D.thirteen

3.划线词语“make money”的汉语意思是______________

A.还钱             B.花钱             C.借钱             D.挣钱

4.We can know that high school students in America______________.

A.don’t like playing sports after school.

B.have six or seven subjects each term.

C.don’t have too much homework.

D.have different lessons every day.

5.Many American college students work after school to ____________.

A.help other children                      B.get money for their studies

C.meet lots of friends                      D.see interesting things.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012年初中毕业升学考试(湖北黄冈卷)英语(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Have you heard of the term “etiquette” And do you know that etiquette is not only a useful word 46 very useful to understand?

Etiquette is not the same in every culture 47 in every situation. For example, standing very close to the person you are talking with is quite common in some Asian countries. However; if you do this in Europe, some 48 people might feel 49.Even in China, we all know that etiquette is not the same in all situations. Perhaps we think that talking loudly in our own homes is fine, but there are other places where talking loudly is 50 .For example ,most people would agree that talking loudly in a library, a museum, or a movie theater is 51 .Even if you are with your friends, it is better to keep your voice 52 in public places. In fact, we should also 53 not to cough or sneeze loudly in public.

If we see someone 54 the rules of etiquette, we may politely give them some suggestions. Perhaps one of the most polite ways 55 ask someone, Would you mind doing this or Would you mindnot doing that. For example, if someone cuts 56 you in a line, you could ask them, Sorry, would you mind 57 the line? If someone is smoking on the bus you could ask, Excuse me, could you please 58 that cigarette? People don’t usually like 59 , so we have to be careful how we do this.

Although rules of etiquette can often be different, some rules are the same almost everywhere in the world! For example, 60 is almost never allowed. If you see someone you know doing this, you can ask them, Would you mind picking it up?





D.but also





















A.not allow

B.not asked

C.not allowed

















B.make it

C.take care of

D.care for










B.are to


D.is to



A.in front

B.in front of

C.in the front

D.in the front of









A.put on

B.put off

C.put out

D.put up



A.be criticized

B.to criticize

C.to be criticized




A.dropping litter

B.chopping trees


D.picking litter up



科目:初中英语 来源:2011年江西省中考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


You’re standing with your classmates. 1.   is talking except you. Perhaps you’re afraid they will laugh at when you say. Maybe you just aren’t 2.  enough to speak.

Shyness is like a snake that crawls(爬进)into our mouth and 3.   us speaking. But we shouldn’t let it stay there.

I am 29 years old. Even today, that snake still sometimes v 4. me. When I was in high school, I was so shy that I wouldn’t talk to anyone except my parents and best friends. If a stranger asked me the

5.   to a local shop, it was as if I’d forgotten how to talk. One summer, I got a 6.   in a restaurant and that helped a lot. It meant I had to talk to customers(顾客). I had to tell them how 7. 

their meal cost. I had to ask them if they want to drink Coke or Sprite.

This job taught me how to speak with people.

You may be too young to find a part-time job. But you can look for other 8.   to speak with people. You can offer to help an old woman carry her heavy bag. 9.  you can go to get a newspaper for your family.

If you do these things for a while, the ‘shyness’ snake will soon begin to 10.   you alone. It’ll look for another mouth to crawl into.


