Robots are smart. With their computer brains, they help people work in d__
1 _ places or do difficult
jobs. Some robots do regular jobs. Bobby, th
e mail carrier, brings mail to a large o__
2 _ building in
Washington D.C. He is one of 250 mail carries in the United States.
Mr Leachim, who weighs two hundred pounds and is six feet t__
3 _, has some advantages as a teacher.
One is that he does not f__
4 _ details. He knows each child’s name, the p__
5 _ names and what each
child knows and needs to know. In addition, he knows each child’s pets and hobbies. Mr Leachim does
not m___
6 _ mistakes. Each child goes and tells him or her name, then dials an identification number. His computer brain puts the child’s voice and number t__
7 _. He identifies the child with n__
8 _ mistakes.
Then he starts the lesson.Another advantage is that Mr Leachim is flexible. If the child needs m__
9 _ time
to do their lessons they can move switches. In this way they can repeat Mr Leachim’
s lesson over and
over again. W
hen the children do a good job, he tells them something i__
10 about their hobbies. At the end of the lesson the children switch Mr Leachim off.