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When we can see well, we do not think about our eyes often. It is only when we can not see perfectly that we come to see how important our eyes are.
People who are nearsighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes. Many people who do a lot of close work, such as writing and reading, become nearsighted. Then they have to wear glasses in order to see distant things clearly.
People who are farsighted face just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty reading a book unless they hold it at arm’s length. If they want to do much reading, they must get glasses too.
Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. This, too, can be corrected by glasses. Some people’s eyes become cloudy because of cataracts. Long ago these people often became blind. Now, however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them.
When night falls, colors become fainter to the eyes and finally disappear. After your eyes have grown used to the dark, you can see better if you use the side of your eyes rather than the centers. Sometimes, after dark, you see a small thing to one side of you, which seems to disappear if you turn your head in its direction. This is because when you turn your head, you are looking at the thing too directly. Men on guard duty sometimes think they see something moving to one side of them. When they turn to look straight at it, they can not see it any more, and they believe they were mistaken. However, this mistake happens because the center of the eye, which is very sensitive in daylight, is not as sensitive as the sides of the eye after dark.
小题1:We don’t know that our eyes are of great importance until ________.
A.we think about our eyes
B.we cannot see clearly
C.we wear glasses
D.we have to do much reading
小题2:According to the passage, a ________ is more likely to be nearsighted.
小题3:People who are farsighted ________ .
A.cannot do a lot of close work without glasses
B.can only see things that are very close to their eyes
C.have difficulty reading a book if they hold it at arm’s length
D.have the same problem as the nearsighted people
小题4:To see a small thing at night, it is better to look ________ .
A.with wide open eyes
B.with half shut or narrowed eyes
C.straight at it
D.in a slightly different direction

小题1:细节理解题。句意:我们知道什么时候才意识到眼睛的重要性。根据:It is only when we can not see perfectly that we come to see how important our eyes are.只有当我们不能很好看清楚东西的时候,我们才会意识到眼睛的重要性。故选B
小题2:细节理解题。句意;根据文章,哪种人更有可能近视?根据:Many people who do a lot of close work, such as writing and reading, become nearsighted.很多做写作和读书这样近距离工作的人会变得近视。故A裁缝B医生C门卫D画家故选A,裁缝需要近距离工作,使用眼睛。                 
小题3:细节理解题。句意:远视的人会怎样。根据:People who are farsighted .....they have difficulty reading a book unless they hold it at arm’s length远视的人远视的人读书有困难,除非他们把书放在一臂远。远视者看不清近处的东西,故选A 。                        
小题4:细节理解题。句意;为了看清黑夜中细小的东西,最好如何看。根据:After your eyes have grown used to the dark, you can see better if you use the side of your eyes rather than the centers.在你逐渐适应黑夜之后,如果你用侧面看而不是用 眼中间看,效果会更好。故选D 换个小的角度会看的更清楚。                  

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Imagine the situation. You are driving in a village or on a mountain. You have no idea where you are. You passed the last house two hours ago. Then your car doesn’t work. It is night and it is cold. You have no mobile phone. What do you do? Well, next time take a GPS with you. This invention may be able to help you. It is used for finding your position(位置) with the help of satellites (卫星). A GPS can’t start your car, but at least you will know where you are.
GPS, which means Global Positioning System(全球定位系统), is a small radio receiver. It looks like a mobile phone. You can hold it in your hand, or put in your pocket. It is sometimes put into a watch or a telephone. We also find a GPS in cars, planes, or boats. Some of them have electronic maps, so you know where you are. For example, in a city they can tell you the name of the street.
There are three parts to GPS. The first part is the receiver. You can hold it in your hand, or have it fixed into your car, plane, etc. The second part is a group of satellites going around the Earth. The receiver communicates with at least four of the satellites and calculates its position. The third part of the system is a network of ground stations all over the world. They control (控制) the satellites and make sure they are working well.
Some people think that in the future the GPS will be as common as the mobile. They are becoming better and cheaper. There are also new uses for the GPS. Perhaps they will become like watches. Everyone will have one and you will never be lost again.
小题1:According to the passage, with the help of the GPS, people __________.
A.can’t be lost in a new city
B.can’t find their way in different countries
C.can learn about the culture of an unknown place
D.can spend the least time getting to another place
小题2:We can learn from the passage that ____________.
A.there are three parts to the GPS
B.a GPS can’t be put into a watch
C.a GPS can help you start your car
D.the GPS are becoming more and more expensive
小题3:The underlined word “They ” in paragraph 3 means “____________”.
A.ReceiversB.GPSC.SatellitesD.Ground stations
小题4:What can we infer(推断) from the passage?
A.All GPS devices have electronic maps.
B.People in many countries will use the GPS for free.
C.The receiver of the GPS communicates with at least five of the satellites.
D.The GPS will become more and more common in everyday life.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many animals hide(躲藏) to stay alive. They hide in many ways. Some animals hide in leaves; some animals hide in snow. Usually their colors or shapes(形状) help protect them. It’s hard to see an Arctic bear in snow. Its white fur helps protect it. Chameleons(变色龙) can hide by changing colors. Their skin turns the same color as what is around them. Some chameleons can change colors in five minutes.
Many animals try to look bigger than they are to stay alive. Some animals can make other animals think they are very big. If they look very big, animals that are looking for food will run away. Bears can walk on two legs. They look very, very scary(可怕的). Some animals will run away from them.
Many animals try to stay around other animals. This helps them stay alive. Zebras stay close together so that they can help each other look out of danger. Seeing many stripes(条纹) at once can also confuse(使混乱) animals that want to eat them. Some birds stay in a circle, each toward a different direction. In this way they can also help each other stay alive by looking around for animals that may want to eat one of them.
小题1:Animals have ways to stay alive. Which animal try to look bigger than they are to stay alive in the passage?
小题2:Why do animals hide?
A.Because they like to play hide-and-seek.
B.Because they are shy.
C.Because they want to catch other.
D.Because they want to protect themselves.
小题3:How do Chameleons hide?
A.They change colors.B.They change shapes.
C.They hide in snow. D.They hide in leaves.
小题4:How do zebras hide?
A.Become good friends.B.Talk to each other.
C.Help each other look out for danger.D.Eat and play together.
小题5:Why do animals try to look bigger than they are?
A.They want other animals to run away from them.
B.They want other animals to follow them.
C.They want other animals to see them.
D.They want other animals to like them.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Though the ways of teaching have come a long way, the ways of communicating between teachers and students are almost the same. But now, a European country is trying to change that by building schools that have no classrooms, no subject lessons and best of all, no grades.
The idea behind the special school is that children are creative. And researchers also think that kids’ learning and ideas are as important as those of the CEO of Google, so why not give them a similar environment? Kids may be successful in such an environment.
To make kids more creative, the schools are built with special learning areas instead of traditional classrooms. And even the lessons are taught in a special way, with mobile phones and computers.
There is no “right” or “wrong” kind of education. The school believes that everything is a learning experience, whether it is about a serious science project or making a movie inside the school’s recording studio.
One of the special schools opened in August, 2011. It has five learning areas. The Cave is a secluded place where students fix their attention on individual (个人的) projects without being bothered (打扰). The Lab is a place where students can do all kinds of experiments and test their ideas. Kids can work in groups in the same projects in The Camp Fire. The Show Off is where kids can show their inventions. And if the kids need a rest, they can visit The Watering Hole, which has all kinds of fun activities.
Sounds great? And the coolest thing is that the school is free! I hope more schools like this will appear in the world!
小题1:What is the idea behind the special school?
A.The children are creative.
B.All the students need to be taught.
C.All the students must be successful.
D.All the students must have high grades.
小题2:From the passage we can infer (推断) that        in the special schools.
A.students are boredB.students are tired
C.students learn freely D.students learn from their teachers
小题3:“The Cave is a secluded place ….” The word “secluded” probably means “   ” in Chinese.
小题4:Paragraph 5 mainly tells us that       .              
A.the school doesn’t have grades
B.the school has clever students
C.the school has five learning areas
D.the school doesn’t have classrooms


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Everyone hopes to have a healthy lifestyle. But do you know what a healthy lifestyle is like? Here are some ways to have a healthy life.
Get active
This is the most important way of a healthy lifestyle. Walking, running, playing basketball and other sports will help you keep healthy.
Keep clean
Keep the places around you clean. Unclean and untidy places can not only make you angry but also (不但…而且)make you ill.
Eat healthily
Our health depends on (依赖于) our food, so everyone should remember to eat healthy food. The healthier food you eat, the healthier you will be.
Live green
This is the easiest way to live a healthy lifestyle. Plant trees around your house. Try your best to use less(更少的) water. Stop using things if they are bad for environment.
小题1:How many ways does the passage tell people to have a healthy lifestyle?
小题2:How will unclean places make people feel?
A.Sad.B.Angry and ill.
C.Happy and healthy.D.Excited.
小题3:What does the underlined word “environment” mean in Chinese?
小题4:From the passage, which of the following is the way to live green?
A.Getting lots of exercise.
B.Keeping clean and tidy.
C.Planting trees.
D.Eating more fruit and vegetables.
小题5:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Get active is the only way to keep healthy.
B.You don’t need to keep your home clean.
C.You should try your best to use less water.
D.Our health depends on our clothes.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some students ask for more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. They say they can afford these things. But I don’t agree with them.
Waste can bring a lot of problems. Although China is rich in some resources (资源), we are short of others, for example, fresh water. It is reported that we will have no coal(煤) or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where can we move? Think about it. (83) I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible.
In our everyday life, we can do many things to prevent (阻止) waste from happening, for example, turn off the water taps when we finish washing, turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, try not to order more food than we need, and so on. Little by little, everything will be changed. (84) Waste can be stopped one day, if we do our best.
任务1:根据要求答题。(请注意问题后的词数要求) 提示: within 在…以内  waste浪费
小题1:List the wastes mentioned in the first passage: (within 15 words 15个词以内)
小题2:What problems can waste bring? (within 20 words)
(1) ______________________________________________________________
(2) ______________________________________________________________
任务3:请给短文拟一个适当的标题:(within 5 words)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever been ill? When you are ill,you must be unhappy because your body becomes hot,and there are pains all over your body. You don't want to work,you stay in bed,feeling very sad.
  What makes us ill? It is germs(细菌). Germs are everywhere. They are very small and you can't find them with your eyes,but you can see them with a microscope. They are very small and there could be hundreds of them on a very small thing.
  Germs are always found in dirty water. When we look at dirty water under the microscope,we shall see them in it. So your father and mother will not let you drink dirty water. 
  Germs aren't found only in water. They are found in air and dust. If you cut your finger,if some of the dust from the floor goes into the cut(割开处),some of the germs would go into your finger. Your finger would become big and red,and you will have much pain in it. Sometimes the germs would go into all of your body,and you would have pain everywhere.
小题1:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.If things are very small,they are germs.
B.If things can't be seen,they must be germs.
C.Germs are only in dirty water.
D.Germs are everywhere around us.
小题2:What is a microscope used for?
A.Making very small things look much bigger.
B.Making very big things look much smaller.
C.Helping you read some newspapers.
D.Helping you if you can't see things clearly.
小题3:Why don't your parents let you drink dirty water?
A.You haven't looked at it carefully. B.Water can't be drunk in this way.
C.There must be lots of germs in it. D.Water will make you ill.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Germs can be found both in water and in the air.
B.Germs can go into your finger if it is cut.
C.If your temperature is not OK,there must be germs in your body.
D.If your finger isn't cut,there aren't any germs on it.
小题5:What's the main idea of the passage?
A.Germs may make us ill.    B.Germs are in dirty water.
C.Don't drink dirty water.     D.Take care of your fingers.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The computer is important and can help us do a lot of things. Lots of children spend too much time on the computer. It’s bad for their study. Here is some advice(建议) for the parents.
◆Move the computer out of the child’s bedroom. It is good for children to reduce (减少) the time to use the computer.
Set a password for the computer. If your child wants to use it, he/she should get your permission (允许).
◆If your child uses the Internet for studying. He / She doesn’t use it to play games, praise (表扬) him/her for that.
◆When your child wants to use the computer to play games, you can take her/him to the library, get her/him together with friends to play sport.
小题1:The first advice (建议) is “________”.
A.Set a password for the computer
B.Set a time-limit for playing on the computer
C.Spend much time playing sport with the child
D.Move the computer out of the child’s bedroom
小题2:The underlined phrase “Set a password” means ________ in Chinese.
小题3:If your child uses the computer for studying, you can say “________” to him/her.
A.SorryB.Happy birthday C.GoodD.No
小题4:This passage is writing to ________.     
A.students B.teachersC.parents D.workers
小题5:What can the parents do when the child wants to play computer games?
A.They can take her/ him to the library.
B.They can let her/ him play computer games.
C.They can take her/ him to school.
D.They can praise him/her.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“I sometimes get up at three or four in the morning to surf the Internet.”
“I check my e-mail almost forty times a day.”
“I seldom spend less than three hours each time on the net.”
“Spend more time in chat rooms than with my real-life friends.”
Do you know any people like these? They are part of a new addiction(瘾) called Internet addiction. According to experts, Internet addicts(迷)spend at least thirty to forty hours online every week. They lose control of the time they spend on the Internet.
For example, one college student was missing for several days. His friends were worried and 1ooked for him everywhere but couldn’t find him. They called the police. The police found the student in the computer lab: he was surfing the Internet — for seven days straight.
A study shows that about six to ten percent of Internet users become addicted. The teenagers spend more time on the Internet than with families. That’s why some experts worry most about young people.
Is “surfing the Internet” a hobby or all addiction for you? You may have a problem if you have one of the following symptoms(症状):

★You can’t wait to get online again.
★You go out with your friends less and less.
★You’ve decided to spend a short time online,but then you spend several hours.
★You do not go to important family events or you do not do school projects because you like to spend hours on the Internet.
What is the solution(解决办法)? Some experts suggest that people set strict limits(限制) on their time for Internet use. You have to learn to control it, or the Internet would control you.
小题1:Do Internet addicts spend at least thirty to forty hours online every week?
小题2:Where was the missing college student found?
小题3:Why do some experts worry most about young people?
小题4:How many symptoms are mentioned in the passage?
小题5:What’s the passage mainly about?

