精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


  Frank bought a new doorbell, but nobody seemed to notice it. When his friends came, they knocked heavily at the door. Frank was not happy about it.

One day a friend came to see Frank. He knocked at the door loudly. Frank came to the door, but didn’t open it. He shouted at the visitor from inside. “ I can’t hear you! Please ring the doorbell!”


What did Frank buy?


Why wasn’t Frank happy?


Who came to see Frank one day?


Why didn’t Frank open the door?


Did Frank hear the knock?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


    There is a small shop in our school. We can buy exercise books,pens, colour pencils and so on in this shop. We can buy some food   like bread, chocolate and orange juice there, too. Some of the things are cheap. The shop assistants(营业员)are very friendly   to us. They all work very hard. The shop is open from 8:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m., so the teachers and the students can buy things when   (当)they are at school.


  1. We have a small shop in our school. 

    (  )

  2. We can buy only things for study in the shop.

                         (  )

  3. All the things in the shop are cheap.

  (  )

  4. The shop isn't open after 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

                         (  )

  5. The shop is for the teachers and the students in our school.

                         (  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


    Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are children. Others are young people. Some learn   at school, others teach themselves. Why do all these people want to learn English?

    Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. Many people learn English because it is useful   in their work. Some young people learn English for their higher studies because some of their books are written in English at   college or university. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.


  1. Every student in many countries learns English.

                         (  )

  2. People can learn English only at school.

   (  )

  3. Children learn English because they all like it.

                         (  )

  4. English is useful (有用的) in people's work and life.

                         (  )

  5. It's difficult to answer why so many people learn English.

                         (  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


    An old man is ill and goes to the hospital. A doctor comes to see him and says to him, "Well, Mr Jones. You are going to have   some injections(打针)and then you will be much better. A nurse is going to give you the first one this evening and another one   tomorrow morning."

    In the evening a young nurse comes to Mr Jones' bed and says to him, "Your first injection, Mr Jones. Where do you want it?"

    The old man is surprised(感到奇怪). He looks at the nurse for a few seconds and says, "Nobody let me choose before. Do you really   let me choose now?"

    "Yes, Mr Jones," the nurse answers.

    "Well," the old man says with a smile, "I want it in your left arm(手臂), please."


  1. Mr Jones is ill and in hospital. 

     (  )

  2. The doctor says Mr Jones will be much better after some injections.

   (  )

  3. Mr Jones gets his first injection in the morning.

                         (  )

  4. The nurse wants to give his injection in his left arm.

                         (  )

  5. Mr Jones doesn't like to have injections. 

(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  One day, Mr and Mrs White received two theatre tickets for a wonderful concert. They were very pleased because the tickets were hard to get. But they couldn't know who sent the tickets. The person didn't write his name and address in the letter.

  The Whites called all their friends in order to find out who sent the tickets, but none of them did so. And nobody knew who itwas. They couldn't help(情不自禁)wondering who sent the tickets.

  That evening, husband and wife attended the concert. It was nice performances, but they couldn't enjoy it properly because they were still worrying about where the tickets came from.

  When they returned home from the theatre, they found most of their things stolen(偷). On the table was a note. It said, "Now,you know who sent you the tickets."


  1. One day, the Whites got two tickets from a friend of theirs.

                        (  )

  2. Mr and Mrs White made telephone calls to all their friends to find out who it was.

                        (    )

  3. The concert was not at all interesting.

                        (    )

  4. Their things were taken away while they were out.

                        (    )

  5. Mr and Mrs White were quite clever and careful.

                        (    )

  6. This story is a lesson(教训)we should remember.

                        (    )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  Betty and Peter and their parents are going shopping. They are going to a big department store. The children must have some new clothes. Peter must have a new pullover. His old pullover is too small. Betty must have a new pair of white shoes and a new pair of tights. Mr Clark must buy some socks.

  Mr and Mrs Clark are standing in front of the store now. They are waiting for their children. Peter and Betty are looking at the shop windows. Peter is looking at a window full of trumpets(喇叭) and guitars(吉他).There is a photo of a pop star in the window,too.

  Betty is standing in front of another window. It is full of nice dresses, blouses and skirts. She is looking at a very pretty short skirt. The skirt is very expensive. It is four pounds fifty.

  A lot of other people are looking at the windows, too. Mr and Mrs Clark cannot see their children. It is windy and Mrs Clark's feet are cold. Mrs Clark cannot wait. She is going into the department store.

  Now Mr Clark can see Betty and Peter. They can see their father,too. They are running to the entrance(入口处).


  1. Betty and Peter are going shopping with their parents.

                       (  )

  2. The children want to buy some clothes.

                       (    )

  3. Betty wants to buy a pair of shoes.

                       (    )

  4. Mr and Mrs Clark are standing at the bus stop.

                       (    )

  5. There is a picture of a pop star in the window.

                       (    )

  6. There are many nice clothes in the shop.

                       (    )

  7. The short skirt is expensive.

                       (    )

  8. Lots of people are looking at the windows.

                       (    )

