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Is music enjoyed simply for being a nice little tune? No, there are things      1      important to learn about than whether you really like the song, for example, the story of the singer himself. Many singers had had hard      2     before they became famous. Xiao Huangqi, a pop singer and songwriter from Taiwan, is one of them.
Up till now, he has made five albums (唱片) and      3     several music awards. Among his hit songs, the most popular one is “You Are My Eyes”, a song that     4    his own true story, a blind man who loves music and the world so much.
  Xiao was born blind. At the age of four, he got some eyesight through an operation. He couldn’t be   5    because he could see the world with his own eyes. He began to practice Judo (柔道) and learned to play the saxophone (萨克斯管) and the guitar.
  But fate(命运)     6   him. He became blind again ten years later because he had used his eyes too much. It was a great blow. But Xiao is so     7    and optimistic(乐观) that he soon got out of his sadness. He began writing songs and found a colorful world within. He hears and feels the world and    8    his thoughts and feelings into music.
  “When one door closes, another door opens.”    9  opened the door for Xiao and has      10   him into a wonderful and colorful world.
A.tooB.soC.less D.far more
A.offered a job toB.paid much attention to
C.looked down onD.played a joke on


小题1:根据后文的内容“to learn about than whether you really like the song”可知答案为D
小题3:win the awards,为固定词组搭配,故选A
小题5:本题表示没有再有事情比这个更快乐,故意要 选B
小题6:本题考查的与某人开玩笑,为play a joke on sb,故选D。
小题10:本题为固定词组搭配。Lead sb to ,故选B                                                                                                                                                       

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Internet, mobile phones and iPads are part of our lives now. Technology is greatly affecting all ways of our lives, from the ways we work to the ways we play. And it even causes a number of social problems such as cloning humans.
We have had lots of technology and it has changed our lives a lot. There is no doubt that humans will continue to use more and more technology. Here are some examples of modern technology that will change our ideas and will affect our lives greatly.
Global Positioning System (GPS) (全球定位系统)

It’s a system that uses radio signals from satellites to show exact (精确的) information. It tells you where the user is on the earth in all weather conditions. It’s made up of three parts: satellites, control equipments (设备) on land and receivers.
Space Technology

Russian and American scientists have worked together for the International Space Station (ISS) for a long time. They hope the ISS will provide a long-lasting lab. Such a lab will bring humans limitless (无限的) advantages. It’s even hoped that one day space technology will take humans to their new houses in space.

Underwater Robot
Hercules is a kind of underwater robot with some high technology equipments. It will be used to search for ancient ships which were destroyed into the deep sea during their journey long ago.
The world is changing so quickly that it’s hard for us to catch up with all the new inventions because they seem to come out every month. It’s important for us to learn about new technology and the role that it plays in our lives. So we should be willing to accept modern technology, or we will fall behind the times.
小题1:                  can tell you where the user is on the earth exactly.
A.Satellites B.Receivers
C.Global Positioning SystemD.Underwater Robot
小题2:According to the passage, which is NOT true about the ISS?
A.It has carried people to other planets.
B.It will provide a long-lasting lab for us.
C.Russia and America are working for it.
D.Humans will get a lot of advantages from it.
小题3:Hercules is used to                   .
A.save lives in the sea
B.take pictures in the sea
C.repair the broken ships
D.look for the ancient ships in the sea
小题4:From the passage, we know that                   .
A.the use of GPS is affected by the weather conditions
B.it’s very important for us to learn about new technology
C.it’s easy for us to catch up with all the new inventions
D.technology brings us many advantages such as cloning humans
小题5:What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To help us study some new technology.
B.To tell us technology is changing the world.
C.To help solve the problems that technology causes.
D.To remind us the advantages of technology are limitless.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Earthquakes happen without warning(前兆).They can happen any time of a day,at any point during the year.When an earthquake is happening, you should know what you should do or not do.
Do NOT go outside.You could get injured from falling glass or parts of buildings.If you are outside,stay away from buildings and power lines(输电线).
Stay under a desk,table,or other strong furniture.Hold on to it.Or stay in a corner of the building.Cover your face and head with your arms and cover your mouth with a towel or clothing.Stay inside until shaking stops and it is safe to go outside.
Keep away from windows,pictures or advertisements on the wall or the building,and anything else that could fall and hurt you.Most people get injured by falling things during an earthquake,not by the shaking itself.
Also keep away from a fire.You could fall down and burn yourself on the fire.
If you are driving when an earthquake happens,stop the car if it’s safe.Stay inside your car until the earthquake stops,and don’t drive near bridges.Try not to stop by power lines or trees.These could fall and hurt you.
小题1:It isn’t safe for you to ______ while the earthquake is happening.
A.run out of the buildingB.stay in a corner of the building
C.cover your head with your armsD.cover your mouth with a towel
小题2:From this passage,we know ______ .
A.many people fear earthquakes
B.earthquakes may happen at any time
C.we can’t save ourselves in an earthquake
D.people never get injured in earthquakes
小题3:The best title for this passage should be “ _____________ ”
A.How Earthquakes HappenB.How to Drive a Car
C.What We Should Do in EarthquakesD.Why Earthquakes Happen


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Electronic books have changed the way many people read for   15 . Now online textbooks are changing the way some students learn and some teachers teach.
More than   16  students go to the public schools in Fairfax County, Virginia, outside Washington. Last year, the school system used digital books in fifteen schools. This school year, middle schools and high schools changed   17  printed to electronic textbooks in their social studies classes.
“I mean, it’s just   18  a regular textbook, except it’s got it all online.” says Luke Rosa, a history teacher at Falls Church High School.
Peter Noonan, an assistant superintendent(主管) of schools says, “The world’s changing   19 . And the online textbooks can change right along with the events that   20 .”
“Digital books also cost   21  than printed textbooks,” he says, “Usually it’s between fifty and seventy dollars   22  a textbook for each student, which adds up to about eight million dollars for all of our students in Fairfax County. In fact, we have bought all of the online textbooks for our students for just under six million dollars.
Social studies teacher Michael Bambara says the e-book he uses in his government class is better than a(an)   23  textbook. It has materials for students   24  different levels of reading skills…
A.one hundred seventy-five thousand
B.one hundred seventy-five thousands
C.one hundred and seventy-five thousand
D.one hundred and seventy-five thousands
A.at timesB.at all timesC.at that timeD.at the same time
A.is happenedB.is happeningC.are happeningD.have been happened
A.more expensiveB.cheaperC.moreD.less
A.buyB.buyingC.to buyD.bought
A.withB.haveC.who has D.they have


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Last weekend, twenty thousand people gathered in the state of Georgia to watch students from twenty-eight countries compete with robots they built. More than ten thousand students and more than five hundred robots took part in the competition.

Almost one thousand and seven hundred high school teams entered a level of competition called LUNACY. The competitors came from eleven countries, including the United States. In January, the organization sent the same supplies for robots to each team. The teams had six weeks to build robots that could compete in the LUNACY game. The playing area had six robots, three on each team. Each robot had a trailer(拖车) connected to it. The robots had to pick up large balls and throw them into the trailers of opposing robots. The robots were moving on a surface where they could slide(滑行). A team from California won the competition.
A second competition involved building a robot that could travel on uneven(不平坦的) surfaces, move objects with unusual shapes and withstand(承受) physical stress.
Another competition was for younger students, aged nine to fourteen years old. Eighty-four teams from twenty-seven countries competed with robots made with LEGO products. They had to design, build and program robots to explore the Earth’s climates.
小题1:The competitors coming from _______countries entered a level of competition called LUNACY.
小题2:_______sent the supplies for robots to each team.
C.The governmentD.The organization
小题3:Each team can have _______robots to compete in the LUNACY game.
小题4:The underlined word “involved” in this passage can be replaced by “_______”.
小题5:Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?
A.In January, each team got the same supplies for robots.
B.A team from California won the LUNACY competition.
C.The writer introduces three kinds of competitions in this passage.
D.The students had to design or buy robots for the competition.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Trees are one of the oldest plants on the earth. Just like us, trees change a lot  1 they grow. At one to three years old, young trees learn to   2  themselves. For example, many tree grow thorns (刺)to tell animals  3 near. Most young trees have large and deep green leaves to  4  enough sunlight and turn it into their food and energy. When trees are four years old, they are strong enough to  5 the challenge(挑战)in life. At the age of fifteen, they become young adults and grow more   6 . They will have their own flowers and fruit. After the trees are twenty to twenty-five years old, they are called real adults because they reach their  7 . Adults trees give us oxygen and natural beauty. If we  8 them very well, they will live healthily for many years. As time goes on, trees begin older and older and even  9 . At this time, they still have their important places in nature and uses for people.  10 many ways, the life of trees is like our own life experience.
A.beforeB.when C.after D.since
A.protectB.provideC.prevent D.pollute
A.to goB.to leaveC.not to goD.not to leave
A.enjoyB.keepC.stay D.catch
A.getB.receiveC.face D.welcome
A.fastB.fasterC.slow D.slowly
A.weightsB.heightsC.styles D.sizes
A.look forB.look after C.look outD.look at


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

We all need to exercise.Doctors say it is good for us.It makes our heart and body strong.It also gives you more energy(能量).And you will feel better about yourself.It’s good to exercise twice a week.Twenty minutes each time is enough.
There are many ways to exercise.You can walk,run,play sports or swim.Many people go to special places to exercise.They are called “fitness centers(健康中心)”.These places have a lot of equipments(设备).People can do different sports there.Some people buy equipments for their homes.But it is very expensive.
Exercising can be fun.Friends can exercise together at a fitness center,or they can play sports together.How do you exercise? How often do you exercise?
小题1:It’s good to exercise_______.
A.every dayB.20 minutes a week
C.twice a weekD.twice a month
小题2:At fitness centers,_______.
A.you can buy expensive equipments
B.people can do many kinds of exercise
C.it is very expensive
D.exercising is not popular
小题3:Which of these kinds of exercise is NOT mentioned(被提到) in the passage? __________.
A.Playing sports.B.Swimming.C.Running.D.Dancing
小题4:Which of these is TRUE? __________.
A.Exercising is expensive.
B.Exercising is good for your heart.
C.Only doctors exercise.
D.Friends never exercise together.
小题5:What is the main idea of this passage? __________.
A.Exercise equipment is expensive.
B.Playing sports is the only way to exercise.
C.Everyone should exercise.
D.Fitness centers are popular.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The building is shaking. A woman with a baby in her arms is trying to open the door, but fails. Finding no way, she rushes into her bedroom and there they survive the earthquake.
In a factory building, as the workshop floor swings under the terrible shaking, workers run for safety. Some hide(隐藏) under the machines and survive , but others who try to run outside are killed by the falling ceilings.?
These scenes, played by actors and actresses, are from a film of science education 《Making a Split Second Decision》 shown in 1998 on China Central TV in memory of Tangshan Earthquake.
By studying actual cases in the earthquake areas and scientific experiments, experts(专家)find that buildings remain untouched for the first 12 seconds of an earthquake.
In this short time, one has the best chance of surviving an earthquake by staying near the inside walls, in bedrooms and under beds, experts concluded in the film. “Earthquakes seem to catch the lives of those who run,” said many survivors in the earthquake areas, describing how their friends were killed on the doorways or along the stair steps as they tried to get out of the building.
Their advice was proved in the film, “Take a hiding-place where you are rather than run, unless you are sure you can reach a safe open place in ten seconds.”
小题1:The word “survive” appears in the passage several times. It probably means    in Chinese.
A.遇难B.幸存C.恐惧D.摇晃 ?
小题2:The workers who tried to run outside the building died because      .
A.the factory building was shaking terribly
B.they were making a film
C.they didn’t have enough time to run outside
D.they were too nervous
小题3:The passage suggests that you should      when an earthquake happens.
A.cry for help
B.not move and lie on the floor at once
C.run down the steps as fast as you can
D.find a safe place and hide in at once or run out in ten seconds
小题4:Where can we probably find this passage?
A.In a magazine.B.In an advertisement.
C.In a history book.D.In a poster


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Are the days  56 in summer or in winter? In China the days  57  longer in summer. There are  58 than sixteen  59 of daylight in the middle  60  summer. In  61 there are only about eight hours of  62.  When is the weather warmest in China? It is the  63 during the summer months. During the winter it is often very 64.  In spring and autumn the weather is usually neither very hot nor very cold. The south has a  65 summer. The north has a cold winter.
小题1:A. longer   B. longest   C. long
小题2: A. is    B. am    C. are
小题3:A. many   B. much    C. more
小题4: A.days   B. hours  C. years
小题5: A. of    B. on   C. at
小题6:A. spring   B. winter   C. summer
小题7: A. day   B. light   C. daylight
小题8:A. warm   B. warmest   C. warmer
小题9: A. wet   B. hot    C. cold
小题10: A. cold   B. rain    C. hot

