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We talked to 300 people. One hundred were from 11 to 18 years old. One hundred were from 19 to 26. One hundred were 27 to 35 years old. We asked them what they like to do on weekends. Please look at the chart.

Favourite things to do (by age)

1. People of 19-26 most enjoy       .

A.      taking a walk                B. playing computer games 

C.  watching TV                 D. going to the movies

2. People aged 11-18 enjoy       most.

A.      talking a walk                B. watching TV 

C. going to the movies            D. playing computer games

3. How many people enjoy playing computer games in the 19-26 group?

A. 75         B. 60             C. 25       D.50

4. Which things do most people enjoy doing?

A. Watching TV and playing computer games.

B. Playing computer games and taking a walk.

C. Going to the movies and watching TV.

D. Taking a walk and watching TV.

5. Which of these sentences is true?

A. People aged 27-35 like playing computer games best.

B. People aged 11-18 like going to the movies best.

C. People aged 19-26 enjoy playing computer games more than watching TV.

D. Both A and C.

1C  2C  3B  4C  5B


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Have you ever asked yourself why some people are very successful, while others are not? The answer   1   this question is very simple.

People who have achieved success in life have been working   2   enough to achieve success. They have   3   many problems on the journey (旅程). However, they believe that they will get what they want if they are optimistic (乐观的) and never give   4  .

I admire the successful people around me, so I try to   5   their experiences and I’d like to give   6   I have learned to you, my dear readers. One of the most important   7   to success is optimism, and I don’t believe you can achieve success if you see the world through a dirty and small window. And don’t expect that you can be born   8   or achieve success without any hard work. Success can only be achieved   9   being optimistic and working hard.

At the same time, you should think about how to be optimistic. Let me know what you think and whether you   10   with my ideas or not.

(   ) 1. A. of                B. to                                   C. on             D. from

(   ) 2. A. late              B. hard                         C. quickly       D. early

(   ) 3. A. broken         B. fitted                        C. faced         D. discovered

(   ) 4. A. up               B. away                        C. out            D. back

(   ) 5. A. learn from    B. hear from                 C. come from D. borrow from

(   ) 6. A. where          B. which                      C. how           D. what

(   ) 7. A. problems      B. secrets                            C. days          D. subjects

(   ) 8. A. sick             B. positive                    C. successful  D. helpful

(   ) 9. A. from            B. at                             C. in                     D. by

(   )1 0. A. agree         B. deal                          C. play           D. help


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 ________ the birds in the cage?

A.Are           B.Have          C.Do            D.Does


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 I’m glad ________ the good news that he joined the Party.

A. to hear        B. hearing        C. of hearing       D. for hearing


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

He is ready ________ someone to his class.

A. introduce        B. introduced     C. to introduce    D. introducing


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Don't worry.Your son can look ______ himself well.

A.like         B.for

C.after D.at


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


—Can you come to my birthday party?


A.Yes,I can't     B.Sorry,I can't

C.No,I can D.Sorry,I can


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 A smile costs nothing, but gives so ______.

  A. little                      B. few                          C. many                       D. much


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


First,put the pizza in the oven(烤箱).______,turn on the oven.

A.Next        B.Finally

C.Last D.Third

