精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
         I keep a two-dollar bill in my wallet (钱包). My mother gave it to me when I was six years old. The bill
goes with me wherever I go because I believe luck would    1     me everywhere.
        Whenever I felt there was a trouble, I would    2     for my two-dollar bill and set it on the table, I would
watch it for several hours and could always come up with    3     .
        When I began to look for my first job, I was thirty years old and very     4    . The thought of being
interviewed (面试) for a job was scary (恐怖的) but I had to work. Mrs. Martin, the office manager, asked me
some questions and the interview was over. As I got     5    her office, I said, "Mrs. Martin, I know that I am
not the best applicant (申请者), but please give me a chance. I learn quickly and can be a very     6    member
of your team."   
        That evening I received a phone call from Mrs. Martin. "Gina," she said. "You were not the best applicant,
but you have so much confidence (信心) in yourself that we have    7     to give you a chance." "Thank you so
much, Mrs. Martin!" I said. I was so excited that I forgot to say     8    to Mrs. Martin.
         I took out my two-dollar bill. "Thanks, Mom. I am going to     9     it," I sad out loud so my mother could
hear me.
        At that moment, I remember the time she pulled all of us into the living room and said, "You are all clever
in my    10     , but if you fail once, don't give up. You will be successful." I still think of Mom every day and
keep my two-dollar bill in my wallet. At a family reunion (团聚) years later, I found that my brothers and sisters
     11      had two-dollar bills in their wallets. We laughed and talked about how    12    this gift from Mom had
been to each of us.
(     )1. A. bring  
(     )2. A. wait    
(     )3. A. an answer
(     )4. A. sad    
(     )5. A. out of  
(     )6. A. clever  
(     )7. A. liked  
(     )8. A. hello  
(     )9. A. get    
(     )10. A. head  
(     )11. A. each  
(     )12. A. special
B. take    
B. reach    
B. a chance 
B. lonely   
B. into   
B. strong    
B. decided  
B. sorry    
B. do      
B. eye        
B. all       
B. nice    
C. follow     
C. feel    
C. an idea   
C. weak    
C. from      
C. friendly  
C. offered  
C. goodbye  
C. have      
C. mind    
C. most      
C. wonderful
D. find      
D. ask       
D. a decision  
D. shy       
D. around    
D. able       
D. needed     
D. thanks     
D. make     
D. thought     
D. both      
D. expensive
1. C     2. B     3. C     4. D      5. A      6. D      7. B      8. C      9. D      10. C       11. B      12. A

科目:初中英语 来源:2013届浙江杭州党湾镇初级中学初三10月学生学习能力测试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

通读下面短文 ,掌握其大意, 然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
I stood in the doorway, watching my older brother carefully putting clothes into his bag. I coughed uneasily. Finally when Rocky  1  that I was there, he turned toward me with a sad smile.
“I’m  2 tomorrow,” he said.
“I know.” My  3 was almost a whisper (低声). I was  4  at myself for being so weak, but I wasn’t about to cry.
“My  5  is early, but there is still  6  time to come to the airport,” he said. Seeing the  7 look on my face, he quickly added, “I promise I won’t leave without saying goodbye.”
I tried to say  8 , but didn’t. It is always  9  to keep quiet if you’re about to cry. “You promised you wouldn’t cry, ” he said to me, thinking that I was close to  10 .
I remember the day he taught me how to ride a bike.  11  I thought he was always right behind me, holding the seat to keep me from  12 . I was happy with this, but he knew he couldn’t hold me up all my life. He told me that one day he would have to let go.
His coughing stopped my thinking. What was left to say? How could I say  13  to the person who taught me everything?
The next morning I  14 , looked at my alarm clock, and realized he had left  15 ago. We never even said goodbye.
Goodbye, Rocky! Although he may have been many miles away, I knew he heard me, even if it was only an answer in his heart.

A.At lastB.From now onC.At firstD.So far
A.riding B.runningC.walkingD.falling
A.gave upB.stood upC.looked upD.woke up


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届广东省汕头市友联中学九年级上学期第二阶段考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Mrs. Yuan is a writer. She’s  1   and often helps the poor person. It was very cold one snowy morning. On the way to her office, she saw an old man   2  on the ground. She came to him and help him to  3  and bought some porridge and bread for him. The old man ate up the food quickly and  4  her very much. Then she asked. “Where do you live, Grandpa?”
“I have no  5 , madam,” said the old man. “ I have to sleep outside  6 .”
“How old are you?” “Ninety-two.” Mrs Yuan became   7  and went on asking, “Why not live in the old people’s house?” “  8  I have a son,” said the old man. “they’ve  9  admitted(接纳) a person who has children.”
“Do you have any children?”
“Yes,” answered the old man. “I have a son.”
“Where is your son, then?”
“He has no children,   10  the old people’s house admitted him.”
“It’s unfair!” said Mrs. Yuan. She overcame several difficulties and at last helped him to live in the old people’s house.

A.stand upB.look upC.sit upD.get up
A.thankedB.hatedC.likedD.looked at
A.at noonB.at nightC.every day D.in the morning


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省杭州市九年级12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空



Each of us fails from time to time. If we are wise, we accept these failures as a necessary   1  of the learning process. But too often as parents and teachers we deny this same right to our children. We convey(传达)  2   by words or by actions that failure is something to be ashamed of, that nothing but   3  performance pleases us.

  4 I see a child under this kind of pressure ,I think of Jack. He is a shy, nervous perfectionist. He   5 answered questions—he might be   6  .

I try my best to    7 his self-confidence. And I repeatedly  8  God for direction. But   9  changed until midterm, when Mary, a student teacher, came to our classroom.

One day we were working with math problems. Jack had copied the problems with care. 10  with his progress, I left the children with Mary .When I returned, Jack was in tears. He’d missed the third problem.

At that time, Mary got a box  11  with pencils from the desk we shared. “Look, Jack ! I’ve got something to show you.” she said.“ See these pencils, they belong to Mrs. Green and me. See how the erasers are   12  ? That’s because we make mistakes too. But we erase the mistakes and try   13  . That’s what you must learn to do, too.” Jack looked up with  14  in his eyes---the first time I’d see on his face that year.

Jack gradually believe him that it’s all  15 to make mistakes – as long as you erase them and try again.

1.                A.life            B.part            C.game     D.show


2.                A.neither         B.nor            C.either    D.or


3.                A.high           B.bad            C.top  D.big


4.                A.When          B.While          C.As   D.Although


5.                A.always         B.sometimes      C.ever D.seldom


6.                A.right           B.wrong          C.mistake   D.fail


7.                A.start           B.set            C.establish  D.build


8.                A.told           B.asked          C.said D.spoke


9.                A.something      B.nothing         C.anything D.everything


10.               A.Kind           B.Nice           C.Great D.Pleased


11.               A.filled           B.full            C.deal  D.do


12.               A.broke          B.new           C.good D.worn


13.               A.once          B.again          C.too   D.either


14.               A.disappointment B.sadness        C.fear  D.love


15.               A.right           B.OK            C.well  D.good




科目:初中英语 来源:2012年外研版初中英语八年级上Module 9 练习卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空


A young man was going to spend his holiday in a mountain village. That night he  1 at a small hotel ( 旅馆 ) near the train station.  2 going to bed, he went to the owner of the hotel and said, “ Excuse me, sir. Will you please   3  me up at four forty-five tomorrow morning? I’ll take the five o’clock   4  .”

“ Oh, sorry, ” the owner said in a hurry. “ I’m afraid I can’t. I won’t be able to get up so  . ”

The young man was going to return to his room   6  he stopped and asked, “ Have you got an alarm clock ( 闹钟 )? Maybe it can help me.”

“ Yes, here you are, young man, ” said the owner.

The young man thanked the owner  7  . But as he looked at the alarm clock closely, it seemed there was   8   wrong with it.

“ Will it  9  on time? ” he asked.

“ Sure! You just give it a good shake ( 摇晃 ) at a quarter  10  five, and it will do! ”

1.A. worked             B. stayed              C. studied

2.A. Before              B. After                C. While

3. A. wash               B. beat                 C. wake

4. A. ship                B. plane                C. train

5.A. early               B. late                  C. quickly

6. A. when               B. because               C. until

7.A. angrily              B. happily               C. sadly

8. A. something           B. nothing               C. anything

9. A. shout               B. cry                   C. ring

10. A. past               B. to                    C. of



科目:初中英语 来源:2012学年广东省东菀市初三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空


Mr. Brown lives in a village. He has got a big family and a strong  1  . His farm is small and he is often   2   in winter. So he goes to the city and finds work there.

Once he stayed there for about two months. When New Year was coming, he   3   home to see his wife and children. On his way home, something was wrong with his eyes. When he was knocking at the door, his dog came out and bit(咬) him. His wife hurried to drive  4   away. The next morning he went to see  5  . The doctor looked over his eyes carefully and gave him some medicine. Before he   6   , he told the doctor about his dog. When he heard this, the doctor began to   7   and said, “Maybe something is wrong with  8   eyes, too, I think.”

When he got home, he told his wife about it. The woman said, “I  9   it’s true. If a thief comes into our house, it won’t see him and he’ll steal something here.”

Mr. Brown thought his wife was   10   . He had to make his dog take his medicine instead.

1.A. child          B. dog          C. wife           D. son

2.A. free          B. busy         C. safe            D. worried

3.A. reached       B. comes        C. goes           D. returned

4.A. her husband    B. the dog       C. the thief        D. their children

5.A. his dog        B. his wife       C. a doctor       D. his friend

6.A. got home      B. left           C. went          D. came

7.A. cry           B. write         C. laugh          D. work

8.A. your dog’s     B. your       C. your wife’s     D. your children’s

9.A. am afraid      B. am sorry      C. don’t think      D. agree

10.A. ill            B. wrong        C. unhappy        D. right


