精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

1. What’s your favorite sport?
2. How old are you?
3. How many books are there?
4. Can you spell “red”?
5. What’s the weather like today?
6. What colour are the birds?
7. What is this in English?
8. Let’s play basketball.
9. What’s your name?
10. What day is it tomorrow?   
A. Daming.
B. They are brown.
C. It’s hot.
D. It’s a blackboard.
E. There are two.
F. Yes, R-E-D.
G. Basketball.
H. OK. Good idea.
I. Mond ay.
J. Eleven.



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The tenth month of a year is O_________.
小题2:The bus will take you there. You can’t m_____ it.
小题3:When spring comes, the trees turn g_________.
小题4:I'm h_________. Could you fetch me something to eat?
小题5:N_________ is difficult in your study if you put your heart into it.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A few years ago, an Englishman called Robert went to the countryside in the west of England on holiday. One day he lost his expensive watch when he was 小题1:s  in a river. The next year he went there again. As he was having
小题2: in a restaurant one evening, he told the story of his lost watch to the manager(经理). The manager looked 小题3:s   . He said he 小题4:f   a watch in a hole(洞) near the river last month. Then he asked Robert if he wanted to have a look. “OK,” said Robert. When the manager brought him the watch, he jumped with 小题5:. It was his watch!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A schoolboy wanted to ask for two days off,but he has only learned the phrase‘have a day off’.He thought and t_______小题1:,then he had an i_______小题2:.
He came to the teachers’ office and said,‘My mother is ill.May I have a day off,sir?’
‘Of course,you can,’answered the teacher at once.The boy walked away.As soon a______小题3:he was out of the office,he turned back and knocked a______小题4:the teacher’s door a______小题5:,‘May I have a day off again?’he asked.
The teacher was very s_____小题6:,‘Didn’t you say it just now?’
‘Yes,sir.But I can’t be here the day after tomorrow,e_______小题7:.’
The teacher u_______小题8: the little boy and began to l______小题9:.Then he said with a smile,‘Why d_______小题10:you say,‘May I have two days off?’’


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Perhaps the biggest difference between Chinese and Westerners is not what we eat, but
w 小题1:we eat it. I’ve noticed that Chinese seem to eat the same food any time of day. To a westerner, this is     小题2:I could never eat rice or noodles in the morning.
Westerners also eat dessert after dinner and it is usually s 小题3:sweet like cakes, ice cream, or fruit pies. Dessert is often my favorite part of the meal, but u 小题4:it is not served in Chinese.
 小题5:difference I have noticed is that in Chinese restaurants, everybody at the same table eats the same food. This practice is actually more common around the world, in India and the Middle East for example, t 小题6:in the west where people order a different meal each. I quite like the Chinese way where the meal is s 小题7:. My only problem is with the chopsticks—more of the food ends up on the table than in my m 小题8:.
One thing that surprised me the first time I went to a restaurant in China was the size of the personal plates—they are so 小题9:. It makes sense, though. Chinese don’t need large plates because the food is served in bite-sized pieces that can go straight from the serving dish into your mouth. Westerners have very large plates because there needs to be r 小题10:for all the food to put in at once.                    


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Little Tony used to be a hard-working boy.  He always got good grades every ____小题1:____ (学期). He also had a ____小题2:______(圈子)of good friends. Unluckily, when he was 9 years old, his house was on fire and his father lost his life in the fire. This____小题3:____ (造成)Tony’s unhappy life. Because of his father’s __小题4:__(死), he had to live with his poor grandmother. You know it must be difficult for them to afford their daily life. He didn’t like to go to school.
He   小题5:  (浪费) lots of time lying in bed. He was worried about his grades . He made many __小题6:__(错误)in his schoolwork . His teacher, Mr. Smith, noticed that and decided to ____小题7:____(提供)him some help. Mr. Smith often talked to him patiently and helped him with his schoolwork. He paid special attention to Tony’s ___小题8:___(学习). He often encouraged Tony to achieve his dream. With the help of Mr Smith, Tony caught up with his classmates ____小题9:_____(迅速地)and became a hard-working boy again. He did very well in the _____小题10:____(最后的)exam.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:Tomorrow is _______ (星期日). Let’s go shopping.
小题2:–How old are you?--I’m_______(五)years old.
小题3:Please  _______ (放,置) up your hand.
小题4:Jim is a little boy. He is Mr Green’s _______(儿子) .
小题5:Amy is _______ (我们的)friend.
小题6:There are twenty_______ (树)in my school.
小题7:I’m a teacher. What _______ (关于)you?
小题8:It’s_______ (很,非常) cold in Beijing in winter.
小题9:--Where is my bag, mum?     --Sorry, I don’t_______ (知道) .
小题10:There aren’t any pictures on the _______ (墙).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

任务型阅读 (共10小题,每小题1分,计10分,每空一词。)
What’s the most important thing in your life? Have you thought about this question?
I began to think about it when I was just a little girl. I had a lot of friends and I loved playing with them. So I thought friendship was the most important thing in life. If I had no friends, I would be very sad.
When I got older, I thought the most important thing was music. I was crazy about music at that time. In my opinion, if I couldn’t sing or couldn’t listen to music, my life would be meaningless.
As time went by, I changed my mind again. When I was 12, I read a book that tells a beautiful story about the love between a mother and her child. I was happy to find that love was the most important thing. I thought love made my life beautiful.
Not long ago, I got a new answer to the question from another book. The writer said, “happiness is the destination for everyone.”
Soon I realized that, in fact, friendship, music, love and happiness are all very important to us. There are many important things that make our lives colourful and beautiful.
What’s the most important thing in life? I don’t have the answer yet. However, in fact, I don’t want to know. I just want to care about everything important in my life. And I believe I will be very happy if I can achieve that.
I hope everyone can find the important things in their lives, and cherish them!
The most __小题1:__ things in life
A little girl
Because she had a lot of friends and she loved them.
She was __小题4:_ about it and she thought life would be meaningless __小题5:__ it.
At the _小题6:_ of 12
Because she thought love made life _小题7:_ after _小题8:_ a book.
Not long ago
Because a writer said that it’s the destination for everyone.
After that
Make our lives colourful and beautiful.
No answer
Because she just wants to __小题10:__ everything important.

