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Giant pandas will have          to live if farmers keep ________ their living areas.
A.somewhere; takeB.nowhere; takingC.everywhere; takeD.anywhere; taking

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--Is this kite ________?
--No, it’s mine. It’s made by ________.
A.he; myselfB.him; meC.his; himself D.his; myself


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Turn on your computer and (连接) to the Internet.
小题2:It’s an __(荣幸) to talk with all of you here.
小题3:The English has also __(吸收) in many new words from other languages.
小题4:(行动) speak louder than words.
小题5:My teacher told me that I was an (优秀的) student.
小题6:We __(成功) in finishing the hard work yesterday.
小题7:The boss has ­­­­­­­­­(大概) gone home.
小题8:If we go to the West Hill, we’ll see bees and butterflies __(跳舞).
小题9:What’s the p of China?  It’s about 1.3 billion .
小题10:I hope the government will s_ the problems soon.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--I can’t find my dictionary. May I use ______?
--Sure. Here you are.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous m__1__ in China. Every year l__2__ of Chinese people and foreigners visit it. It is not f__3__ from here. You can s__4__ about two hours getting there by bus. You can also go there by train o__5__ by plane. When you are c__6__ the mountains, you can e__7__ the sea of clouds, wonderful trees and rocks (岩石) a__8__ you. In the e__9__ morning when the sun rises (升起),the sun looks b__10__. It is really a good place to go.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Most cities and towns in China have n   1    markets every day. During the day, the streets are q   2   . At night, they become crowded(拥挤的) and lively(活跃的). Usually people a    3  at three or four in the afternoon. By(到为止) 6:00, the streets are l   4    rivers of people.
Night markets are fun places to shop in. You can buy clothes, shoes and many o  5     things. If the price is too h     6 , you can bargain(还价) with sellers. You can also buy nice food. When you are h   7  , you can sit down for a meal. Smelly tofu(臭豆腐)is p   8 but it really smells bad.
The b   9   thing is everything at night markets is c   10   .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:We ________(watch) the boys ________(play) basketball on the playground when something strange happened.
小题2:I don’t know what _________ (happen)to him just now.
小题3:Computers are useful to us. But some students only use them ________ (play) games.
小题4:–--Would you mind ________(take) photos with me? 
--- Of course not. When I miss you, I can have a look.
小题5:You may go to play football as soon as your homework ________(finish).
小题6:Middle school students ________(tell) not to smoke.   


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:We should practice ______________(speak) English as much as we can.
小题2:It’s easy for Kitty ___________(cut) out the eyes ,the nose and the sharp teeth.
小题3:– Where’s Millie?
--Oh, she ____________(wait) for Amy at the school gate.
小题4:All of us can get lots of presents on                (child) Day.
小题5:Look at your clothes. How __________(colour) you are today!
小题6:Why not ____________(take) your dog for a walk after supper?
小题7:My best friend             (not write) e- mails on Monday .
小题8:Miss Xi often buys a lot of _______________(mango) on her way home.
小题9:I think the new shopping mall is a good place ___________(meet) friends.
小题10:Sandy goes to school without ____________(have) breakfast today.
小题11:Mum asks me to clean my own bedroom ___________(two) a week.
小题12:The new coat makes Simon           (look) cool.
小题13:It’s six o’clock now. Millie and Sandy             (not run) in the playground.
小题14:Do you have enough time           (help) us finish the work?
小题15:My little sister wants to be a            (dance) when she grows up.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The Spring Festival is a t__________ Chinese festival.
小题2:The young woman is pretty healthy because she e__________ every day.
小题3:People can get almost all the i___________ they need on the Internet.
小题4:I told him the w__________ story yesterday.
小题5:Jason b__________ a professional soccer star when he was twenty-two.
小题6:A__________ she is more outgoing than me, I am smarter than her.
小题7:It’s raining this afternoon, so all of us must bring our u__________ before we get out.
小题8:He was upset because he didn’t pass the math test a__________ last week.
小题9:We enjoyed watching the movie c__________ “Titanic”.
小题10:Last summer, he went s___________ interesting and had fun.

