精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


      Welcome to the zoo,everyone!Here is our plan. Listen carefully. First we will visit the Children's Zoo. After that,we will walk to Bird World. Next to it is the African Area(非洲区) .There are elephants and li-ons!Don't be afraid. The cages are safe. Then,we will have lunch. You have your lunch with you,right? Some of you don't have drinks. That's all right. (1) There are many places to buy drinks.

      After lunch,we will go to the Asian Area(亚洲区) .Finally,there is the Butterfly Park.Then,we will come back here and get on the bus. (2) Remember,don't feed the animals. OK,let's have some fun!

1题为判断正(T) 误(F) ; 2题为补全句子;3题为简略回答问题;4题为句型转换;5题为翻译句子。

1. Students without drinks can buy drinks at the zoo.()

2. The Butterfly Park is a part of      .

3. What is near Bird World?


4. 请将句子(1) 变成一般疑问句:


5. 请将句子(2) 翻译成汉语:


[答案]1. T

2. Asian Area   

3. African Area.

4. Are there many places to buy drinks?

5. 记住!不要给动物喂食。好了,让我们开心地玩吧!


1. 根据 There are many places to buy drinks.可知。

2. 根据第三段 After lunch,we will go to the Asian Area. Finally,there is the Butterfly Park.可知。

3. 根据 After that,we will walk to Bird World. Next to it is the African Area (非洲区) .可知。

4. to buy drinks是动词不定式短语,做后置定语。变疑问句时,注意把are提前。

5. feed the animals 意思是:给动物喂食。

题目来源:2016年阅读空间英语阅读理解与完形填空八年级 > PASSAGE F 任务型阅读


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:











Sunny English Club For students 16:00 〜18:00 Every Friday 200 yuan a month 9 Zhou Yu Street Tel: 3786290 Foreign teachers,English songs and films and more!

Ocean Museum

Health Center

9:00〜17:00 From Thursday to Sunday


ticket : 50 yuan

16 Yong Le Street

132 Xue Yuan Street

Tel: 3801451

Tel: 5439871

Free examinations for those over

(超过) 70. Give

Show you a full picture of sea lives!

you good advice (建议) to keep healthy (健康) !

() 1. Sunny English Club is for .

   A. nurses   B. policemen   C. doctors   D. students

() 2. How much do you pay (支付) if (如果) you want to stay in the English Club for a year?

   A. 300 yuan. B. 600 yuan. C. 1,200 yuan. D. 2,400 yuan.

() 3. You can visit Ocean Museum .

   A. on Tuesday   B. on Wednesday   C. on Monday   D. on Sunday

() 4. You can get free examinations (体检) in Health Center if you are.

   A. 73   B. 67   C. 17   D. 9

() 5. If you are interested in the life of fish,you should go to .

   A. Health Center   B. Ocean Museum

   C. Sunny English Club   D. 16 Yong Le Street


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:











The Spring Festival is the Chinese 1 It usually comes 2 February. Everyone in China 3 the Spring Festival very much. When the Spring Festival comes? Li Lei usually 4 his parents clean their house and do some 5 and other housework. 6 that day everyone in China eats jiaozi,New Year's cakes and some other 7 food. Li Lei likes New Year's cake,but Han Meimei says jiaozi is 8 than New Year's cakes. The Chinese people eat the New Year's cakes and jiaozi 9 their houses. 10 happy they are!

() 1. A. Christmas   B. New Year's Day   C. Mid-Autumn Day   D. National Day

() 2. A. on   B. at   C. in   D. of

() 3. A. likes   B. like   C. liking   D. to like

() 4. A. helping   B. help   C. helps   D. to help

() 5. A. shops   B. shoppings   C. shopping   D. shop

() 6. A. At   B. In   C. On   D. For

() 7. A. much   B. little   C. delicious   D. many

() 8. A. nice   B. nicer   C. nicest   D. the nicest

() 9. A. in   B. at   C. outside   D. inside

() 10. A. What   B. How   C. What a   D. How about


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:











There arc many rules in the old libraries. For example,no photos,no drinking and no phones. But now a lot of libraries don't have too many rules. They paint the rooms beautiful colours so readers would like to read there. There aren’t hard chairs in these libraries. There are nice sofas in them. Some of them are open 24 hours every day.

(l) In the libraries m America,readers can make a free call. That means that they don't need to pay any money for making a calL In the kids library in Demnark (2) children^an sleep there if it is too late. In some libraries in Australia,they have a kids' ”story timev. Today libraries are good places for kids to have fun and learn something.

1题为判断正(T) 误(F) ; 2题为补全句子;3题为简略回答问题;4题为翻译句子;5题为句型转换。

1. Today libraries are good places for kids to have fun and learn something.()

2. They paint the rooms so readers would like to read there.

3. In which country do some libraries have a kids ,“story time”?


4. 请将画线句子(1) 翻译成汉语。


5. 请将画线句子(2) 变为特殊疑问句。



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


    Breakfast is very important. It is one of the most important 1 of the day. To keep healthy,everyone should 2 a good breakfast. 3 the right food is necessary for good health. We may have eggs,bread,milk 4 breakfast. Many students go to school without breakfast 5 they get up late or their parents don't cook for them. It's 6 for their health. 7 breakfast children may not grow fast and may not study and play very well at school. They may 8 .And when they’re ill,they will 9 a long time in recovering (恢复). I think everyone should have some good 10 habits. It is necessary.

() 1. A. meal   B. meals   C. dinner   D. supper

() 2. A. to have   B. have   C. has   D. having

() 3. A. Eating   B. Eats   C. Eat   D. To Eat

() 4. A. in   B. on   C. for   D. at

() 5. A. because   B. so   C. but   D. too

() 6. A. good   B. bad   C. better   D. best

() 7. A. Without   B. With   C. Not have   D. No

() 8. A. ill   B. are ill   C. be ill   D. is ill

() 9. A. spend   B. take   C. make   D. be

() 10. A. health   B. healthy   C. bad   D. ill


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      Li Wei is a middle school student. He lives in Linshu town. Every day he 1 (go) to school by bike. He hasn’t been to a foreign country before. Next week he 2 (go) to Singapore with his parents. They plan 3 (stay) in Singapore for a week.

     “Travelling to Singapore is a dream for me for a few months ,” Li Wei said to his friend Jim. “It 4 (come) true soon. ” He wants to visit the “Night Safari”. He also 5 (want) to try Chinese food in Singapore.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      (l) The weather in Australia is not the same as ours,because the seasons there are opposite. When it is winter in China,it is summer there. Australia is a southern country. It is in the south of the world. June,July and August are the winter months; (2) September,October and November are spring months;the summer is in December,January and February;and March,April and May are the autumn months.

      A very large part of the country has no rain at all. The east coast (海岸) has rain all the year. There are no dry months there. The southeast winds blow all the year. They bring rain from the sea. There is not much rain on the west side. The southeast part of Australia has summer rain from the southeast winds. They only blow here in summer.

1题为判断正(T) 误(F) ;2题为补全句子;3题为简略回答问题;4题为翻译句子;5题为句型 转换。

1. Australia is in the south of the world.()

2. The southeast winds only blow in Australia in              .

3. Why does the east coast have rain all year round?


4. 请将(1) 句翻译成汉语:


5. 请将(2) 句变为特殊疑问句:



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


   A. celebrate   B. presents   C. hospital   D. birthday   E. holiday

   F. Christmas   G. tell   H. love   I. give   J. was born 

      Why do people 1 Christmas? In western countries,it is the biggest 2 of the year.People enjoy parties,decorations,music and fun. When many people think of Christmas,they think of Santa Claus,Christmas trees,and 3 . But Christmas is much more than that. It celebrates a very special person's 4 .

      A long time ago,a baby boy 5 His name was Jesus. He wasn’t born in a nice 6 He was born in a stable (马槽) !Jesus was a special baby. He came to the world to bring 7 ,peace and joy. He

came to 8 people about God. At his birth,angels sang. Later,wise men brought him gifts. Today we 9 gifts to each other at 10 because of the wise men.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


      There is nobody in the world the same 1 you;you are unique (独特唯一的) !Every-body is 2 from everyone else. That is good!3 it makes the world (世界) an interesting place.

      There are people taller 4 you,and shorter than you. Maybe your hair is the same color as your friend's hair,but maybe it is longer than 5 . Another difference is your hair may be straight,hers may be curly.

      I am sure you have some friends who are 6 than you. And you also have some friends,they are as 7 at sports as you. But there are also people around you who are not good at some things.

      8 does your best friend look like? Do you both 9 to finish your homework at school? Do you both want to wear the same clothes every day? I think 10 some ways you are the same, but in many other ways you are different.

      So say loudly to the world,“I am who I am—I'm unique!”

() 1. A. with   B. as   C. of   D. from

() 2. A. better   B. different   C. smart   D. good

() 3. A. Because   B. So   C. Although   D. But

() 4. A. after   B. than   C. like   D. in front of

() 5. A. her   B. she   C. hers   D. she's

() 6. A. smart   B. smarter   C. smartest   D. a smart

() 7. A. bad   B. better   C. well   D. good

() 8. A. Where   B. What   C. How   D. How often

() 9. A. like   B. enjoy   C. would like   D. going

() 10. A. through   B. by   C. in   D. on

