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Tips for Living in China
When you are invited to a dinner, you don’t have to eat everything .First, try a little of every dish by putting some on your plate or in rice bowl. You don’t have to eat it, but as a foreign guest (客人),you are supposed to be served first. If you don’t try anything, your host will be embarrassed(尴尬)---and will put it on your plate for you .
When you go to open-air markets or personal stores, you need to bargain with the shop assistants. Remember to build a friendly relationship(关系)first. You are creating a relationship with the businessman ,not a price war. Think of it this way :Shouting ,arguing ,and pointing are not good. Smiling ,being friendly, offering to buy more for a better price is. And don’t be afraid to ask,” Can you offer me a better price?”
Don’t point with them at other people’s faces ,and by all means don’t stick them upright in your rice bowl----that is how the Chinese honor (纪念)the dead at graves. You should put them beside the plate.
Chinese smile for more reasons than Americans .A smile can mean the person is embarrassed, trying to be helpful ,curious, happy or friendly .In the middle of an argument ,smiling means that the speaker doesn’t want this to become personal. When all else fails ,smile in China. It shows you have no ill intention (意图)and can work wonders in getting better service.根据表格内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。(10分)
小题1:When you are invited to a dinner,__________.
A.you need to eat all the dishes
B.you may take one dish to put it on your own plate
C.you should try to eat the dish on your plate
D.you may go out if you don’t like to eat the dishes
小题2:What’s the Chinese meaning of the word “bargaining”?
小题3:If you want to buy something in a proper price, you should _____    .
A.shout to the shop assistant
B.argue with the shop assistant
C.talk with the shop assistant with a smile
D.fight with the shop assistant
小题4: Which sentence is right?
A.You may point with the chopsticks at people’s faces when you are talking .
B.When you finished eating the food ,you may lick the chopsticks.
C.If you are full ,you may stick the chopsticks upright.
D.When you finished eating the dinner, you may put the chopsticks next to the plate.
小题5: When you are in the middle of an argument , smiling means ________.
A.laughing at the other people
B.this is the best attitude to the other people
C.the speaker doesn’t want this to become personal
D.we must beat the other people


小题1:细节理解题。根据文中原句.First, try a little of every dish by putting some on your plate or in rice bowl.(首先把每种菜都尝试一点放到你的盘子或米饭碗里)可知此题选C。
小题2:词义猜测题。根据文中第二部分描述,When you go to open-air markets or personal stores, you need to bargain with the shop assistants.(当你去一个露天市场或个人商店,你需要和店员讨价还价),所以bargain一词的意思是讨价还价,故选A。
小题3:推理判断题。根据文中购物时的描述Remember to build a friendly relationship(关系)first. (首先记住建立一种友好关系)可知此题应选C。
小题4:细节理解题。根据文中对筷子的使用说明及文中原句You should put them beside the plate.(你应该把它们放在盘子旁边)可知D是正确的。
小题5:细节理解题。.根据文中原句In the middle of an argument ,smiling means that the speaker doesn’t want this to become personal.(在争论之中,微笑意味着讲话人不想让这成为个人的)可知此题选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

As we all know, eating habits are different in different countries. The Chinese have a      . “Eat good things for breakfast, eat a big meal for lunch, but eat        at dinner.” Many Americans agree that one should start the day with a good breakfast, but their       about lunch and dinner are different.
Most Americans only give       a short time for lunch. So they eat a small lunch. After work they will have more time to eat a big dinner. Talking about their day with all the family is a great way to take a good rest after a long, hard day of work.
Eating at restaurants is also different. In China, people like to talk and laugh while     . Very often you can hear people talking and laughing       , and they are just having a good time. In America it is not like this. If someone is talking too loudly at table, the manager of the restaurant may       and ask them to be quiet. After dinner, it’s thought quite rude if you leave       you finish eating. You are expected to stay and        around the dinner table.
So if you want to be       , there’s an English saying, “When in Rome, do as Romans do.”
A.littleB.less C.fewD.fewer
A.languages B.foodC.ideasD.words
A.ourselvesB.yourselves C.themselvesD.oneselves
A.cookingB.eating C.playingD.speaking
A.come onB.come inC.come outD.come up with
A.as soon asB.until C.whenD.while


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

“It’s raining cats and dogs!”Grandpa shouted.
Little Richie came running to the window. He wanted to see the ____falling from the sky. He looked out of the window, but is was ____that there were no cats or dogs. He only saw small pools of water on the ground.
“Man, it’s really coming down out there!” Uncle Bob agreed____he looked out of the window, too. Richie scratched his head(挠头). What was coming down? First they talked about cats and dogs that ____ be seen. Now someone said it “it”. What was going on with these ____?
“Wow!” Aunt Susie shouted as she looked out of the window. “It’s raining really hard.”
Richie____his aunt. “It is raining hard,” he agreed, “but ____are the cats and dogs?”
Grandpa laughed. “Richie, that just____it’s raining really hard.”
“So why didn’t you just say that?” Richie ____. It was irritating (恼人的) when people like they were not speaking English at all.
“We did. You just didn’t understand these____.” Richie’s cousin said with a big smile.
“Well, now I do.” Richie said.
A.tigers and lionsB.pigs and sheepC.cats and dogsD.chickens and ducks
A.shouted atB.looked atC.laughed atD.pointed at


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

(B) What are you going to do if you are in a burning house?
Escaping(逃离) a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do during a fire can save yourself. It is important to know the ways you can use and to show them to everyone in the family, such as stairways (楼梯) and fire escapes, but not lifts(电梯).
From the lower floors of the building, escaping through windows is possible, learn the best way of leaving through windows with the least chance of serious injury (伤害).
The second floor windows are usually not very high from the ground. An average (普通的) person, hanging by the finger-tips will have a drop of about six feet to the ground. It is about the height of an average man. Of course, it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building.
Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed, or smoke and fire may be drawn into the room. Keep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may have leaked (渗入) into the room.
On a second or third floor, the best windows for escaping are those which open onto a roof . From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely, dropping onto stones might end in injury.
小题1:From the beginning, we know that it is important to       .
A.know the way to escape a fireB.put out a fire in a burning house
C.jump out of a burning houseD.keep the door closed
小题2:It is possible to escape through the windows         .
A.if there are some stones on the ground
B.if there is some grass on the ground
C.if you live on a higher floor
D.if you have a short enough rope
小题3:Which of the following is right according to the information in the passage?
You can escape through lifts.
You can choose fire escapes.
You can’t escape through stairways.
Keep your head high at the window to be sure you get fresh air.
小题4:Keep the door closed so that         if the building is on fire.
A.smoke and fire can’t be drawn into the room
B.you can call for help
C.you can get fresh air
D.you can be sent first
小题5:The best title for the passage is          .
A.Escaping through the windows
B.Saving yourself from a burning house
C.Knowing on fire
D.Waiting for help


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It    Sunday yesterday . We had       classes. I got up at 6:30     morning. Then my mother and I went to the shop. We wanted to do some      .My mother wanted to buy some food 35     supper and I wanted to buy some school things: some books and a pen. The shop         early in the morning        a lot of people in the shop. They were       , old and young. Some things in the shop were cheap ,some were not. We bought some food and school things. The people in the shop         friendly           .
小题1:A.is            B.was            C.it's
小题2:A.no            B.not             C.not any
小题3:A.in            B.in the           C.at
小题4:A.shops         B.shoping         C.shopping
小题5:A.for           B.to              C.with
小题6:A.open         B.opening         C. opened
小题7:A. There is        B.There has        C.There were
小题8:A.man and woman  B.mans and womans  C.men and women
小题9: A.was            B.were           C.did
小题10:A.for we         B.to us           C.for our


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mr.Smith teaches English in a middle school.He has two children. They are     . Mr. Smith calls them Mike and Dick. Jim and Alex are Mr. Smith’s students. They often go to see the twins and      with them at home. Sometimes, they      something to Dick and Mike. On Saturday, they go to Mr. Smith’s. When the twins see Jim and Alex, they are very happy. Jim asks Mike,  “   are you, Mike?” “Three.” Mike answers.
Alex behind Jim says, “Dick and Mike. Look! Pears. Don’t you want     ? Well, I have a     . If one of you can answer well, I will      him one.” The twins      Alex carefully. “I have two pears, now I eat one. How many do I have, then?”
“One.” Dick says.
Mike answers, “Two.”
“Two?” Jim says, “   ?”
“Oh, one is inside and      is outside.”
A.twin brothersB.twin brotherC.twins brotherD.twins brothers
A.How muchB.How manyC.How oldD.What time
A.to drinkB.to eatC.eatD.play
A.hearB.listen toC.listenD.look at
A.OtherB.anotherC.the othersD.the other


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever heard of “flash mob(快闪族)”?
On July 12th,2009,at 5 pm, a lot of fans gathered at People’s Square I Shanhai to complete Michael Jackson’s unfinished dance in one minute.For a total of 60 seconds,they sang and did the moon walk to remember Michael Jackson.
This kind of phenomenon(现象)is called “flash mob”. “flash mob” is a group of people who gather in a public place to perform a strange activity for a short time.Sometimes, all these people are friends,but usually they are strangers who find each other through the Internet or sending short messages using mobile phones.
It’s interesting how “flash mob” activities are planned.Without technology–the Internet or mobile phones,it would be impossible to organize so many people in such a short time.
“flash mob” is very surprising and strange.One of the popular“flash mob” activities was in Manhattan,New York City.Several hundred people gathered in a department store and each of the them told the salesperson that they would buy the style of carpet(地毯),and the salesperson didn’t know what to do.
小题1:What is “flash mob”?
小题2:What did a lot of fans do at People’s Square in Shanghai on July 12th, 2009?
小题3:Do the members of “flash mob” usually know each other very well?
小题4: How are so many people organized in such a short time?
小题5: What does the writer think of “flash mob”?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Microblogging(微博) is sweeping across the world. You Can express your ideas on any topic on it. Of course, you might also make comments(评论) on others’ microblogs.
The following is Tony’s microblog at Enviroboard and its comments.
Subject: Eco-Friendly Transportation
Saturday 9th June 8:05 am  
Hi everyone! My name’s Tony. I’m doing a project about greener ways to travel. I want to know if anyone has any good ideas. Thanks for your help!                
                                                                  Comments [4]
I think people should do more things online from home.  Why pollute the air by driving your car to the supermarket, when you can order your weekly shopping on the Internet—You can also book holidays as well.            
                                               Posted by Billy on June 1lth 7:36 am
I try to use public transportation whenever I can. I take the bus to college and walk home. When my mum wants to give me a lift, I always refuse, as I can get there quickly by bus. Also the buses in my town are electric so they are environmentally friendly!
                                         Posted by Carol on. June 12th 10:35 am           
Why not use two wheels? Any motorcycle will use less fuel (燃料)than an a car. You don’t get caught in traffic jams either. But in my opinion, the best thing is a bicycle. They don't produce any pollution and help you to keep fit at the same time.                                                      
                                               Posted by Daz on .lune 12th 16:00 pm
I can’t get to my university by bus or train. So I found three other girls who live nearby to have a car share with. And now we take it in turns to drive every day. I have cut down the costs —and most importantly, —I am helping the environment!
                                              Posted by Angela on June 15th 9:36pm
小题1:Billy thinks that we can make less air pollution by            .
A.doing things online at homeB.driving cars to shopping centers
C.taking buses to the supermarketsD.taking holidays around the world
小题2:Buses in Carol’s town are environmentally friendly because             .
A.they use fuelB.they are cheap
C.they are electricD.lifts are free
小题3:Daz thinks riding bicycles ______.
A.will help us save more fuelB.will get caught in traffic jams, too
C.can be very clean and help keep fitD.will save us some time
小题4:Angela goes to school by car sharing because ________.
A.she doesn’t like busesB.she wants to help the environment
C.she wants to go to school quicklyD.she mainly wants to save cost
小题5:Tony wrote the message on his microblog to________.
A.get some good ideas on making net pals
B.get some tips on travelling to the places with green trees
C.use microblog to go shopping
D.ask for some advice on cutting down pollution while travelling


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Zhang Liang is__小题1:___(高的) and handsome and he is also good at making food. He has been famous as “China’s Good Dad” after_____小题2:___(出现) on one of the year’s hottest shows, Where Are We Going, Dad?, on Hunan TV.
On the show, the_ ___小题3:____(五) dads went on 72-hour trips with their children every week. Although Zhang is the_____小题4:______(最年轻的) of them, he and his son Tiantian have stood out as the most popular pair on the show since _____小题5:___(十月) . He is not __小题6:_____(严格的) with his child. He is_____小题7:________(耐心的) with his son, Zhang has a different way from the other fathers by treating Tiantian ___小题8:____(几乎)like a friend. Zhang says he puts himself in his son’s shoes when problems come out.
Zhang is a super ___小题9:_____(星) now. He used to be a __小题10:___(厨师) and a salesman. He said he had enjoyed every step of the life. “Never give up!” It is his law of his life.

