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I ______ by asking so many questions.
[     ]
A. confused
B. confuse
C. was confused
D. was confusing

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One night, I wondered what it would be like if I only asked questions. I decided that no matter what anyone said to me the next day, I would reply only with   36 .
I loved to read about scientists and their discoveries, and I knew that scientists always started their research with a question. I hoped that I could become a scientist. Maybe by asking questions, I could train my mind to be   37 .
I survived the morning easily. “Is there any egg?” I answered when my mother asked what I wanted for breakfast. “Is this seat taken?” I asked when my friend Mike asked where he was going to   38  on the bus.
In the classroom, Mr. Black spoke slowly and clearly while I listened carefully. The problem had been part of my homework the night before. I wrote the answer on the board, “Could the answer be 361?”
Mr. Black smiled and nodded. I thought,“How did I   39  to get through that?” I almost laughed because asking questions really was starting to become a   40 .
I thought I had made it safely through the whole day,   41  what I had come to consider my experiment blew up at the dinner table when my dad asked me about my day. “What do I always do?” I replied.
My parents looked at each other. My father   42  again. “Well, I hope you went to school,” he said.
“Uhhh … why would you think otherwise?” I asked. My parents exchanged another   43   
and were becoming annoyed.
“Do you think questions are a good way to train your mind to be active?” I asked.
“It   44  the question,” said my father. “Some questions are asked for   45  information. Those are good mind-training questions. Sometimes, people use questions to get the other person to say something. Sometimes people ask questions to get someone to agree with them. Those questions don’t really achieve anything.”
“I guess my experiment didn’t work,” I said, and I told my father about my   46 .
“I think it worked   47 !” my father said. “You made a discovery, didn’t you? What matters is that you have put your idea into practice.”                              
A.actionsB.answers C.gesturesD.questions
A.deep B.freeC.quickD.strong
A.getB.sitC.come D.take
A.fail B.have C.want D.manage
A.habit B.stepC.goalD.rule
A.orB.so C.butD.and
【小题9】A. refers to            B. belongs to     C. puts on        D. depends on
A.sending B.findingC.sharingD.keeping
A.slowly B.safely C.perfectly D.properly


科目:初中英语 来源:2011年北京市海淀区中考二模英语试卷 题型:完型填空

One night, I wondered what it would be like if I only asked questions. I decided that no matter what anyone said to me the next day, I would reply only with   36 .
I loved to read about scientists and their discoveries, and I knew that scientists always started their research with a question. I hoped that I could become a scientist. Maybe by asking questions, I could train my mind to be   37 .
I survived the morning easily. “Is there any egg?” I answered when my mother asked what I wanted for breakfast. “Is this seat taken?” I asked when my friend Mike asked where he was going to   38  on the bus.
In the classroom, Mr. Black spoke slowly and clearly while I listened carefully. The problem had been part of my homework the night before. I wrote the answer on the board, “Could the answer be 361?”
Mr. Black smiled and nodded. I thought,“How did I   39  to get through that?” I almost laughed because asking questions really was starting to become a   40 .
I thought I had made it safely through the whole day,   41  what I had come to consider my experiment blew up at the dinner table when my dad asked me about my day. “What do I always do?” I replied.
My parents looked at each other. My father   42  again. “Well, I hope you went to school,” he said.
“Uhhh … why would you think otherwise?” I asked. My parents exchanged another   43   
and were becoming annoyed.
“Do you think questions are a good way to train your mind to be active?” I asked.
“It   44  the question,” said my father. “Some questions are asked for   45  information. Those are good mind-training questions. Sometimes, people use questions to get the other person to say something. Sometimes people ask questions to get someone to agree with them. Those questions don’t really achieve anything.”
“I guess my experiment didn’t work,” I said, and I told my father about my   46 .
“I think it worked   47 !” my father said. “You made a discovery, didn’t you? What matters is that you have put your idea into practice.”                              

A.actionsB.answers C.gesturesD.questions
A.deep B.freeC.quickD.strong
A.getB.sitC.come D.take
A.fail B.have C.want D.manage
A.habit B.stepC.goalD.rule
A.orB.so C.butD.and
A.refers toB.belongs toC.puts onD.depends on
A.slowly B.safelyC.perfectly D.properly


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江西省大余县池江中学初一下学期第二次质检英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

One day, Mr. Smith went to a dinner party. He  was wearing  very old clothes. He came into the room. But people in the room didn’t look at him.They didn’t ask him to sit at the table. He wasn’t happy. But he said nothing.
Mr. Smith went home quickly(迅速地) and put on (穿上) his best clothes. He went back to the party. Everyone in the room stood up and looked at him. They gave him good food to eat.?
Mr. Smith took off(脱下) his coat, and put it on the food and said, “Eat, coat(大衣)!”?The other people were surprised and asked, “What are you doing? Why do you do that?”
Mr. Smith answered, “I am asking my coat to eat food. When I wore old clothes, you didn’t look at me. You didn’t ask me to sit down. Now I am wearing these nice clothes. And you give me good food. Now I see, you give the food to my coat, not to me.”?
【小题1】One day, Mr. Smith went to__________.?

A.a birthday partyB.a dinner party
C.an English partyD.a movie
【小题2】When he came into the room,Why the people didn’t look at him??
A.Because the people didn’t ask him to come.?
B.Because Mr. Smith wore old clothes.?
C.Because Mr. Smith didn’t say hello to them first.?
D.Because it was night, they didn’t see him.?
【小题3】Why did he go home quickly??
A.Because he didn’t want to stay here.?
B.Because he went home for his best clothes.?
C.Because the people there asked him to leave.?
D.Because he didn’t like the food there.?
【小题4】What’s the meaning of “surprised”in Chinese??
【小题5】What can you learn from the passage(文章)?
A.A person in good clothes should eat good food.?
B.A good coat should eat good food.?
C.We can’t judge(判断)a man by his clothes.?
D.Mr. Smith is stupid(愚蠢的).


科目:初中英语 来源:2013年初中毕业升学考试(江苏扬州卷)英语(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In April, 2013, I visited Yangzhou.

Ge Garden is very beautiful and peaceful. The ticket has a map on the back of it that I didn’t noticed until I had already left. But to be honest, I don’t think that map is very useful because it isn’t very clear an tailed. In my opinion, it’s better to improve it. Compared with He Garden, the map on the back of the ticket for He Garden is much clearer, more detailed and more useful. However, in the room that has the picture of the family members, there is only Chinese, no English, so my advice is to add English in interesting places. I got lost in the Slender West Lake. I spent about 30 minutes just trying to get out of one area. I think they need more signs posted along the trails. I like the Slender West Lake best, as she is so pretty! The ladies that were sweeping were very sweet. They always smiled at me and said hello, so it was nice.

Taking a taxi is the most efficient(有效率的) and quickest way to get around Yangzhou. I didn’t have a problem getting to the places which I’d like to go to while using a taxi. The driver was very friendly. The fare isn’t too high, either. But I didn’t enjoy taking the bus. The bus ride to the Mastixia Bay (茱萸湾公园) took long although I only had to pay one yuan. It was also hard finding where Bus 32 was. I tried asking some people in English but they couldn’t understand me, so I had to ask in simple Chinese that I only know buy that still didn’t work. I spent about one hour walking around the city to look for Bus 32. The tricycle(三轮车) was nice, but it was a little too expensive for a small distance. Maybe I was ripped off by the guy who rode for me, but it was an enjoyable ride. I felt like I was part of the garden city more.

Over all I am satisfied with Yangzhou and will recommend it to others.

1.How many places of interest are mentioned in the passage?

A. Three            B. Four             C. Five             D. Six

2.The underlined phrase “ripped off” in Paragraph 3 may mean “________”.

A. 优惠            B. 退款            C. 骗钱            D. 免费

3.Which of the following I NOT the writher’s advice?

A.English should be added in interesting places.

B.Everyone in Yangzhou should speak English.

C.The Slender West Lake needs more signs along the trails.

D.The maps on the tickets for Ge Garden need improving.

4.We can infer(推断) the passage may be written by ___________.

A. a foreign visitor                    B. a lady sweeping in the park

C. a taxi driver                       D. a guy riding a tricycle


