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A:  小题1: Mike?
B: I’m reading a magazine about UFO.
A: Really?  小题2:
B: Well.  小题3: The universe(宇宙) is so big and three millions of stars in it. I think there must be some kinds of living creatures(生物) in the outer space. They may be clever than us.  小题4: Have you heard of the reports about the UFOs which flew over Beijing, Wuhan and Hangzhou recently(最近)?
A: Oh, yes. And I’ve also read some other reports about the UFOs.
B:  小题5:
A: Well, I can’t really agree with you.
A. What do you think of UFOs?
B. What are you reading?
C. They are trying to visit us.
D. Do you believe there are real UFOs?
E. Some of UFO stories may be true.


小题1:从答语I’m reading a magazine about UFO.“我在读关于UFO的杂志”说明是问:你在读什么?选B。
小题2:从下文的I think there must be some kinds of living creatures(生物) in the outer space.我觉得在外太空一定有某种生物,故选 D。你真的相信有UFO吗?
小题4:从下文的:Have you heard of the reports about the UFOs which flew over Beijing, Wuhan and Hangzhou recently(最近)?看出是说:他们是想拜访我们。选C。
小题5:从答语:I can’t really agree with you.“我很赞同你的观点”,说明是问“你对UFO怎么看?选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话, 选项中有两项是多余的。
A. What’s wrong,
B. Shall we go out?
C. Where are we going?
D So we shall stay at home.
E. Good idea!
F. That’s all right.
G. Let’s go out.
Jim: It’s Sunday today. I’m not going to school.     小题1:  Dad?
Father: Let’s look at the map.
Mother: Shall we watch TV at home?
Jim: No.   小题2:  .
Father: Let me see. We shall go to that park. It’s near the sea.
Jim:    小题3:   .
Father: We shall have a swim in the sea. Then we shall have a meal at the seaside.
Jim: Great!
Father: Come on! Let’s all get into the car.
Jim:   小题4:   Dad?
Father: There’s something wrong with the car.
Mother:  小题5:  .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---Why not go out and see the film today, Millie?
--- _________, but I will help Li Hong with lessons, she is new.
A.All rightB.Let’s go
C.I’d love toD.Yes, please.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---I think you can join an English club to improve your English.
A.You’re welcome.
B.It doesn’t matter.
C.Good idea.
D.That’s all right.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A. You can look for it in your bedroom.
B.But where is my pencil?
C. You must look after your things well.
D.But where are my‘books?
E. Thank you,mom.
F.Is it on your desk?
G.Here is my picture.   
A: You do your math homework first, Paul
B: Oh, yes, mom. 小题1:       I can’t find it.
A: 小题2:___
B: No, it isn’t there.
A: Is it in your backpack?
B: No, it isn’t.
A: 小题3:____
B: OK. Ah, it is here. It is under my desk.
A: 小题4:___
R; All right_ 小题5:


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—I’ll fly to Qingdao for my holiday this weekend.
—Wonderful! __________
A.Why not?B.I hope so.C.With pleasure.D.Have a good time!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Nice talking to you, thanks a lot.
A.Me, tooB.A11 rightC.So do I D.Thank you


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---What do you think of the show “Happy Camp”?
---________. I watch it on TV every week.
A. I don’t like it     B. I don’t mind it
C I really love it      D. I can’t stand it


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

一My mother is ill.
A.0KB.Too bad
C.Thank you D.I’m sorry to hear that

