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If you have a brother or sister, you already know you are different from each other.You live together in the same house and have the same parents.1.________ Why is this? One possible reason is the way your parents treat you.

First-born children receive all the attention from their parents. Most families have twice as many photos of a first-born as any other child. Parents tend to give them more responsibility.2._______ As a result, first-borns are often responsible, hard-working and serious. They often want to do well at school and work3._______ For example, George W. Bush, George Washington, and Lyndon Baines Johnson are all first-borns.

When a second child arrives, parents are more relaxed. The second child is allowed to be more independent. But he also has to compete with the first-born for the parents’ attention and love. These children often choose different sports and hobbies to show independence.4.______ They are often adventurous, fun-loving, and outgoing, but can be jealous and get angry easily.

The youngest child tends to be the happiest. He has fewer responsibilities and more freedom. These children do not feel pressure to do well at school and work, but have to be creative to get their family’s attention.5._______ So, many famous talk-show hosts and comedians were born last.

A.There are more first-born American Presidents than second or last-born children.

B.They are often friendly, humorous and calm.

C.But you have different personalities.

D.Their parents may probably love them more.

E.And they develop different personalities.

F.They depend on the first-borns to take care of younger brothers and sisters.










2.根据后句As a result, first-borns are often responsible, hard-working and serious结果,老大通常是负责,勤劳认真的.故选F。

3.根据后面的句子For example, George W. Bush, George Washington, and Lyndon Baines Johnson are all first-borns描述许多总统都是老大(先出生的孩子)故选A。





科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年四川省乐山市峨边彝族自治县九年级4月教学质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子



If you don’t take more exercise, you will ________ on ________ soon.

2.我们不能总是依靠父母亲。 We shouldn’t always ________ ________ our parents.

3.难以决定到哪里去。It is hard to decide ________ ________ go.

4.他喜欢开着窗睡觉。 He likes to sleep ________ the window ________.

5.是邓小平改变了中国。________ DengXiaoPing ________ changed China.



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年四川省乐山市峨边彝族自治县九年级4月教学质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空



Topic:Vacation in Europe

Cyber Boy


3:15 pm

I’m planning a trip to Europe this summer. I haven’t ________ where I’ll go yet, but I’d like to visit England and France. And I don’t want to ________ too much money.Any ideas?

Esperanto 4-21-2011

8:29 pm

I took a trip to England last year. I had a really great time. If you have a chance, visit Stratford. That’s the town ________Shakespeare lived.



9:54 pm

It depends on what you want to do. Each country in Europe has so ____39____ to see. Are you interested in museums and castles (城堡) 一that sort of thing? Or do you want to experience modern culture?

Cyber Boy


10:17 am

Yoshi一good question. I would like to see museums, but I also want to ____40____ some famous French foods. A castle would also be great.


4-22-2011 11:47am

I think an England一 France一Germany trip might work well for you. You can do a little bit of everything.

1.A.achieved B.decided C.discovered D.refused

2.A.spend B.take C.bring D.save

3.A.which B.that C.when D.where

4.A.enough B.little C.few D.much

5.A.sell B.cook C.try D.do



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年四川省乐山市峨边彝族自治县九年级4月教学质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

一Do you know ________ Jenny comes to school every day?

一Of course I do.She rides her bike.

A.whether B.when C.how D.why



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年四川省万州区岩口复兴学校九年级中考模拟(一)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Are you taking good care of your hair and using the right products? Could your shampoo be damaging your hair? Should you brush your hair more or less? The following are a few tips to help you keep your hair healthy and shining.

A balanced diet will help you have nice-looking hair. Try to eat more green vegetables, eggs and beans every day.

Wash your hair every day, or every two days. Always use cool, clean water to wash the shampoo out of your hair.

Use shampoo that is specially designed for your hair type (dry, oily, etc.).When using shampoo, be sure to massage your hair, including the roots, softly.

Allow your hair to dry naturally whenever possible. Hair is at its weakest when it is wet, so never brush or comb your wet hair hard, and use a wide-toothed comb.

Give your hair a good brushing before going to bed. Do this by bending over so that your head is hanging down, and brush from back to front. This will help remove the dirt from your hair.

Strong sunlight is bad for your hair. So remember to wear a hat to protect it on hot summer days.[来源

1.According to the passage, we should wash our hair___________.

A. every one or two days B. once a week

C. every four or five days D. three times a month

2.We can know that hair is at its weakest when it is __________.

A. dirty B. dry

C. long D. wet

3.We should brush our hair ___________before going to bed.

A. from left to right B. from back to front

C. from front to back D. from right to left



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年北京市西城区九年级毕业会考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— When shall we go to the museum, today or tomorrow?

are OK.

A. Both B. All C. Either D. Neither



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1: 彼得,十点钟了!该上床休息了。
Peter, it’s ten o’clock!__________________ go to bed.
小题2: 你看上去很累,为什么不好好休息一下呢?
You look very tired. ______________ have a good rest?
小题3: 我每天都花半小时骑车上学。
__________ an hour to go to school by bike every day.
小题4: 孩子们在忙着准备妈妈的生日聚会。
The children ______________________ their mother’s birthday parday.
Many schools need to be be reinforced and decorated, and it can______________________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:翻译题



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:翻译题

因为上海举行了2010世博会,所以数百万人前往了上海。(because,the 2010 Expo)

