精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

  Narek is four years old.He has a little face, brown eyes and a shy smile.He lives with his mother, grandmother and a b  1   brother in a village of Armenia.

  Narek does not talk m  2  , but his brown eyes usually s  3   for him.He walks around the t  4   snow in a thin shirt.He watches people in the cold air.His hands and cheeks are r  5  

  Winter is about 6 months l  6  .Narek’s family is poor.Their house is on a hill.It is cold in it.There is no g  7   for windows.They have nothing to keep w  8  

  Narek’s mother is 22 years old.She milks c  9   in the village every day.She gets little money f  10   the hard work.She can only buy a little food.People in the town give old clothes and some food to her family.


1.baby 2.much 3.speak 4.thick 5.red 6.long 7.glass 8.warm 9.cows 10.from

