精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


  go swimming;take a taxi;come back to;on holiday;have a great time;do some shopping;remember to;buy sb.sth.

1. We'll go to the supermarket and ___________ this Sunday.

2. On Mother's Day I'll ___________ some flowers.

3.  Are you free this Saturday?What about ___________ in the river?

4. Last night they ___________ at the party.

5. Yesterday he ___________ to the hotel.

6. ___________ lock the door after class.

7. We'll do some homework and visit my parents ___________.

8.  He'll ___________ Shanghai tomorrow.


  1. do some shopping

  2. buy her 

  3. go swimming

  4. have a great time

  5. took a taxi

  6. Remember to

  7. on holiday

  8. come back to


科目:初中英语 来源:新教材新学案 英语(新目标) 七年级 下册 题型:022


Conversation 1

A:What size pizza   1   you like?

B:I'd   2   a large pizza.

A:And what would you like   3   it?

B:I'd like mushrooms, onions and cheese, please.

A:And how   4   you?

C:I'd like a medium pizza   5   onions and tomatoes, please.

Conversation 2

A:Anna,   6   your mother work?

B:Yes, She does.She   7   a new job.

A:What does she   8  ?

B:Well, she is a bank clerk,   9   she   10   to be a teacher.

