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   About three years ago,I felt very lonely. I didn't like my classmates,my parents or anyone else. My classmates didn't want to talk (1)       me and my parents were always saying that other kids were better than me. I thought I was the (2)       unlucky person in the world.

One day,I had a fight with one of my classmates. I was so angry (3)       I hit him in the face. Just at that moment,a boy stood up and (4)       the fight. He was the monitor of our class.

  After that,the monitor often helped me and we became good (5)       Whenever I got angry or sad,he would help (6) to cool down. My life began to change because of the boy,my best friend. We spent a lot of interesting days together. As (7)       goes by,I have become more tolerant and generous towards other people. And it (8)       that people around me have changed,too. My parents don't shout at me (9)       more and my classmates become friendly to me.

  But now,I can't often see my best friend because he is seriously (10)       and is staying in hospital. How I miss the days when we were together!I hope he will be all right and come back to school soon.

1.       2.         3.         4.        5.         

6.        7.         8.         9.       10.         

1. with/to   2. most   3. that   4. stopped   5. friends   6. me   7. time   8. seems   9. any   10. ill/sick

题目来源:中考英语丢分题修订版 > 短文填词


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  It takes travelers only 48 hours by train to go from Beijing to Lhasa,the provincial capital of Tibet. Travelers can enjoy the beautiful views during the 48-hour train ride.

  The railway line has been controlled by Beijing West Railway Station since July 1st,2006. The most important part of the line,the Qinghai―Tibet Railway,has been completed.

  The Qinghai―Tibet part of the railway is the world's highest railway. About 960 kilometers of the train tracks are 4 ,000 meters above sea level. The highest parts reach 5 ,072 meters.

  The railway is the world's longest plateau railroad which is 1 ,956 kilometers long,from Qinghai's capital Xining to Lhasa in Tibet. The Golmud―Lhasa part is 1 ,142 kilometers long and goes across the Kunlun and Tanggula mountain ranges.

The trains running on the Qinghai―Tibet Railway have very good conditions. If the passengers feel hard to breathe,they will be provided with oxygen masks,because all of the trains have oxygen supplying equipments.

(   ) 1. It takes people 48 hours by train to go to Lahsa from Beijing        .

   A. from now on   B. on July 1st

   C. from July 1st,2006   D. from July 1st,2005

(   ) 2. When we talk about the Qinghai―Tibet part of the railway,we say       .

   A. the railway is wellknown   B. the railway is the highest

   C. it is easy to operate   D. it was completed easily

(   ) 3. The highest parts of Qinghai―Tibet Railway reach        meters.

   A. 960   B. 4,000   C. 5,072   D. 1,956

(   ) 4. In the last paragraph, the phrase u oxygen masks" means .

   A. 氧气面罩   B. 望远镜   C. 热水   D. 药品

(   ) 5. The best title of the passage is         .

   A. Travel from Beijing to Lhasa   B. Qinghai―Tibet Railway

   C. Train with Best Conditions   D. Wellknown Railway


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Catherine and Martin met in England before they came to Australia. At that time,Martin was a minister (牧师) in a church,and it was three v (1)       away from Catherine's. One evening,they happened to have dinner t (2)       in a restaurant. They e (3)       their talk and laughed a lot. The young man soon won Catherine's h (4)       ,so she asked him whether he would marry her in church. The minister was very surprised and said that her q (5)       came quite unexpectedly. Catherine realized that he had not understood her c (6)       So she laughed and said, " What I m (7)       is,when I get married in church,will you be the minister who marries me and my husband?" They both laughed,and they had a nice evening.

However,their talk that evening put an idea into Martin's head. He realized that he had a        (8) fallen in love with Catherine and he wanted to marry her. So a few days later,he visited her and asked her to marry him. Catherine felt proud and pleased,and a        (9) it. Soon after they were married,they m (10)       to Australia.

1. v       2. t       3. e      4. h       5. q         6. c       7. m      8,a       9. a      10. m        


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    According to the recent survey,only forty percent of children in our country feel happy. Why? Do you know what " happiness" m (1)      

  A lot of money? No homework every day? High marks or anything e (2)      

  In fact,happiness is always around you if you put your h (3)       into it. When you are in trouble in school,your friends will help you;when you study hard at your 1(4)       , your parents are always taking good care of your life and h (5)       ; when you get s (6)       ,your friends will say congratulations to you; when you do something wrong,people around you will help you c (7)       it. And when you do something good to others,you will feel happy,too. All these are called happiness. If you notice a bit of them,you can see that happiness is always around you. All these can't be b (8)       with money. It's a feeling of your heart. When you come a        (9) difficulties,you can say loudly you are very happy,because you have more chances to challenge yourself.

  As the saying goes,life is like a revolving (旋转的) door. When it closes,it also o (10)       . If you take every chance you get,you can be a happy and lucky person.

1. m        2. e       3. h       4. 1        5. h         

6. s       7. c       8. b       9. a        10. o       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  I think watching TV is not good for students. First,children are d (1)       from adults. It is true that students can r (2)       by watching TV. However,the dangerous thing (3)       students is that they just can't take their e (4)       off the screen. They will go on watching TV for hours a        (5) hours. It is very bad for their eyes. S(6)       ,many students have the habit of w (7)       too much TV. So they have little time for sports. Third,some TV programs are not s (8)       for students. Some even lead them to crimes. Finally,too much TV can m (9)       students weak in reading. They will 1 (10)       interest in reading,which I think is a terrible thing.

1. d        2. r        3. f      4. e        5. a      

6. S        7. w        8. s       9. m       10. 1       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 本周六是王红的生日,许多同学将去她家参加生日聚会;

2. 王红爱好广泛,为人友善,经常帮父母做家务;

3. 一些同学打算向父母要钱,买礼物送给她;

4. 你对同学们花钱买礼物一事的看法及理由。

要求:1. 不要逐句翻译;2. 字数60~80.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

请以"A Talk with My English Teacher"为题,表述以下内容:

1. 王老师是你的英语老师,她和善、乐于助人。

2. 初一你的英语很差,有一次考试不及格,王老师把你叫到了办公室。让你意外的是,她不但没有生气,还告诉你要有信心,上课要认真听讲,并尽可能多地练习口语。

3. 谈谈你在那次谈话后的心情和打算…… 要求:1. 不要逐句翻译;2. 80词左右。

A Talk with My English Teacher


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Anne and Joseph are talking about an interesting question. Why do some people change their n 1      There can be many reasons. Aanna changed her name to Anne because she thought it would be e 2       for people to remember. On the other hand,Joseph is thinking about changing his name to an u 3       name because she wants to be different.

  People have a lot of reasons for c 4       their names. Film stars,singers,sportsmen and some other f 5       people often change their names because they want names that are not ordinary,or that have special sound. They chose the " new name" for t 6       instead of the name their parents gave them when they were born.

  Some people have a 7       reason for changing their names. They have m 8       to a new country and want to use a name that is usual there. For example,Li Kaiming changed his name to Ken Lee when he came to the United States. He uses name Ken at his job and at school. But with his f 9       and Chinese friends,he uses Li Kaiming. For some people,using d 10       names makes life easier in their new country.

1. n       2. e       3. u       4. c       5. f         

6. t       7. a       8. m       9. f       10. d         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Sarah Winchester lived in California. She was a very 1        woman. She didn't buy many jewels (珠宝) or 2        clothes. 3      ,she spent millions of dollars in 4       a house. She began to do it at the age of 45.        The strange thing about Sarah's 5       was that it seemed never finished. The work on the house went on for 38 6       because Sarah was afraid to 7        building it. Sarah's house was near San Jose. Every day,a lot of 8       arrived there to work for her. Sarah wanted more rooms and more doors and more windows,9       the workers kept on building them. The house was seven floors high and had 160 rooms. There were 200 doors and 1,000 10       There were also three lifts,nine kitchens,and 47 fireplaces. Why did Sarah want a house that kept getting 11       ?It was because Sarah was afraid of 12       She thought she would die when the house was finished,so she didn't want her house to be finished. Sarah Winchester's 13       seemed to have worked (奏效) 14       she lived to be 83 years old. But 15      ,her house was finished.

(   ) 1. A. poor   B. rich   C. expensive   D. useful

(   ) 2. A. cheap   B. expensive   C. simple   D. old

(   ) 3. A. Still   B. Usually   C. Instead   D. Even

(   ) 4. A. building   B. buying   C. selling   D. setting

(   ) 5. A. door   B. window   C. kitchen   D. house

(   ) 6. A. years   B. months   C. weeks   D. days

(   ) 7. A. keep   B. enjoy   C. stop   D. help

(   ) 8. A. drivers   B. workers   C. farmers   D. visitors

(   ) 9. A. but   B. until   C. since   D. so

(   ) 10. A. floors   B. kitchens   C. windows   D. rooms

(   ) 11. A. bigger   B. smaller   C. stronger   D. cleaner

(   ) 12. A. working   B. dying   C. living   D. growing

(   ) 13. A. age   B. family   C. plan   D. husband

(   ) 14. A. or   B. because   C. neither   D. nor

(   ) 15. A. hardly   B. usefully   C. carefully   D. finally

