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1 . ―I have no money with me. Could you please       (im) me some?

  ―Of course.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 1. 1 used to        the bus,but now I am used to walking.(2013 •青海)

   A. take   B. taking

   C. took


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 1. ―Could you        some money        me?

      ―Sorry,I can't.

   A. lend;for   B. borrow; to

   C. lend; to   D. borrow; from


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 6. A. At 3 :00 this afternoon.

   B. At 4 :00 this afternoon.

   C. At 4:30 this afternoon.

(   ) 7. A. Finish his homework.

   B. Watch TV.

   C. Help mother clean the floor.

(   ) 8. A. Rest at home.

   B. Cry all the time.

   C. Take some medicine.

(   ) 9. A. Her right hand hurts.

   B. Her left foot hurts.

   C. Her left hand hurts.

(   ) 10. A. An hour.

   B. Half an hour.

   C. 40 minutes.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 2. 1 want to live in a big house        a beautiful garden.

   A. have   B. of   C. has   D. with


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  My phone rings a lot,but most of the time it's not for me. It's for my cat,Stoop!Well,the caller (打电话的人) doesn't want to talk to my cat. He wants to talk about him.

  My cat likes walking around. I wanted to make sure that Stoop could always come home. I bought a little collar (项圈) with a tag (牌子) .The tag said,"I have home. If I look lost,phone Fred Sparks 86689889."

  And then my phone began to ring. One call was from a taxi driver. He said ," I find a cat in my car. A cat with a phone number!Where does he want to go? "I told him and had to gave him $ 2. 5 for the help.

  Another time,the phone rang late at night. A woman shouted at me ," Come and get your cat. He is making a mess ( 一团糟) of my room. He is running after my cat". I tried to quiet her. She told me her name was Helen Burns,and gave me her address (地址) .She lived in the next street. I went over to get Stoop. "I'm sorry" ,1 said. Helen didn't want to listen to me. She closed the door at once.

  Two days later,Stoop did it again. But this time I took a box of candy for Helen and a doll for her cat. Helen liked that,and we went out to dinner together.

Now when the phone rings,I think , " Maybe it's for me ! ”Because sometimes Helen calls. And when she does,she doesn's want to talk about my cat. She wants to talk about us.

(   ) 1. Why does the writer has so many phone calls?

   A. Because the callers want to talk to Stoop.

   B. Because the callers want Fred Sparks for help.

   C. Because the callers want to talk with him about Stoop.

   D. Because the callers ring wrong number.

(   ) 2. Why did the writer tie (系) a collar around the cat's neck?

   A. Because he wanted to make sure his cat could always come home.

   B. Because his cat liked walking around.

   C. Because he wanted others to know his cat.

   D. Because he wanted others to call him.

(   ) 3. How much did the writer give to the taxi driver? 

  A. ¥2. 5   B. $ 25   C. $ 2. 5   D. ¥25

(   ) 4. What did Stoop do at Helen's home?

   A. He ate all the food for Helen's cat.

   B. He played with Helen's cat.

   C. He broke some things at Helen's home.

   D. He did nothing but stayed at Helen's home.

(   ) 5. What does Helen want to talk about on the phone at last?

   A. About Fred Spark's cat.

   B. About Helen's cat.

   C. About their cats.

   D. About themselves.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. 瞧!他们正在打鼓。

Look!They are         .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Every student inAmericalikes popular music. Students carry small radios (收音机) with earphones (耳机) and listen to music before class,after class and at lunch. Students with cars buy large speakers (扬声器) and play the music as they drive on the street.

  Adult (成年的) drivers listen to music on the car radio as they drive to work. They also listen to the news (新闻) about sports,the weather,the life of American people. Most of the radio programmes (节目) are music.

  Pop music singers make much money. Once the popular singer is famous all over the country,young people buy his or her tapes (磁带) .Some of the money from these tapes comes to the singer. Wherever the singer goes,all the young people want to meet him or her.

  There are other kinds of music. They are important to Americans. One is folk music. It tells stories about the common life of Americans. Another is western (西部的) or country music. This kind of songs started by cowboys (牛仔) .They would sing at night to the cows they were watching. Today,any music about country life and the love between a country boy and his girl we call western or country music.


(   ) 1. When do students inAmericalisten to pop music?

   A. Only after class.

   B. Only at home.

   C. Only when they are driving.

   D. Before class,after class and at lunch.

(   ) 2. How do adult drivers inAmericalisten to music while driving?

   A. On the car radio.

   B. By cellphone.

   C. By CD player.

   D. By small radios with earphones.

(   ) 3. Who wants to meet pop singers when they are famous?

   A. Students.

   B. Adult drivers.

   C. All the young people.

   D. All girls.

(   ) 4. What is western music about?

   A. The common life of Americans.

   B. The love between a country boy and his girl.

   C. The city life.

   D. The life of working people.

(   ) 5. How many kinds of music are mentioned (提到) in the passage? 

     A. 2.   B. 3.   C. 4.   D. 5.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. ―Did you watch the n        on TV last night?

―Yes. It said that it was difficult to buy a train ticket.

