精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
A. What about lunch?           
B. Does she have dessert?
C. Do you know Sandra Clark?   
D. Sorry, I don’t know.
E. She eats lots of healthy food.
F. She often has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and soup(汤).
A:      小题1:    
B:You mean(指)the running star?
A: Yes. The running star Sandra.
B: Yes. I know a lot about her.   小题2:  
A: Oh? What does she have for breakfast?
B: She likes eggs, bananas and apples.
A:    小题3:   B: She likes hamburgers, salad and oranges for lunch.
A: And dinner?   B:   小题4:  
A:     小题5:      
B: Yes, she eats ice cream.    


小题1:句意:-你知道Sandra Clark吗?-你说的是那个跑步明星?这里对话中的两个人在讨论一个跑步明星Sandra Clark。根据第二个人的回答,我们可以推断出,第一个人是在询问他知不知道这个人。
小题3:句意:-她早饭吃什么?-她喜欢鸡蛋、香蕉和苹果。-那午饭呢?-她午饭喜欢吃汉堡、沙拉和橘子。根据下面这个人的回答She likes hamburgers, salad and oranges for lunch可知,这里是在询问她午饭吃什么,为了避免和前面句型的重复,所以用了what about,……呢。
小题4:句意:-晚饭呢?-她经常吃鸡肉、西红柿、炸薯条和汤。因为上句话提到的是and dinner,是在询问Sandra晚饭吃什么,故选F。
小题5:句意:-她吃甜点吗?-是的,她吃冰淇淋。根据后面的回答Yes, she eats ice cream.可知,这里是一个一般疑问句,而回答中的ice cream 是一种甜品,故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Excuse me. How can I get to the park?
B: You can walk along this street. 小题1:______You can see it between the post office and the mall.
A: Thank you very much.. 小题2:__________
B: You are welcome. Are you from America, if I may ask?
A: 小题3:_______ But I’ve read so much about China all my life. 小题4:_______I want to see China
And I want to eat Chinese food
B: China is a great country and I’m sure you’ll like Chinese food and enjoy your trip here.
A: Thanks. 小题5:________
A. And I’m here at last .
B. Then turn right at the bookstore.
C. You are very good.
D. It’s very kind of you to show me the way.
E. I want to have a good time here ,too.
F. I think I will.
G. Yes, you are right.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

请仔细阅读题的信息和A-F 的内容,选出相匹配或对应的最佳答语或选项。(其中有一个为多余项)
小题1:li Jia, a 13-year-old girl, is studying in a middle school of Wenchuan. She lost her legs in the earthquake(地震). She goes to school by lying prone(趴) on the backs of her classmates.
小题2:My father goes to work at about 7:00 every morning. He doesn’t like driving a car. He takes a bus to his office every day.
小题3:Mike is a cool boy. He doesn’t take the bus or ride a bike to school. He doesn’t go to school on foot either. Do you know how he goes to school?
小题4:Li Guilin and Lu Jian fen are teachers in Sichuan. They teach and live in the mountains.
小题5:I live in a small town. There is only one middle school in our town. My home is far away from school. It takes a long time to go to school.
A.I know the teachers. They have taught the children there for many years, and have helped them out of the poor village and live a happy life.
B.I often walk to school or ride a bike to school. I don’t think it’s good for students to go to school in cars.
C.Does your school have a dormitory(宿舍) for students? I think you can live in your school.
D.I think he might go skateboarding. That is a special way of getting to school.
E. I feel sorry to hear the girl’s story. Let’s buy a wheelchair(轮椅) for her.
F. Me, too. So I often meet your father at the bus stop.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

An 88-year-old Indian farmer, named Virmaram, becomes the father of a baby boy. 小题1:______
He says he takes long walks every day and has been drinking fresh camel milk since childhood. He has three wives. His third wife is 45 years younger and gave birth to the boy twins last month, but only one boy was alive.
Workers are showing a handmade cloth shoe. The shoe was made at a shoe factory in Hubei.
小题2:______ The shoe is 2 meters in length and it weighs 49.5kg.
A girl shows her painting at a pressure control class in Beijing. 小题3:______ and tell a story according to the drawing to reduce their pressure.
小题4:______ The dried noodles have become a new source of income to the villagers. They produce the noodles in a traditional way.
A man, who stole about 5000 pairs of school shoes, was caught by the police on Wednesday. “ I enjoy the smell”, 28-year-old Massashi Kamate said to the police. “小题5:_______”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:.My best friend in my class is very sad, because her mother is badly ill. I want to help her, but I don’t know what to do.
小题2:I always think about many things before going to bed, so I can’t fall asleep. I feel very sleepy and tired during the day time.
小题3:I like one of the boys in my class. I think I have fallen in love with him. I’m afraid of that my parents and teachers know my secret.
小题4: I want to decorate my room and make it more beautiful and comfortable,but I don’t want to spend too much money on it.
小题5:I bought a pair of sports shoes which cost me 1000 yuan. My grandfather knew this and he was very angry with me, because I spent too much money on the shoes.
A.Don’t fight with him any more. You need to calm down and solve the problem with the teachers’ help.
B.First of all , you have to know that you aren’t old enough to know what real love is. Try to be an ordinary friend with him. You should pay more attention to your school work.
C.Old man had a hard time in the past, so they don’t waste anything in daily life. You should understand your grandfather first. Then you may say sorry to him and don’t waste money any more.
D.If you can’t sleep at night, you’d better relax before going to bed. You may listen to some soft music or read something for fun. Don’t drink tea before you go to bed.
E.You can buy some cheap but beautiful cloth to cover the wall or old furniture. Put up photos you like instead of those expensive ones. Finally, keep your room clean and tidy all the time.
F.You could help her look after her mother and tell her the trouble is nothing, because all of her classmates will give her a hand as long as she needs.
G.You’d better find a chance to talk with them and tell them what you think. I believe they will understand you.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Choose the best response from A to F according to the sentences given. Each choice should be used only once.
Tina: What are your favorite sports?         Ben: 小题1:        
Tina: Now, tell me what you like to eat.
Ben: Err, I like fish and eggs. But 小题2:         
Tina: 小题3:       
Ben: Oh, yes. I love vegetables.
Tina: Do you like wine? 
Ben: No, I never drink wine or coffee. 小题4:          
Tina: 小题5:        
Ben: I drink a lot of milk. It’s very good for my health.
A. Do you eat a lot of vegetables?    B. They are very good for me. 
C.I don’t eat any meat.            D. What do you drink, then?
E. Well, swimming and running      F. They’re very bad for me.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空


小题1: Li Mei’s grandfather is 75 years old. He knows a lot about Chinese history. He is a fan of Beijing Opera and he has a big collection of Chinese paintings.   
小题2: Li Mei’s grandmother is not very strong, so she keeps exercising with other old people every day. And she never misses watching programs about health.    
小题3: Li Mei’s father is an engineer in a computer company. He is really busy every day, but he always tries to make time for basketball and football.   
小题4: Li Mei’s mother is a housewife. She spends most of her time on the housework. And she often makes something delicious and special for her family.    
小题5: Li Mei is a middle school student. She studies hard, but she is under too much pressure. She has many problems like most teenagers do.   


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Linda: Hi, Bruce! I haven’t seen you for a long time.   小题1:   
Bruce: I’ve been to Qinghai with my parents.
Linda:    小题2:   
Bruce: For two weeks.
Linda:     小题3:   
Bruce: It’s one of the most beautiful cities in the northwest of China. I like it very much.
Linda: Which is your favorite place?
Bruce:     小题4:   When I was there, I lost myself in the beautiful city.
Linda: What interesting things did you do there?
Bruce: Lots of things, such as swimming, boating, fishing.   小题5:  
Linda: Oh, really? I hope to go there for a visit one day.
A. I think Sound Lake is the best.
B. How do you like Qinghai?
C. Where have you been?
D. How long have you stayed there?
E. But I think riding camels is the most exciting one.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

The word “towns” is pronounced as ______.
A./ taunz /B./ tauns /C./ t?: nz /D./ t?: ns/

