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You may know the song Happy Birthday very well. But do you know who wrote this song and for whom it was written?
Let me tell you a story.
About one hundred years ago, there was a girl in the USA. She loved children very much and wrote many songs for children. One of them was the song Good Morning To You. The song was very popular at that time among children, but not all grown-ups ( 成年人 ) knew it.
The girl was very poor. Once her friends invited her to a little child’s birthday party. She felt happy but sad because she had no money to buy a present for him. Finally she decided to sing the song Happy Birthday in the melody( 曲调 ) of Good Morning to You for the little boy.
When her friends heard the song at the party, they were very happy. “How wonderfully she is singing! We have not heard this song before. It’s a special present,” said someone. And they learned to sing it together.
Later, the song became very popular throughout the world. People like it because it’s simple and friendly.
小题1:The song Happy Birthday is a song from America.
小题2:Happy Birthday is an old song. Nobody knows who wrote the song Happy Birthday.
小题3:The girl knew the song would be popular before she came to the party.


小题1:根据文章内容“About one hundred years ago, there was a girl in the USA. She loved children very much and wrote many songs for children.”可知答案为T
小题3:根据内容“. Finally she decided to sing the song Happy Birthday in the melody( 曲调 ) of Good Morning to You for the little boy.”可知答案为F

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If you like shopping and you are crazy about fashion, London is a good place for you. In London you can buy not only the most expensive clothes, but also beautiful clothes which are inexpensive.
Many of the world’s most famous fashion designers have their own shops in London. And every year in February and September, there is an important fashion event. It is called London Fashion Week and people all over the world come here and enjoy England’s wonderful new clothes . Usually the clothes are sold at a high price. The clothes are always in style. In the 1960s, a fashion designer Mary Quant invented the mini-skirt. It made her famous all around the world. Later, in the 1970s,came “punk” fashion.
Outside of London there are some shopping centers as well. In the shopping streets of most towns have a Market Day. On that day, some of the streets are filled with stalls selling food, flowers, dresses, hats, bags, and many other different things. The clothes there are always at a low price. Nearly everybody can afford them.
小题1:When did “punk” fashion become popular?
A.In the 1950s.B.In the 1960s.C.In the 1970s.D.In the 1980s.
小题2:On a Market Day, we _______ on the streets.
A.can buy flowers , hats and bags from stalls
B.can not buy food from the stalls
C.can buy some clothes at a high price
D.can’t find the stalls which sell flowers
小题3:What does the underlined word “afford” mean in Chinese?
小题4:After reading the passage, we can know___________.
A.who organized the last London Fashion Week
B.who invented the mini-skirt
C.why “punk” fashion were in style
D.when Mary Quant was born
小题5:What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Stalls selling ClothesB.Clothes in Fashion
C.London Fashion WeekD.Shopping in London


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A mother and her young son get into a bus in a small city and sit down. The bus conductor comes to them for their money. The mother says:“I want one ticket to the zoo ” and gives him one Yuan. The conductor looks at the small boy for a few seconds and then says to him, “How old are you, young man?” The mother begins to speak, but the conductor stops her. The boy says: “I am four at home, and two in the buses.” At last the mother has to take fifty fen out of her pocket and gives it to the conductor.
小题1:Why does the conductor look at the small boy for a few seconds ?
A.She likes him
B.She thinks the boy need to buy a half-price ticket
C.She knows the small boy.
D.She saw the boy somewhere
小题2:Why does the conductor stop the mother and let the boy say?
A.The boy’s words are interesting
B.The mother is a bad mother
C.The small boy can tell the truth
D.She loves the small boy
小题3:At last the mother ______________.
A.buys another ticket
B.buys a half-price ticket for the boy
C.says sorry to the conductor
D.gives one Yuan to the conductor
小题4:What does the word “conductor” mean?
小题5:From the story we can see ______________.
A.every boy must buy a ticket in the bus
B.when a child is four, he must buy a ticket
C.sometimes a child is more honest(诚实)than his parents
D.women are not good mothers


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Passage 3
A smile will tell people around you that you are a kind and friendly person. However, many people don’t smile because they think they have ugly teeth. For example, one of my classmates, Mike, doesn’t have very nice teeth, so that is why he seldom opens his mouth. He even says that he has lost confidence because of his teeth. So it is very important for us to look after our teeth. In fact, a lot of people have this problem. Some people inherit teeth problems from their parents, while others’ teeth are damaged because of bad habits, like heavy smoking, eating too much sugar or not brushing teeth often. If your teeth are in bad shape, you should see a dentist and ask for help. They can help improve your teeth and tell you how to take care of them.
Smiling can help you to feel more confidence and make people think of you as a more friendly person. If you want to keep healthy, you should not only smile but also laugh. An Indian doctor called Kataria said that young children should laugh about 30 times a day, while adults should laugh between 7 and 15 times a day. So please take this chance to smile and laugh now.
小题1:What has made Mike lose his confidence?
A.His bad habitB.His bad teethC.Not smilingD.Eating too much sugar
小题2:Many people don’t smile because ______
A.they don’t like smilingB.they think they are ugly
C.their teeth are not beautifulD.they can’t open their mouths
小题3:What can a dentist do according to the passage?
A.A dentist can tell you how to improve your bad teeth.
B.A dentist can help you to take care of your bad teeth.
C.A dentist can tell you how to brush your teeth.
D.Both A and B
小题4: If you want to keep healthy, you had better _____
A.not smile oftenB.laugh all the time
C.neither smile nor laughD.smile and even laugh often
小题5:How many times should a child laugh every day in doctor Kataria’s opinion
A.Either 20 or 30 times a dayB.Between 7 and 15 times a day
C.Around 30 times a dayD.Only 30 times a day


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

On my way home I knocked into a stranger as he passed by. “Oh. I'm terribly sorry,” I said. “That’s all right. Please excuse me too. I wasn't even  15  you. I wish I didn’t hurt you,” said the man.
We were very    16  . We said good-bye and went on our way.
But at home we often    17   our loved ones in a different way.
Later that day, while I was cooking the evening meal, my daughter stood beside me very quietly. When I turned around, I nearly    18  her down. “Move out of the way, ” I shouted. She walked away, tears(眼泪)in her eyes.
While I lay awake in bed, I realized how   19   I’d spoken. So I decided to get up to say sorry to my daughter. On the way to her bedroom, to my surprise, I found some   20  by the door of the kitchen. At that time my tears began to fall. I quietly went and got down on my knees by her   21 . She woke up and put her arms around my neck when I kissed(接吻)her. Then I asked, “Did you pick these flowers for me?”
She smiled and said, “I found them out by the tree. I picked them   22    they're pretty like you. I knew you’d like them. I stood quietly in order to give you a surprise.” “Oh dear, I'm really sorry for the way I acted today. I shouldn’t have shouted at you,” I said.
“That’s OK, Mom. I   23   you anyway,” she said.
I suddenly realized what a clever way it is to explain the word   24   like this: Father And Mother, I Love You!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

“Mum, I want to make you a bet,” I said. “If I go a whole year without TV, will you give me a hundred dollars?”  
“Well, if you can   1  do it, …”
“Of course I can,” I replied, trying to convince   2 .
In fact, all this started from my   3  of a picture in the newspaper. I couldn’t bear to look at that boy. He said that he had   4  one year without TV for a hundred dollars,   5 me with mocking eyes. It seemed he was saying, “I did it,   6  you can’t!”. I glared at the boy’s face.
That year I did a lot of things. For example, my father taught me to   7 , which became my favorite sport.   8  winter afternoons snowball wars with my neighbors offered daily drama. I went on bike trips with my friends and swam as much as a fish.  
It was unbelievable how much   9  I had without TV. I learned so many new games. I guess the   10  thing I learnt, though, was self-motivation(上进心).  
I started to do my homework. I went from a D student to an A student within a couple of   11 .  
I used to   12  reading if there were no   13 , but now I began to read and enjoy it. I could arrange off all the pictures just the way I wanted them—my own little TV, right   14  my head!
I’m surprised what I did. I got a lot more from the   15  than just the 100 dollars!
A.picking upB.laughing atC.talking withD.looking after


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Young people and older people don’t always agree. They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing. But in one special programme in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in a friendly way.
Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works several hours each day. They do so not just to keep busy but to find meaning and enjoyment in work. Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farms near the village. Some learn to make things like tables and chairs and build houses. The adults teach them these skills.
There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, too. During the free hours some of the teenagers learn photo taking or painting. Others sit around and talk or sing. Each teenager chooses his own way to spend his free time.
When people live together, rules are necessary. In this programme the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. They talk about it and ask, “Why did it happen? What should we do about it?”
One of the teenagers has this to say about his experience, “You stop thinking only about yourself; you learn to think about the group.”
小题1:In one special programme in New York State, young and older people _______ .
A.don’t work well together.
B.are friendly to one another.
C.teach one another new ways of building houses.
D.spend eight weeks together, working as farmers..
小题2:All the members work some time every day mainly to _______ .
A.lead a busy life.
B.learn new skills of farming;
C.get used to the life on the farms
D.find value and pleasure in work
小题3:Living together, _________ .
A.the teenagers don’t have to obey the rules
B.the teenagers have to obey the rules the adults make
C.the members have no free time on weekends
D.the members are not allowed to break the rules they make together
小题4:The last programme shows that the teenager thinks his experience in the programme is ____ .
小题5:The best title for the passage is __________ .
A.The rules of living together
B.Life in New York State
C.Teenagers in the special group
D.Free hours in the special work group


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Kate played with her Aunt Jane at the beach. It was a beautiful day. Kate built a big sand castle(沙城堡) in the morning. Aunt Jane   36   many pictures of the castle to send to Kate’s parents.
Kate wanted to   37    again on the beach that afternoon. She wanted to build  38     sand castle. Aunt Jane told her it was too    39   . Aunt Jane said Kate could only go if she had a     40   . But Kate didn’t have one. Aunt Jane agreed that Kate could take one of hers.
Kate tried    41   three hats.
The pink one was really    42   with long ribbons(丝带) but that would not be  good for building a sand castle.
The red hat with flowers on it was nice. But Kate was   43    the flowers would get dirty.
Then, Kate    44   a big straw hat(草帽) with a short red ribbon on it and it would be easy to clean.    45    Kate put it on and went to the beach.
A.otherB.the otherC.othersD.another


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

There is a park near my home. But I don’t go there very often. One afternoon I went into _1_ and found it was really small. In the park, there were two different ways. One way was wide(宽的) and clean. There were ___2_ flowers on both sides. ___3___ way was narrow (狭窄的) and dirty. Wild grass grew everywhere. But finally I decided to follow the dirty way.
Ah! There was a small __4__ there. It was the most beautiful garden I had ever seen. There were lots of trees, flowers and chairs. I thought it was ___5__ part in the park.
Many people ___6_ me that there was nothing to see in the park. Now I tell them _7___ they follow the right way, they can feel the difference. When I’m telling them, __8___ just smile at me without answering. I know they don’t believe me. My trip to the park that day made me understand something about __9___. Don’t be ___10___ to choose a different way. Be brave (勇敢). You may get a big surprise!
A.the schoolB.the parkC.the zooD.the house
A.lots ofB.a lotC.muchD.any
A.AnotherB.OtherC.The otherD.Others
A.the bestB.betterC.goodD.nice

