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1.His keys are in the lost and found case.(英译汉)


2.My brother has a sports collection, but he only watches sports on TV.(英译汉)






5.Tom 喜欢打排球吗?(汉译英)


1. 他的钥匙在失物招领橱中。

2. 我的哥哥有大量的体育收藏品,但是他只是通过电视看体育运动。

3. For breakfast, he doesn’t like hamburgers or milk.

4. Let’s play computer games.

5. Does Tom like playing volleyball?


科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

My name is Betty Sanders. I’m a telephone operator(话务员), and work for a company. My job is very interesting. I love it very much. I work five days a weekand my hours are from 9 o’clock to 5 o’clock. I do a lot of things—I place long-distance(长途) calls for peopleI answered questionsand I help people when they are in trouble.

Todayfor exampleI had an interesting experience(经历).At 11 o’clock this morningI got a call from a man. I don’t know who he was. He was in trouble and I could tell that he was worried about something. He gave me address and asked me to send an ambulance(救护车)right away. I asked him if somebody was hurtbut he didn’t answer my question. He told me he needed a doctor at onceso I said I’d call an ambulance for him but I still wanted to know what was wrong. Then he said“Our keys are gone!” I didn’t understand that! Why would he need an ambulance just because he couldn’t find his keys? Then I found out what the trouble was. The man and his wife left the car keys on a coffee tableand later they couldn’t find them. Their little boy Johnny was playing in the roomand they thought he swallowed(吞下)them.

But before I could help himhe told me he wouldn’t need an ambulance anymore. His wife found the keys in her bag. They were there all the time.

1.Betty Sanders works________.

A. in a factory                          B. in a shop

C. in a company                         D. in a hospital

2.She works________.

A. forty hours a week                     B. from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

C. from Monday to Saturday               D. seven days a week

3.The man called Betty because________.

A. he thought Betty was a doctor       B. he had lost his keys

C. he wanted to take an ambulance                D. his son was ill

4.In fact(事实上),his keys________.

A. were swallowed by his little son                B. were on a coffee table

C. were left in the car                     D. were put in his wife’s bag

5.From the passage we can see________.

A. Betty Sanders likes her work

B .Betty’s job is to place long-distance

C. the man’s little boy likes playing with keys

D. doctors can help people find keys



科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年重庆万州区岩口复兴学校初二下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

An old woman went out shopping last Tuesday. She came to a bank and saw a car near the door. A young man with dark glasses got out of it and went into the bank. She looked into the car and found some keys in it.
The man took a gun(枪)out of his pocket and said to the man in the bank, “Give me all the money.” But the woman didn’t see this. She went to the young man and put the keys in his hand, “My boy,” she said, “Don’t leave your keys in your car! Someone is going to steal(偷) it.”
The young man looked at the old woman for a few minutes. Then he took his keys, ran out of the bank, got into his car and drove away quickly without taking any money.
【小题1】The old woman went out to _____.

A.workB.do some shoppingC.the bankD.play
【小题2】The young man went into the bank and tried to ______
A.rob the bankB.steal some moneyC.borrow some moneyD.see his friends
【小题3】The young left his keys _____
A.in the carB.on the streetC.in his pocketD.in the bank
【小题4】When the young man got his keys ,he was very____


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届重庆万州区岩口复兴学校初二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

An old woman went out shopping last Tuesday. She came to a bank and saw a car near the door. A young man with dark glasses got out of it and went into the bank. She looked into the car and found some keys in it.

The man took a gun(枪)out of his pocket and said to the man in the bank, “Give me all the money.” But the woman didn’t see this. She went to the young man and put the keys in his hand, “My boy,” she said, “Don’t leave your keys in your car! Someone is going to steal(偷) it.”

The young man looked at the old woman for a few minutes. Then he took his keys, ran out of the bank, got into his car and drove away quickly without taking any money.

1.The old woman went out to _____.

A.work     B.do some shopping      C.the bank     D.play

2.The young man went into the bank and tried to ______

A.rob the bank    B.steal some money     C.borrow some money     D.see his friends

3.The young left his keys _____

A.in the car    B.on the street     C.in his pocket     D.in the bank

4.When the young man got his keys ,he was very____

A.glad    B.surprised    C.excited     D.frightened



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

An old woman went out shopping last Tuesday. She came to a bank and saw a car near the door. A young man with dark glasses got out of it and went into the bank. She looked into the car and found some keys in it.
The man took a gun(枪)out of his pocket and said to the man in the bank, “Give me all the money.” But the woman didn’t see this. She went to the young man and put the keys in his hand, “My boy,” she said, “Don’t leave your keys in your car! Someone is going to steal(偷) it.”
The young man looked at the old woman for a few minutes. Then he took his keys, ran out of the bank, got into his car and drove away quickly without taking any money.

  1. 1.

    The old woman went out to _____.

    1. A.
    2. B.
      do some shopping
    3. C.
      the bank
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    The young man went into the bank and tried to ______

    1. A.
      rob the bank
    2. B.
      steal some money
    3. C.
      borrow some money
    4. D.
      see his friends
  3. 3.

    The young left his keys _____

    1. A.
      in the car
    2. B.
      on the street
    3. C.
      in his pocket
    4. D.
      in the bank
  4. 4.

    When the young man got his keys ,he was very____

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

    My name is Betty Sanders. I'm a telephoneoperator(话员), and work for a company. My jobis very interesting. I love it very much. I work fivedays a week, and my hours are from 9 o'clock to 5o'clock. I do a lot of things--I place long-distance(长途) calls for people; I answer questions, and Ihelp people when they are in trouble.    
    Today, for example, I had an interesting experience(经历). At 11 o'clock this morning, I got a call from a man. I didn't know who he was. He was in trouble and I could tell that hewas worried about something. He gave me an address and asked me to send an ambulance(救护车)right away. I asked him if somebody was hurt, but he didn't answer my question. He told me he needed a doctor at once, so I said I'd call an ambulance for him but I still wanted toknow what was wrong. Then he said, "Our keys are gone!" I didn't understand that! Whywould he need an ambulance just because he couldn't find his keys? Then I found out what the trouble was. The man and his wife left thecar keys on a coffee table and later theycouldn't find them. Their little boy Johnny wasplaying in the room, and they thought he hadswallowed them.      
    But before I could help him, he told me hewouldn't need an ambulance any more. His wifefound the keys in her bag. They were there allthe time.
1. Betty Sanders works________. 
A. in a factory              
B. in a shop
C. in a company            
D. in a hospital
2. She works ________.
A. forty hours a week
B. from 9 am to 4 pm
C. from Monday to Saturday
D. seven days a week
3. The man called Betty because  
A. he thought Betty was a doctor
B. he had lost his keys
C. he wanted to ask for an ambulance
D. his son was ill
4. In fact,  his keys ________.'
A. were swallowed by his little son
B. were on a coffee table
C. were left in the car
D. were put in his wife's bag
5. From the passage we can see _________.
A. Betty Sanders likes her work
B. Betty's job is to place long-distance calls  for people
C. the man' s little boy likes playing with  keys
D. doctors can help people find keys

