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(   ) 4. —Do you have enough men to finish the task?

―No. I think we need       men.

   A. two another   B. other two   C. more two   D. two more


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

[1] Our school is in the south of New York City. It's not big but it's clean and beautiful.

[2] As we go into the school,we can see there is a playground to our left and a small garden to our right. In the centre of the school is our teaching building. When we go into the teaching building,we can see the Head Teacher's Room on the left and the offices on the right. There are thirty-five classrooms and a library in our school. The library has books on every subject.

[3] We have to wear uniforms (校服) to school. Boys wear white shirts,blue trousers,black shoes and white socks. Girls in Grades 1―3 wear white shirts and blue skirts and girls in Grades 4―6 wear white shirts and brown skirts.

[4] Our head teacher teaches us maths. He is a very strict man. If we don't obey (遵守) the school rules,                . But he is also very friendly. When we have problems,he always tries to help us.

[5] Our other teachers teach us English,history and science. They are very friendly,too. They give us interesting lessons,check our homework carefully and often help us.

[6] I like our school very much.

1. 在文中找出与下面所给句子意思相近的一句话。 Our teaching building is in the middle of the school.

2. 将第二段中画线的句子译成汉语。

3. 回答问题。 If Mary is in Grade Five in the school? what col?our is her uniform skirt?

4. 在第4段空线处填人一个适当的句子,使全句


5. 回答问题。 What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 2. I have        English book.       book is very interesting.

   A. a;The   B. an;The

   C. the;The   D. the;A


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. Did they enjoy       (they) at the party last night?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

     Lance Armstrong,a world-famous cyclist,was already a professional athlete at the age of 16        ,taking part in courses of long distance swims,bike rides and runs.

    In his high school years,Lance decided to train cycling. Within a few years,he was a member of the 1992 US Olympic Team. Over the next years,he went on to win many cycling races worldwide.

    In October,1996,shortly after competing (参加比赛) in his second Olympic Games,Lance was faced with the worst news. Medical tests showed that he had a cancer. Doctors told him that he only had a 40% chance to live. With two operations,Lance was not sure that he would ever ride a bicycle again. Luckily,the operations and treatments were greatly successful. In February,1997,the doctors announced (宣布) that Lance was a healthy man again.

    Just five months after the treatments,Arm?strong was back doing what he loved—-cycling. He began a strict training timetable with hopes of a comeback. His goal was to compete in the 1999 Tour de France,which is thought to be the world's hardest bicycle race―a 23-day cycling competition through the mountains and fields of France.

    Lance went on to win the Tour de France for five years. This is thought to be the greatest achievements in sports history. His success is not just about cycling races,but winning at life itself.

    (   ) 1. Lance is a according to the pas- sage.

       A. teacher   B. doctor

       C. coach   D. sportsman

    (   ) 2. The right order of the following is         .

     1.Lance became healthy again after treat?ments.

     2.Lance competed in his second Olympic Games.

    3.Lance began a strict training timetable for Tour de France.

    4.Lance became a member of the 1992 US Olympic Team.

       A. ④①②③   B. ②③①4 C.4②①③   D. ②①③4

    (   ) 3. From the passage,we know that Lance is a (n) man.

       A. helpful   B. strong

       C. honest   D. friendly

    (   ) 4. What can we learn from the passage?

       A. Never give up.

       B. Seeing is believing.

       C. Love me,love my dog.

       D. Practice makes perfect.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Some people learn German i       of French.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. 我们的假期将持续多长时间?

              will our vacation      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 9. [2014 •天津]Cambridge is a small city       the east ofEngland.

   A. between   B. with

   C. in   D. under


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. He was       (deaf) to my requtsts for help.

