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Mrs.Guo ________ the parents around our school at the moment yesterday afternoon.

  1. A.
    was showed
  2. B.
  3. C.
    has showed
  4. D.
    was showing
时间状语at the moment yesterday afternoon解释“昨天这个时候”,谓语应该是过去进行式.

科目:初中英语 来源:复习与测评 单元综合测试卷 九年级下册(配合牛津英语) 牛津版 题型:051

阅读短文,然后按要求完成各题。(Read the passage and do as required.)

  Mrs Chen was a teacher in Nanjing.One summer she was offered a job as the headmistress of an international school.Unfortunately, the school was not in Nanjing.It was in Shanghai.After thinking about it for a long time and discussing the offer with her husband, Mrs Chen decided that(A)最好是接受这份工作并移居上海.

  One evening, after dinner, Mr and Mrs Chen asked their son, Huaming, to come and talk to them.Mrs Chen told Huaming about the decision to move to Shanghai.Huaming was shocked and(B)upset.He did not want to(C)________ his friends and said that he would prefer to live with his classmate, Guo Sheng.His parents hoped that Huaming would later change his mind and be excited about moving to a new city when August came.Soon, it was August.Mr and Mrs Chen were busy packing.However, Huaming insisted to stay in Nanjing and refused to(D)________ his belongings.

  When the day came for them to move to Shanghai,(E)Mr and Mrs Chen could not find Huaming anywhere.They(F)phoned Guo Sheng but he did not know where Huaming was, either.Then they tried calling other friends of Huaming, but no one knew where he went.What they did not know was that as Huaming was walking to his friend's house, something happened.He walked past he park where he and his father often played football.He walked past the supermarket that he usually went to with his mother.He realized that these things would not be special without his family, and that being with his parents was more important than staying in Nanjing.Huaming quickly ran home to(G)apologize to his parents.He told them he was looking forward to living in Shanghai and making new friends there.


2.写出画线部分(B)和(F)的同义词:________ ________

3.在(C)(D)处填入适当的词:________ ________

4.将画线部分(E)处同义句改写:Mr and Mrs Chen ________ find Huaming ________.

5.将画线部分(G)处同义句改写:Huaming quickly ran home to ________ ________ to his parents.


科目:初中英语 来源:外研社七年级英语(上)练习题 题型:051


  Hello! Do you know the boy in the picture? Well, this ismy American friend, Michael.He's thirteen·He is in class Four.His telephone number is 010-88265739.His Chinese name is Guo Qiang.

  Mr Lee is Guo Qiang's father.He is a doctor.He's from New York.Mrs Lee is his mother.She is from Washington D.C.She is a teaeher.Now they are in Beij ing.


1.Where's the boy from?


2.What's Michael's Chinese name?


3.Is Mr Lee a teacher?


4.What's GuO Qiang's telephone number?


5.Where are Michael, his father and his mother now?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:









do well in the exams

like to help others


do more sports


Dear ZhangXu,

  You’re one of my favorite students.In my eyes,____________________________________



Mrs. Guo


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  A.表格中所列内容是李老师对周涛同学的评价和希望。下列表格中所列内容是老师对张旭同学的评价和希望,假如你是老师,请围绕这些内容为周涛同学写下毕业赠言.(提示句已给出)  要求:词数30-40;不要出现真实的人名和校名.


clever      hard-working       do well in the exams      like to help others


                     do more sports

Dear Zhou Tao,

   You’re one of my favourite students. In my eyes, _______________________________________________________________________________





Mrs. Guo


