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4 Are you sure that the price of the house is low?

Are you sure (price) ?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Carl,one of the American exchange students,said that curry is one of his favourite food. Daniel wants to learn more about curry. He has found this article on the Internet. Read it with him.

Curry around the world

"Curry" is the English word used to describe meat or vegetables in a spicy sauce,usually served with rice. It is believed that the word "curry" comes from the Tamil word "kari".

Curries have been very popular dishes in many Asian countries throughout history. Although curry is believed to originally come from India,it has been eaten in many other Asian countries—such as Pakistan,Bangladesh,Sri Lanka,Nepal,Indonesia,Malaysia and Thailand—for thousands of years.

Today curries are eaten all over the world. This tasty and spicy dish was brought to the West by British people from India in the 17th century.

What we call "curry" today is an international dish that is well known around the world. Over time and distance,the flavours of dishes change so that the people eating the dish will like it. For example,the most popular curry in restaurants in the UK is called chicken tikka masala. Many British people think this is an Indian dish. However,it is really a dish created by restaurants in the UK and is not a traditional Asian dish at all.

Today curry is loved by people all over the world,unless,of course,they do not like spicy food!

(A2 h Daniel is taking some notes about the article. Help him complete his notes.


Curry,J ie aw (1) word.

“Curry” comee from the Tamil word

(2) ”

. Curry is meat or  vegetables in a (3)

eauce,usually eerved with (4) .

. Curry ie believed to be from (5) .

. Curry hae been popular in many other

(6) countriee for thoueande of yeare.

. Curry brought to the Wfest by

(7) people in thg (8)


(A3 Daniel is telling Millie what he has learnt about curry. Help him answer her questions.

1 What does the word "curry" mean in English?

2 What Asian countries is curry popular in?

3 Where are curries eaten today?

4 What is the most popular curry in restaurants in the UK called?

5 Are the curries eaten in the West the same as the ones eaten in Asia?

6 Who will not like curries?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(A Daniel is reading an article about Mr Jiang in Robot magazine. Read the article with Daniel.

   A year after Mr Jiang sent back his first robot to the robot shop,he read in the newspaper that a new model,Robot II,came out. , After Mr Jiang returned his first robot to the shop,his mother started to go to Mr Jiang's home to do the housework. However,his mother was getting old and Mr Jiang did not want her to do any more housework.

  So Mr Jiang picked up the phone and called the salesperson. In order to know more about the new model,he asked many questions. Finally,Mr Jiang decided that he would try Robot II.

   Robot II arrived a few days later. It could do the things Robot I could do. In the morning,it woke Mr Jiang up. It made breakfast. Then it ironed Mr Jiang's shirts. After Mr Jiang went to work,Robot II cleaned the house. It put rubbish into the bin. It washed the dishes. It cleaned up the mess on Mr Jiang's desk. It did the laundry. In the evening,it prepared dinner. It could even go shopping and buy newspapers.

As a result,Mr Jiang had more free time for his hobbies. He could go out and see his friends more often. He no longer needed to get up early in the morning. When he came home from work,he could watch TV,read books and rest the whole evening.

  Robot II was much better than Robot I. It even knew how to play games. Robot II would play chess with Mr Jiang in his free time.

   Mr Jiang was very satisfied. Sometimes he wondered what the robot shop had done to improve the robot so much in just a year.

(A Daniel is telling Simon about Robot II. Complete what he says with the correct words from the article.

(1) was a new robot that came out a year after the old model. When

Mr Jiang read about the new model in the (2) he decided to buy one because he didn't want his mother to do housework any more. In the morning,Robot II

Mr Jiang up. It ⑷ breakfast and (5) Mr Jiang s shirts. Then Robot II (6) the house and put the (7) into the bin. In the evening,Robot II prepared

(8) for Mr Jiang.

(A3 Help Simon decide whether the following sentences are true or not Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.

1 Robot II came out several years after Mr Jiang tried his first robot.

2 Mr Jiang tried Robot II,although his first robot was not very good.

3 Robot II could do a lot of housework for Mr Jiang.

4 Robot II could not go shopping or buy newspapers for Mr Jiang.

5 When Mr Jiang came home every day,he found his house in a mess.

6 Robot II could play games with Mr Jiang.

7 Mr Jiang was not satisfied with Robot II.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Daniel found some pictures of things that astronauts need from a magazine about space. He is showing them to Millie. Complete what Daniel says with the words in the box.

gravity        helmet            oxygen     planet

power pack     sleeping bag        specially    uncomfortable

    This digital camera helps the astronauts take high quality photos.

   Astronauts can write their daily reports on a notebook computer.  Astronauts can't take off their (1) designed boots when they walk on the surface of the (2) because of the low (3). Astronauts have to wear a space (4) on their head when travelling in space. This is a (5) . Its fixed to the wall of the spacecraft

when the astronauts sleep. Its not (6) to sleep in it.A (7) is very important because it provides energy

for the spacesuit. A spacecraft takes astronauts frorm the Earth to outer space. An air tank provides an astronaut with many hours of (8) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Rewrite the sentences below using simple sentences with prepositional phrases.

1 Miss Li did not buy the blouse because its price was high.

2 His grandmother passed away when she was 99 years old.

3 This dish will not be tasty if there is no salt.

4 She went to study in Nanjing when she was 18.

5 Samuel walked very slowly because his right leg had been wounded.

6 We cannot learn about the world well if there is no Internet.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(A  Daniel wants to write a story for website. Complete the draft of his story with th words in the box and change the sentences in brackets into simple sentences with proper prepositions.

compared     with   life   dried  food   in the form of     not tasty

    I was born on the Moon and I have lived here with my parents since then. Our

home is special.(1) (It is a house which has a huge air tank) . It provides us with oxygen. (2)(we can move around our house freely if we do not wear the special boots) because gravity is not a problem inside the house.

Our main food is ⑶ pills. Sometimes we eat (4) too. They dre (5) , but they are easy to

get.We sleep in space sleeping bags. We can control the tempemture of the sleeping bag (6) (because there is a tempemture control inside it) .

  On this planet,there are no schools. Instead,each of us has an e-teacher and we learn with a computer at home.(7)

(I often wonder what the schools on the Earth are like) .

    In my spare time,I like to play the guitar. The guitar was brought from the Earth by my mum. (8)(I learnt to play it when I was ten years old) . I also like taking photos with my camera.

    However,I want to visit the Earth one day. I think it must be very beautiful. My parents often say that

(9) on the Earth,life on the Moon is a little boring.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B . Amy is watching a TV programme called

Amazing Houses. Complete what the host says with the correct forms of the words in the box.

beach country next to over palace share square metre thousand Today we re looking at a very special house in fact,it's a (1) , that is,the home of a king. As you can see,its very,very big. Its the biggest house in the (2)   . Its  (3) the sea,and even has its own (4)   ! The gardens cover (5) ten thousand (6) ! However,the king is not living here now. He says,

"It's too big just for my family!" So he (7) the house with everybody, (8)  of people come to visit it every year. It's really an amazing house! 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Al. Read the advertisement below for the community centre in Benny's neighbourhood. Complete it with the words in the box.

broken community centre engineers fix neighbourhood problems skills someone 

Welcome to the Sunshine Town ⑴ ! A The centre helps everyone in our (2)

with any (3) they have. It has a great team of workers with good (4) to help you any time you need them.

Having trouble with your computer? (5) can help!

(6) bicycle? (7) here can

(8) it for you.

It is also a great place to do activities and make new friends in a the neighbourhood.

Come and visit the community centre today!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A.Tomorrow is Suzy's birthday. Complete what they say with the words in brackets.Add a.an or the where necessary

rm going to buy Suzy (CD) . She loves listening to (2) (music) . She can listen to

⑶ (CD) in her free time.

rd like to buy Suzy (4)  (pair of trainers) . She

actbes (5) (volleyball) every week.

5uzy loves reading. There's (6) (book) about、

(7) (interesting trip) to (8) 

(moon) . Tm going to buy her(9)  (book) . I'm sure shell like it.  

