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Do you know what a resolution is? It’s a kind of promise. Most of the time, we make promises to other people. For example, “Mom, I promise I’m going to tidy my room when I get back from school.” However, promises you make to yourself are resolutions, and the most common kind is New Year’s resolutions. The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions. When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives. Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year. This helps to remember their resolutions. Others tell their family and friends about their wishes and plans.
There are different kinds of resolutions. Some are about physical health. For example, some people promise themselves they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food. Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement. These are about making yourself a better person.
Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos, or learn to play the guitar. Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork. For example, a student may have to find more time to study.
Although there are differences, most resolutions have one thing in common. People hardly ever keep them! There are good reasons for this. Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep. Sometimes people just forget about them. For this reason, some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions! How about you — will you make any next year?
小题1:Is a resolution a promise you make to other people?
小题2:When do people often make resolutions?
小题3:Who do some people tell their resolutions to?
小题4:How many kinds of resolutions are mentioned in the second paragraph?
小题5:Why do people hardly keep their resolutions?

小题1:No, it isn’t.
小题2:At the start/beginning of the year.
小题3:Their family and friends.
小题5:Because sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep, and sometimes people just forget about them.

试题分析:你知道一项决定是什么吗?这是一种承诺。大多数时候, 我们对别人做出承诺。然而,对你自己做出的承诺是决心。接下来作者对各种各样的决心,进行了小小的总结,最后得出结论是没有决心是最好的决心。
小题1:细节理解题。 问题:一个决定就是你向别人许下的承诺吗?分析原文: Most of the time, we make promises to other people. However, promises you make to yourself are resolutions .句意:大多数时候, 我们对别人做出承诺。但是,你对自己做的承诺就是决心。因此问题的答语为否定回答。故填:No, it isn’t.
小题2:细节理解题。问题:人们经常在什么时候许下承诺?分析原文: the most common kind is New Year’s resolutions. The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions. 句意:最常见的是新年决心。一年的开始是做出决心的开始。明确了时间为一年的开始。故填:At the start/beginning of the year.
小题3:细节理解题。问题:有些人会将他们的决定告诉给谁?联系原文:Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year. This helps to remember their resolutions. Others tell their family and friends about their wishes and plans.句意:一些人将决定写下来,这能帮助他们记住他们的决心。有的人是将这些告诉他们的家人和朋友。明确答案是告诉他们的家人和朋友。故填:Their family and friends.
小题5:细节理解题。问题:为什么人们很难坚持他们的决心?分析原文的最后一段,明确指出:有时人们很难坚持它,有时人们会忘记它。因此对于这种现象,人们说最好的决心是没有决心。故填:Because sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep, and sometimes people just forget about them.

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Sometimes I really wonder whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are very busy making money. They don’t act in the romantic ways that I read about in books or I see on TV. In their opinion, “I love you” is too much to say.
One day, my mother was sewing a quilt (缝被子). I quietly sat down beside her and   小题1:  her.
“Mom, I have a question for you,” I said, breaking the   小题2:.
“What?” she asked, still doing her work.
“Is there love between you and Dad?” I asked her in a very   小题3:  voice.
She stopped her work and raised her head with surprise in her eyes. But then she bowed her head and continued to sew the quilt. I was very   小题4:  then because I thought I had hurt her.
It seemed like a very long time before my mother started to speak again. “Susan,” she said thoughtfully, “look at this thread (线). Sometimes it   小题5: , but most of it disappears (消失) in the quilt. The thread makes the quilt strong and durable. If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread. It can   小题6:  be seen anywhere or anytime, but it’s really there. Love is inside (在里面).”
I listened carefully but I didn’t understand   小题7:  the next spring. My father had a stroke (中风) and   小题8:  walk by himself anymore. After that, my mother   小题9:  my father walk outside every  day. Along the country road, there were many beautiful flowers and trees. The sun gently glistened through leaves. They two, hand in hand, walked slowly. To me, that was   小题10: picture in the world — that’s a picture of love.
They still don’t say “I love you” to each other. But I know they have deep love for each other. I used to think love meant flowers and sweet kisses. But actually, love is just a thread in the quilt.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I am Jack. I am fond of painting on T-shirts. I got the idea two years ago for my brother’s birthday present. T-shirts in the shops were expensive. So I decided to paint a T-shirt myself. I bought a white cotton T-shirt for $ 6 and some paints. I painted a lion on the front. My brother loved it!
Painting T- shirts is great fun. You needn’t be a great artist (艺术家). You can just paint shapes and lines. The T-shirts are the most expensive part of my hobby. I love my hobby because I can make T-shirts that no one else has got. I give a lot of them away as presents to my family and friends. Sometimes, I sell them. I’ve made about 60 T-shirts and each one is different.
小题1: What does Jack like doing?
小题2:Who got the first painted (画好的)T-shirt
小题3: How many T-shirts has Jack made?
小题4: Are all the T-shirts the same?
小题5: What does Jack feel about painting T-shirts?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Why didn’t my teacher believe(相信) me? I’m a good student. I really did all my homework last night, though I don’t have it now.
My teacher knows I’m busy these days.     小题1: I’m on the basketball team and have to practice after school every day.     小题2:
Where is my homework? I have to say, my dog ate it.
Here is the story: Last night, I went home late and was really tired after practice. However, I didn’t forget to do my homework. I ate dinner and did it at the time. When I finished it, I suddenly dropped some meat on my paper.     小题3:   What should I do? It was too late, I couldn’t do the homework again on another piece of paper.    小题4: Later, my dog Max, who loves meat very much, jumped up onto the table and ate my homework!
My teacher said it was an old story.   小题5:   It is true this time, but no one believes me.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

你们学校最近就“一个好朋友的标准”做了一次问卷调查,调结果如下图。请你以“What a good friend should be like”为题,用英语为你们学校的校报写一篇短文,报道此次调查结果并谈谈自己的看法。

注意:1. 词数:80-100(开头已给出,不计入总词数)
2. 内容须包括以上要点,可适当发挥;
3. 文中不得出现真实的校名和人名。
What a good friend should be like
Recently, we did a survey in our school on what a good friend should be like.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Have you ever been sad because you failed in something? If so, please remember, for often, achieving what you expect is not the most important thing. Enjoy the process(过程). Here is a story to tell you why.
One day a little boy decided to dig a hole behind his house after watching a science program. As he was working, a couple of boys stopped by to watch. “What are you doing?” asked one of the visitors. “I want to dig a deep hole all the way through the earth!” the boy answered excitedly. The older boys began to laugh, telling him that it was impossible to do it. Then they left.
The little boy kept on digging and digging. Suddenly, a few small colorful stones caught his eyes. He collected them and put them into a glass box patiently. Humming a song, he went on digging. The box was full soon. Then he talked to himself quietly and proudly, “Maybe I can’t finish digging all the way through the earth, but look at what I have found in the process of digging!”
The boy’s goal was too difficult, but it did cause him to go on, in other words, to cause us to keep working.
Not every goal will be achieved. Not every job will end up with a success. Not every dream will come true. But when you can’t achieve your goal, maybe you can say, “Yes, but look what I’ve found along the way! There are so many wonderful things that have come into my life because I tried to do something!” It is in the digging that life is lived. It is the unexpected joy on the journey that really has a meaning.
小题1: Is achieving what you expect the most important thing in the passage?
小题2: When did the little boy decide to dig a hole behind his house?
小题3:Why did the older boys begin to laugh at the little boy?
小题4: What did the boy find in the process of digging?
小题5: What does the writer want to tell us?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Are you sometimes a little tired and sleepy in the early afternoon? Many people feel this way after lunch. They may think that eating lunch is the cause of the sleepiness. Or, in summer, they may think it is the heat. However, the real reason lies in their bodies. At that time---about eight hours after you wake up, your body temperature goes down. This is what makes slow down and feel sleepy. Scientists have tested sleep habits in experiments where there was no night or day. The people in experiments almost always followed a similar sleeping pattern(模式). They slept for one long period and then for one short period about eight hours later.
In many parts of the world, people take naps(小睡) in the middle of the day. This is especially true in warmer climates, where the heat makes work difficult in the early afternoon. Researchers are now saying that _____________ are good for everyone in any climate. A daily nap gives one a more rested body and mind and therefore is good for health in general. In countries where naps are traditional, people often suffer less from heart disease.
Many working people, unluckily, have no time to take naps. Though doctors may advise taking naps, employers(雇主们) do not allow it! If you do have the chance, however, here are a few tips about making use of your nap. Remember that the best time to take a nap is about eight hours after you get up. A short sleep too late in the day may only make you feel more tired and sleepy afterward. This can also happen if you sleep too long. If you do not have enough time, try a short nap--- even ten minutes sleep can be helpful.
小题1: Why do people feel sleepy in the early afternoon according to the passage?
小题2: 在文中第二段空白处填写一个单词,使得句意完整、上下文通顺。
Researchers are now saying that _____________ are good for everyone in any climate.
小题3: 请把划线部分句子翻译成汉语。
小题4: If you get up at 6:30 am, what is the best time to take a nap?
小题5: Please give a title for the passage.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

If you are a teenage boy and want to succeed, you’d better read this great book!
From Boys to Men, by an American author Michael Gurian, tells you that you are living through the best years of your life.
_小题1:_ But the book says your mind is growing, too.
___小题2:_ To do this, you should stop spending much time playing computer games and you should start playing sports. Sports, the book says, can keep you healthy and teach you important life skills. __小题3:___
The book also tells you what to do if you’re being bullied(欺负).__ 小题4:___ Such experience can also help you become more successful.
To become a successful man, you must believe in yourself. But, most importantly, the book says, you must always dream of success. _小题5:__ Real men always want more.
A.Sports can also teach you how to be a leader and how to work as part of a team.
B.It says you have to stop being scared of such bullies.
C.You may think that only your body is growing at the period.
D.Never be happy with what you’ve got.
E. The book tells you that you need to help your body and mind grow.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Bats are amazing animals. There are many kinds of them. Most bats are black or grey in colour. And they have wings, too. Many people believed that bats couldn’t see. In fact, Bats can always find their way around very well. Usually, bats live in caves and trees. They can fly to their homes from far away. Some scientists said, “Bats can see with their ears.” Is it right? Most bats make a sound. The sound is too low for our ears to hear. They screech(尖叫) when they move around, and the echoes(回声)of these cries come back to their ears. In this way, they are able to tell where walls and other things are. Bats go out to eat at night. In the daytime they hang close together in their caves, trees or other dark places. Only when evening comes,they begin to come out and look for food, In the morning they come home to sleep until the next night. Some people think of bats as bad animals. In fact, they are very useful animals. Most of them catch bad insects(昆虫)for food. Some bats eat flowers and fruit as well.
They are  76  or grey and have  77 .
Most bats live in 78  and   79  .
Most bats eat 80 and some may eat flowers and  81.
They  82  in the daytime and look for 83  during the night.
How they find ways
They “see” with their  84  because they can make a  85  that we can’t hear.

