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B:Yes, I’m going to buy a new dress. I want something beautiful. I want to wear it in the evening.
A:I see. 小题2:_______
B:Size eight or nine.
A:小题3:_______It’s very beautiful.
B:Sorry, I don’t really like the colour. Have you got any other colour?
A:Oh, yes. We’ve got black, white and brown ones.
B:Can I have a look at the white one? That look great.
A:Yes. 小题4:________
B:Thank you. It looks nice. 小题5:______
A:Certainly. This way, please.

小题1:Can I help you?
小题2:What size do you want?
小题3:what about this one?
小题4:Here you are.
小题5:May I try it on?

小题1:根据后文Yes, I’m going to buy a new dress可知在商场购物,故填.Can I help you?
小题2:根据回答Size eight or nine.可知在问想要多大号的,故填What size do you want?
小题3:根据上下句意联系,可知在问这件怎么样?故填what about this one?
小题4:根据上句Can I have a look at the white one? That look great.可知服务员,拿给他看,故填Here you are.
小题5:根据回答,可知在问我可以试穿吗?故填May I try it on?

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

----I haven’t heard from my friends for one month.
----Don’t worry._____
A.what suits you is the best !B.No news is good news
C.Tomorrow is another Day.D.Failure is mother of success


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Good afternoon, Mrs Brown! What can I do 小题1:___________you?
B: Good afternoon, Doctor. I'm not feeling well.
A: What's the小题2:____________with you?
B: My head hurts.             
A: Do you have a小题3:____________?
B: No. My temperature seems to be all right.
A: Open your mouth and say "Ah".
B: Ah!
A: You'd better stay in小题4:_________for a day or two. And take this medicine twice a day.
B: 小题5:___________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

“Shall we go fishing this weekend?” “_______. I’ll go with you.”
A.Thank you.B.I don’t want to go.
C.I have no timeD.That sounds good.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

– Could you stay here a little longer?
-- _______, but I have to go back right now.
A.Yes, I couldB.I’d love toC.I don’t think soD.No, thank you


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

I am going on a trip to Suzhou Amusement Park next week.  -_______.
A.Have a good timeB.Thank youC.It's goodD.Good idea


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

(Joy and Wang Hua are talking about festivals . J is for Joy. W is for Wang Hua. )
J: There is a festival in June in our country. It’s Father’s Day. ___小题1:___.
W: Yes, it’s on the fifth day of the fifth lunar (阴历) month. We call it Dragon Boat Festival.
J:  ___小题2:___.
W: We make and eat zongzi and hold dragon boat races.
J:  ___小题3:___. Why do you celebrate Dragon Boat Festival ?
W: Oh, it is a story about Qu Yuan. He lived about two thousand years ago. His job was to give advice to the emperor. But wasn’t trusted and often got punishment. So he jumped into the Miluo River and died.
J:  ___小题4:___. Was the date when Qu Yuan died May the fifth in that year ?
W: ___小题5:___. From then on, Chinese people began to eat zongzi and have dragon boat races to memorize him.
A. What happened to him?
B. Is there a Chinese festival in June, too?
C. Thank you for telling me.
D. Yes, you are smart.
E. It sounds very interesting.
F. What do you usually do on that day in China?
G. What a pity !


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

当有人向你说“When were you born?”时,你可以用“     ”回答。
A.Fine, thank you.     B.How do you do?       C.I was born in 1998.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—How do you spell your name, please?
A.P-E-T-E-R, Peter.B.This is Peter.C.I’m Peter.D.You can call me Peter.

