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We are all busy talking about and using the internet. But how many of us know the history of the internet?
Many people are surprised when they find that the internet was set up in the 1960’. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks didn’t work well if one computer in the network broke down. Then the whole network stopped. So a new network system had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If one part of the network was not working , information could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system could keep on working all the time.
At first the internet was only used it, too. However, computers were still very expensive and the internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990’s, computers were still very expensive and the internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990’s, computers had become cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed software that made “surfing “ the internet more convenient.
Today it is easy to get online and it is said that millions of people use the internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students. The internet has now become one of the most important parts of people’s life.
小题1:The Internet has a history of more than        years.
小题2:A new network system was set up to        .
A.make computers cheaper
B.make computers expensive
C.make itself keep on working all the time
D.make computers large
小题3:At first the Internet was only used by        .
A.the governmentB.universitiesC.hospitalsD.schools
小题4:What does “convenient” mean in the passage?
小题5:Today        than before.
A.fewer people are using computers
B.it is more difficult to get online
C.sending e-mail is more popular
D.computers are more expensive


小题1:细节理解题。根据第二段, Many people are surprised when they find that the internet was set up in the 1960’可以算出有40多年的历史了可知选C。
小题2:细节理解题。根据第一段,In this way computer network system could keep on working all the time.这样的计算机网络系统可以继续工作。可知应选C。
小题4:词义猜测题。根据Scientists had also developed software that made “surfing “ the internet more convenient.说明了convenient的意思是方便的意思。故选C。
小题5:细节理解题。通过文章Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students今天发送电子邮件更受欢迎故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you want to know something about chil­dren in Africa? What to they do for fun every day? Find out here:
School is expensive for many African children. Lots of families can’t afford school uniforms or ex­ercise books even though they don’t have to pay for school.
For those lucky enough to go to school , they have a lot to learn. Some take two language clas­ses: English or French, and their first language. There is also math, science, history, social studies and geography. Chores take up much of children’s time after school. They have to get water and fire­wood for the family every day. Also there’s clean­ing , washing and helping Mum with the meal.
Daily fun
It’s not all work and no play. Sports are very popular. Children can make goals with twigs ( 嫩树枝)and their own footballs with plastic and bits of string ( 绳子 ). They play in the country and the streets of old towns. There’re many football teams for teenagers in Africa.
It’s really expensive to get on the Internet. To surf the net for 20 hours costs over 600 yuan. This is more than the average (平均的) monthly pay per person.
Egypt and South Africa are the top two users of the Internet in Africa. All of the capital cities there can get on the Internet.
Some schools offer computer lessons but few students can enjoy computer fun at home.
小题1: The underlined word "Chores" probably means
小题2: Sports are very popular in Africa because chil­dren _________.
A.do not need money to play
B.can play all kinds of ball games
C.don’t like to go to school
D.don’t like to do their homework
小题3:The passage is mainly about_________.
A.education in Africa
B.children’s school life in Africa
C.the Internet in Africa
D.children’s daily life in Africa
小题4:From the passage, we can infer (推断) that in Africa_________.
A.basketball is popular among children
B.children in Africa have to pay for school
C.some children in Africa have to take two for­eign language classes
D.people in Egypt and South Africa may get higher pay than people in the other countries


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Think rock, paper, scissors is a children’s game? Think again.
Top players from around the world came together in Toronto to compete for a ten thousand Canadian dollar prize and the title of world champion.
More than 500 players, including national champions from Australia, Norway and New Zealand, attended.
The simple game is often used to make decisions and solve some simple problems.
Players hold their fists closed and count to three before making a fist (rock), a flat hand (paper) or two fingers (scissors). Paper covers rock, scissors cut paper and rock breaks scissors.
Players have different ideas about the history of the game, but it is commonly believed to have been played for centuries in Japan.
The Paper Scissors Stone Club opened in England in 1842 and players could play together there.
In 1918, the name was changed to World RPS Club and its headquarters moved from London to Toronto.
The world championship has been held since 2002, which is held once every year.
小题1:The winner of the game can get ___________ Canadian dollars as a prize.
A. 10,000               B. 100,000          C. 1,000,000
小题2:The game has been played in Japan ___________.
A. since people invented it         B. for about one thousand years
C. since several hundred years ago
小题3:When did World RPS Club’s headquarters move to Toronto?
A. In 1842          B. In 1898          C. In 1918
小题4:The ___________ world championship will be held in 2012.
A. ninth                B. tenth                C. eleventh
小题5: In the writer’s opinion, ___________.
A. the game is often used to solve big problems.
B. the game is not just a children’s game
C. the game was first played in Japan


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In modern society, people use money every day. It seems that it is very important in our life. That’s because without money you can’t buy any goods(商品) you want. But I think few people know the history of money.
Long ago, people did not need money. They lived on wild animals, fruits and other plants. As time passed, people learned to raise animals and crops. Sometimes, families produced more than they needed, so they started to trade with other families. Later, people began to use money as a means of exchange. However, it was not the kind of money we use today. They used shells, rice, salt, large stones, etc.
During the 600s BC, people began using coins as money. They soon found that coins were easier to carry than goods and lasted a long time. Later, countries began to make their own coins.
The Chinese were the first to use paper money, probably as early as the 11th century. The Italian traveler Marco Polo saw the Chinese using money when he visited China in the 1200s. However, European countries did not start using paper money until 1600s.
Today, we have many ways to pay for things. We do not use coins or paper money. Often, people prefer to pay for things by card. Paying with a card is easier and safer than carrying around a lot of “real” money.
小题1:  People used ________ as a means of exchange before the 7th century BC.
A. paper money       B. card          
C. large stone         D. coins
小题2:From the passage, we know that European countries used paper money in the ________.
A.11th centuryB.12th century
C.16th centuryD.17th century
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE in this article?
A.Marco Polo was from Canada.
B.Chinese used paper money earlier than Italy.
C.Today people often prefer to pay for things by salt.
D.Carrying around much “real” money is easier and safer than Paying with a card.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Weekends are important for us. We can relax ourselves. Do you know what Americans in the early twentieth century (1900~1925) did on weekends? What do you do on weekends now? In the early twentieth century, people spent lots of time at home on weekends. Then, new inventions changed the weekends.
*People used electric streetcars to travel in the cities. On weekends, they rode the streetcars to the parks. Young people like roller coasters.
* The first movie lasted only one minute. In the 1920s, movie theaters sold millions of tickets each week! In 1927, movies finally had sound. Sometimes people stayed at home and listened to another new invention —the radio.
* People in cities worked indoors during the weekdays, so they wanted to be outdoors on weekends. Bicycling became a popular activity.
* Now there are more inventions in our life. People have more time and money, too. So they have many ways to spend their weekends.
* People travel by their own cars. Or they can visit big parks like Disney World and ride modern roller coasters and go higher and faster than ever before. *
They can choose from lots of different movie theatres. Or they can watch videos at home.
* More and more people begin to do all kinds of sports at gym.
Others turn on their TV and watch sports on "Family Night".
小题1:Before 1927, __________.
A.people can watch videos at home
B.the movie had sound
C.People could go to the movie theatres to see movies
D.people could watch sports on "Family Night"
小题2:Long time ago, people spent their weekends __________.
A.at home B.in the theatres
C.outdoors D.in Disney World
小题3:Which is a popular activity in the early twentieth century?
A.Watching TVB.Riding the electric streetcars
C.Listening to the radio D.Bicycling
小题4:The underlined word "lasted" means          .
A.beganB.was overC.playedD.spoke
小题5:Which is TRUE about the weekends in America?
A.They still see movies without sound now.
B.They didn't go outside in the early twentieth.
C.The weekends are not the same in different times.
D.They don't go to the parks any more now.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A crow(乌鸦) is about twenty inches(英寸) long and black all over. Crows are dirty birds because they live on bad food. Crows eat a lot of waste food. In this way they are more useful to us than any birds. They clean up the dirty things in our streets. Crows are always hungry. They look for food all day, and in the evening you can see them in large numbers flying back to their nests(巢) in the trees. They sleep there at night.
Crows are much noisier than other birds. Very often a large number of crows will get together on one house and talk. Sometimes they talk together, and sometimes they do it by turns(轮流) like human beings(人类). It is easy to tell(判断) from crow’s sound if they are pleased or angry. Perhaps crows talk a lot because they are friendly birds. A pair of crows will live together all their lives, and if one of them dies, the other one becomes very sad and quiet for the rest of its life and some time later it dies too.
小题1:Crows “live on bad food” means “ _________ ”.
A.Crows eat old bad food.
B.Old bad food is crows’ nests.
C.Crows make their nests on old bad food.
D.Crows sleep on old bad food.
小题2:Crows are more useful to us because they ________________.
A.are clean birds
B.can move away waste food
C.can make our streets clean
D.aren’t dirty
小题3:Crows always look for food _________.
A.in the eveningB.all dayC.in the morningD.at night
小题4:People can’t hear crow talk __________.
A.togetherB.by turnsC.noisilyD.quietly
小题5:If a pair of crows loves each other, ________
A.they will not live together.
B.neither of them can live alone happily.
C.they will die
D.one of them will die


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hanging Gardens of Babylon(巴比伦空中花园)

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built in the 7th century BC and are considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were amazing not only because of their beauty, but also because of their location.
In the 7th century BC a king named Nebudchadnezzar II created the gardens as a sign of love for his wife, Amyitis. According to legend, Amyitis, the daughter of the king of the Medes, was homesick. She missed the green hills and valleys of her homeland.
Upon marrying Nebudchadnezzar II, Amyitis moved to the ancient chief city of Babylon. The area was in the Mesopotamian desert, and the climate there was totally different from where she had left. So the new queen was very sad about the flat and the sun-baked desert. To make Amyitis happier and more comfortable the king decided to build her a series of magnificent gardens.
Many think of the gardens as an otherworldly creation that hung in the air somehow. But experts agree that the gardens were actually built on a mountainside, rather than actually “hanging”.
The hanging Gardens of Babylon are famous. Stories of them spread throughout the ancient world, and ancient writers recorded a large number of descriptions of the gardens, but some wonder whether this paradise of the past ever existed. There are no historical records of it except stories. Whatever may happen, even the idea of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon is amazing. They were essentially impossible to create because of the climate, but they were kept in the minds of many as a botanical beauty created in the middle of unattractive desert scenery.
小题1:Hanging Gardens of Babylon are considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, aren’t they?
小题2:What makes the Hanging Gardens of Babylon so amazing and famous?
小题3:Why did the king Nebudchadnezzar II create Hanging Gardens of Babylon?
小题4:What made the Hanging Gardens of Babylon essentially impossible to create?
小题5:According to the experts, were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon really hanging or built on a mountainside?
小题6:Did Hanging Gardens of Babylon really exist? What makes you think so? (In no more than THREE sentences)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It is often said that eyes can speak. Do you have such kind of 61 ? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too, 62. If he notices that he is being looked at, he may 63 uncomfortable. It is the same in daily life. When you are looked at for several more times, you will look 64 up and down in order to 65 if there is anything wrong with you. If 66 goes wrong, you will feel angry with the person who is looking at you. 67 can speak, right?
Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite. But sometimes things are 68. If you wish to draw someone's 69 , you may look at him or her for more than ten seconds. For lovers, they enjoy looking at each other longer to show the love that words cannot 70 . Clearly, eye communication should be done according to the relationship
between the two people and the certain situation.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Europeans are being dug out from heavy snow after a week of very cold weather. The snowstorm is the harshest to hit Europe. Airports were shut down. And schools have been closed for a week.
Until Wednesday, at least 400 people across Europe had died because of the cold temperature. Several countries have said a state of emergency. In Ukraine, temperatures dropped as low as -33℉.
Although the situation is bad, at least one country is hoping the weather will last a little longer. In the Netherlands, the government is preparing for the country’s “11 Cities Tour”. The 125-mile ice-skating marathon will be held along a network which joins 11 towns and cities together in Friesland Province.
The ice along the way must be inches thick for the event. Up to 2 million people are thought to cheer on the race’s 16,000 competitors.
On Wednesday, Dutch soldiers joined in the preparations. They cleaned snow along the way. This will be the 16th time that the event has taken place since the first race in 1909. Dutch General Hans said his soldiers were happy to lend a hand. “We want to do our bit for this national party.” he said.
小题1:What is “11 Cities Tour”?
A.It’s a 125-mile ice skating marathon.
B.It’s a 11-mile ice skating marathon.
C.It’s a 16000-mile ice skating marathon.
D.It’s a 33-mile ice skating marathon.
小题2:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Thousands of people across Europe died because of the weather.
B.The ice should be less than 6 inches thick for the event.
C.No country is glad to see the cold weather.
D.The first “11 Cities Tour” began in 1909.
小题3:Who helped clean snow along the way?
A.French soldiersB.Dutch soldiers
C.Ukrainian soldiersD.American soldiers
小题4:The underlined word “harshest” means _______ in the passage.
A.safestB.most enjoyableC.most seriousD.happiest
小题5:The passage is mainly about______.
A.the hard situation Europe faces
B.the European cold weather
C.preparations for a national party
D.the coldest season in Europe

