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3 What does Orange like doing?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

D. Sandy spent the weekend with her aunt in the countryside. Listen to her and put the sentences in the correct order. Write the numbers 7-5 in the blanks.

a taught me how to ride a horse

b cleaned the horses' rooms

c gave the horses food

d showed me around the farm

e rode the horses across the fields


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

E. Listen to the reporter talking to Chu Xiong. Then write can or cannot in the blanks.

speak English

draw well

play tennis 


play the violin

sing very well


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   He has thousands of fans — but just how many of them would be brave enough to touch him,we are not sure. This is Colonel Meow,the special look on his face makes him very popular on the Internet.

   The black smoke Persian cat has fluffy (蓬松的) fur,but it doesn’t seem kind of cute at all. What makes it so popular with net friends? It is his scary stare (眼神) and an angry look on his face. Fans call him the “ world's angriest cat”. But even the most ardent cat lover might be afraid to get too close to Colonel Meow in real life,and his Facebook page has more than 32 ,000 fans from around the world.

   Colonel Meow had a hard life—someone dropped (丢弃) him in Seattle,Washington,and later his owner Miss Avey found him by one side of the road. She hopes to make him a star. The cat is not always so brave,he is terrified of the birds and it stops him from beating the world.

   And maybe the cat's dream of beating the world isn’t too far away,as Facebook users copy the cat's look and send many pictures of themselves to the net. Let's bless that his dream will come true soon.

1. Colonel Meow is .

   A. an owner of the cat

   B. a cat fan

   C. a black smoke Persian cat

   D. a net friend

2. makes the cat very popular on the Internet.

   A. The fluffy fur

   B. An angry look

   C. The scary face

   D. The special ability

3. The meaning of the underlined word “ ardent” is“ ”.

   A. strange

   B. confident

   C. enthusiastic

   D. relaxed

4. Miss Avey .

   A. was a trainer

   B. found the cat by the road

   C. dropped the cat

   D. had a hard life

5. The cat is afraid of .

   A. Facebook users

   B. so many photos

   C. beating the world

   D. the birds


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Even in the animal kingdom,the loss of a loved one is quite a sad thing,and this upset dog in the picture,near a village in Russia's Perm area,gives us a real model in our life.

   His mate (配偶) was hit to die by a car while she was trying to cross the road over seven days ago,but now he's still standing guard (站岗) over her body,hoping she will wake up one day. People who passed by the dog said the dog dragged his mate from the road right after she was hit and hadn’t left her side since then. He kept trying to move her with his paws and keep her warm with his own body,and the local people knew the story of his loyalty (忠诚) just in a few days. When children and adults passed the dog and heard his heartbreaking (令人心碎的) cry,and saw him standing guard over her body they often broke into tears. “It's very sad. He won’t let anyone walk near to her and he keeps trying to warm her up with his own body”,a local farmer said.

   What a loyal dog it is!

1. The dog's mate was killed by .

   A. a child   B. a car

   C. a hunter   D. an adult

2. The dog is standing guard over his mate's body because .

   A. his mate is dead

   B. he has no home to go back

   C. he hopes she will wake up

   D. his mate is too cold

3. The underlined word “dragged” means “”.

   A. treated   B. washed

   C. sent   D. pulled

4. The dog kept his mate warm with .

   A. his paws   B. his body

   C. his heartbreaking cry   D. his loyalty

5. From the passage,we know if an animal loses a loved one,he will be .

   A. usual   B. honest

   C. boring   D. sad


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5 The bus (stop) suddenly just now.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5 David: These are Uncle Bob's pictures. 

Kitty: ! (how/beautiful)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B1.Suzy finds this blog on the Internet about a girl and her rabbit Read it with her.

My name is Katie. I am 12 years old. I have a pet rabbit. I call her Snowdrop because she is white like snow. She lives in my garden.

Every day before school,I give Snowdrop water to drink and food to eat. This is important. If you get a pet rabbit,you must give it food every day. Snowdrop likes to eat vegetables. Carrots are her favourite food.

After school,I like to play with Snowdrop. On sunny days,I let Snowdrop run around the garden. She likes to eat the grass and lie in the sun. She looks very happy on sunny days. If it is rainy,I take Snowdrop inside the house and she sits with me as I watch TV or read a book.

I love Snowdrop. I think rabbits make the best pets. They are quiet and lovely and they do not bite. Snowdrop makes me happy.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

6 My neighbour's dog is very . He's always barking!

a quiet b noisy 

