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What ________ you ________ at this time yesterday?

A.did, do B.have, done C.were, doing D.are, doing


解析试题分析:at this time yesterday,昨天的这个时间,过去进行时的标志。过去进行时的结构:was / were +V-ing .结合句意,昨天这个时候你正在干什么?故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Molly Jackson was a happy little girl. She lived with her parents. Her parents loved her very much. Every morning, Mrs. Jackson would get up early to make breakfast. She also made lunch for Mr. Jackson. Then it was Molly's job to put her father's lunch box into a lunch bag. And she would give the lunch bag to her father.
One day, Molly gave two lunch bags to her father. "Why do you give me two bags, Molly?" asked Mr. Jackson.
"There is something else in the other bag," Molly answered.
"What's in it?" Mr. Jackson kept asking. "I can't tell you now. Just open it after your lunch," said Molly.
Time passed quickly, it was lunch time. Mr. Jackson opened his lunch bag and started to eat. Then he saw the other bag from Molly. So he opened this special bag.
In this bag, Mr. Jackson found some toys. There were some small model cars and pictures in the bag. And Mr. Jackson found a note(便条) at the bottom(底部) of the bag. It wrote, "Dad, here are some of my toys. You can play them in your free time and have a rest. I love you, dad."
【小题1】Who makes breakfast in Molly's family?

A.Molly. B.Molly's father. 
C.Molly's mother. D.We don't know. 
【小题2】When did Mr. Jackson open the other bag?
A.Before the lunch. B.During the lunch. 
C.After the lunch. D.After the breakfast. 
【小题3】We can't see                  in the other bag.
A.a note B.model cars C.pictures D.books 
【小题4】Molly put her toys in the bag because she wanted her father to                   .
A.sell them B.play them 
C.throw(扔) them away D.mend them 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空


       destroy     lovely      allow    nine    French 
【小题1】September is __________ month of a year.
【小题2】I can read __________ but I can’t speak it well.
【小题3】My house _________________ by the heavy rain last week.
【小题4】I will help my mother do some washing if she ____________ me .
【小题5】My little sister is as ____________ as an angel (天使).


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

---Your school is becoming more and more beautiful!. --- Thanks. It ________a lot in the past few years. 

A.will change B.has changed C.was changing D.changed


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

---Where is your grandpa?
---He _________ Canada and __________ Toronto for a month.

A.has been to, has been in B.has gone to, has been in 
C.has been in, has been to D.has gone to, has been to 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

I ____you yesterday afternoon ,but you ____at home .

A.call ,aren’t B.am calling ,aren’t C.called , weren’t D.calls, weren’t


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

- -- When_______you______here? - - -In a month.
A. will, moving       B. do, move          C. will, move


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

--- The shop is _______ on Saturday and Sunday. We can go shopping there on weekdays.
---Oh, no. It           since last Saturday.

A.open, has closed B.close, has been open
C.open, has been opened D.closed, has been closed


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

— Why is your bedroom so dirty?
— Sorry, Mum. It ___________. I felt very tired after playing soccer.

A.isn’t cleaned B.didn’t clean C.doesn’t clean D.wasn’t cleaned 

