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A: Hi, Peter! Do you know there is a show in Beijing National Art Gallery?

B: 1.???????????????????????????? But I don’t know what it is about.

A: It’s about Chinese history and culture.

B: 2.?????????????????????????? I become interested in it ,I think I can learn a lot there.

A: Would you like to go with me?

B: 3.????????????????????????? But I don’t have enough money to buy a ticket.

A: 4.????????????????????????? .I have two tickets, and I can give one to you.

B: Thank you. 5.???????????????????????????????????????????

A: You’re welcome. Let’s go.



1.Yes, I do / I have heard of that

2.Great /Wonderful/That’s g*eat

3.Yes, I’d like/ love to

4.Don't worry

5.It's very kind / nice of you



1.根据上文,你知道在北京国家艺术馆有一场展出吗?及下文,但是我不知道是关于什么。可知前文为肯定回应。故填:Yes, I do / I have heard of that,是的,我知道/我听说了。

2.根据下文,我对此很感兴趣,我想我能在那儿学到很多东西。可知前文表示积极的肯定。故填:Great/Wonderful/That’s great,好极了。

3.根据上文,你愿意和我一起去吗?及下文,但是我没有足够的钱买票。可知前文为肯定回应。故答:Yes, I’d like/ love to,是的,我愿意。

4.根据下文,我有两张票,并且我可以给你一张。可知前文表示安慰,故填:Don't worry,不用担心。

5.联系前文谢谢你。可知此处应该表示对对方的赞美。故填:It's very kind / nice of you,你真是太好了。



科目:初中英语 来源:2012届福建省永安市九年级学业质量检测考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:补充句子

(It’s Friday today. Bob and Dave are talking about their weekend plans. )
Bob:  Dave, the radio says it is sunny tomorrow. Do you have any plans?
Dave:        76      . I want to go to the beach. What are you going to do?
Bob: I’m going to do some sports.
Dave:        77      ?
Bob: I like basketball best. I think it can help me grow taller.
Dave:        78      ?
Bob: I will play it in the gym. By the way, who will you go to the beach with?
Dave: I’ll go with my parents.
Bob:       79     ?
Dave: We will go there by car.
Bob: Have a good time.
Dave:       80      .


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届福建省尤溪县初中毕业学业质量检测英语试卷(带解析) 题型:补充句子

( It’s Friday today. Bob and Dave are talking about their weekend plans.)
Bob: Dave, the radio says it is sunny tomorrow. Do you have any plans?
Dave: 76.________________ I want to go to the beach. 77.________________
Bob: I’m going to do some sports.
Dave: 78.________________
Bob: I like basketball best. I think it can help me grow taller.
Dave: 79.________________
Bob: I will play it in the gym. By the way, who will you go to the beach with?
Dave: I’ll go with my parents.
Bob: 80.________________
Dave: We will go there by car.
Bob: That sounds good. Have a good time.
Dave: The same to you.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年福建省福安市南片区九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


AHey! Maria! 1.????????

BI’ve been to the River Park.

AYou’ve lived there for three months. 2.?????????

BIt’s great. But I wasn’t used to the air when I first arrived.

AThere are more and more cars. It creates the air pollution.

BI agree. But ? 3.?????????

AWe should do something to protect the environment, I have some videos about that?

BHow nice! Would you mind me watching them?

A? 4.???????? You can come and get them at any time this afternoon.

B? 5.????????

AIt’s my pleasure.



科目:初中英语 来源:2013年初中毕业升学考试(福建漳州卷)英语(解析版) 题型:其他题


Jane : Hello !

Mike :Hello ! May I speak to Ann ?

Jane : 1.___________________

Ann : (A few seconds later) Hello !

Mike : Hello ! Ann, this is Mike. Are you free tomorrow?

Ann : 2.                  What's up?

Mike: We are going hiking tomorrow.

Ann: Yes, I'd love to. 3.__________________

Would you like to join us?

Mike: Let's meet outside Zhongshan Park at 6:30 tomorrow morning

Ann: OK. See you tomorrow.

Mike :4.____________________



科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年福建省毕业学业质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子


( It’s Friday today. Bob and Dave are talking about their weekend plans.)

Bob: Dave, the radio says it is sunny tomorrow. Do you have any plans?

Dave: 76.________________ I want to go to the beach. 77.________________

Bob: I’m going to do some sports.

Dave: 78.________________

Bob: I like basketball best. I think it can help me grow taller.

Dave: 79.________________

Bob: I will play it in the gym. By the way, who will you go to the beach with?

Dave: I’ll go with my parents.

Bob: 80.________________

Dave: We will go there by car.

Bob: That sounds good. Have a good time.

Dave: The same to you.


