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I really enjoyed this movie. It's a fun movie for the whole family. I had really good laughs and enjoyed being there.                 -- James
I would recommend (推荐)this movie to everyone. Whether you go with family or friends, I honestly think this movie has something you will really enjoy! -- Sam
I've seen several movies of this kind, but this one is the best. It is so well made -- some of the scenes are so beautiful.               -- John
I went to see this movie with my 9-year-old daughter this Tuesday, really without knowing too much about it. My daughter and I were pleasantly surprised at how funny it was. We just couldn't help laughing. I would recommend this movie to the whole family.    --Mary
小题1:The poster shows that the movie lasts _______.
A.25 minutes B.60 minutesC.85 minutesD.125 minutes
小题2:John likes the movie because of _______.
A.the funny actorsB.the wonderful music
C.the sweet voicesD.the beautiful scenes
小题3:Mary and her daughter spent          watching the movie.


小题1:C细节理解题。根据poster(海报)上的内容running time:1 hour 25minutes“放映时间:1小时25分钟”可知答案是C。
小题2:D细节理解题。It is so well made -- some of the scenes are so beautiful.本句意思是“影片制作得很好——一些风景非常漂亮。”故选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:Who lost the backpack?
A.KevinB.JennyC.PeterD.We don’t know.
小题2:Whom(who的宾格) can you call to get the pencil case back(要回)?
A.KevinB.JennyC.PeterD.We don’t know.
小题3:What’s Peter’s telephone number?
A.8901782B.8457298 C.8547298D.8901728
小题4:Is the pencil case Jenny’s?
A.Yes, it is.B.No, it isn’t.C.It’s Kevin’s.D.It’s Peter’s.
小题5:Whose dictionary is it?
A.Peter’sB.Kevin’sC.We don’t know.D.Jenny’s


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The following are four kinds of medicine at home. We should know how to use them. Never make any mistakes.
Take the medicine with water. One or two pills every eight hours. Don’t take more than six pills in 24 hours. For children under six, go to ask the doctor.
Three times a day and one pill a time. One pill before breakfast, one before 11:00 and one before sleep. Not for children under six and persons with stomachache.
The medicine is for a person with a toothache. Two pills a time a day before sleep for adults (成人). Half for children under 12.
Take the medicine four times a day. Four pills a time for adults with a cold. Half the pills for children under 10. Take the medicine before three meals and before sleep.
小题1: We shouldn’t take more than __________ pills of Medicine I a day.
A. 2                            B. 6                    C. 8
小题2:Children under six shouldn’t take ___________.
A. Medicine II                 B. Medicine III            C. Medicine IV
小题3:Medicine III is for people with ___________.
A. a toothache              B. a cold              C. a stomachache
小题4:If Lisa is ________ years old, she should take 8 pills of medicine IV a day.
A. 11                      B. 20               C. 9
小题5: Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Three kinds of the medicine should be taken 3 times a day.
B. Three kinds of the medicine should be taken before sleep.
C. Three kinds of the medicine should be taken 1 pill a time.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

(1)WANTED                           (2)SUMMER JOB
Are you working hard? Do you like to    Do you like to talk with people? Do you like to
meet people? If your answer is "Yes", then we  write stories? If you want to work for our
have a job for you as a waiter.            magazine as a reporter,  please call Karen at
Call AL Hotel at 556779                 558366
(3)HELP WANTED                  (4)CLEANER WANTED
Do you like babies? Can you look after one   Can you make a large house clean and
baby for two days? If you are sure to take good  tidy? If you hope to get the job paid at $20
care of it, call us at 766588.              once a week, call us this evening.
$ 80 0rmore                             8: 00-20: 20
Today Hurry                           Tell: 833800
小题1:The above job ads are probably from_______.
A.a newspaperB.a storyC.a science bookD.a guide book
小题2:If the owner of the large house asks a cleaner to tidy his house twice a week,  how much will the cleaner get in a month?_______.
A.$120B.$160 C.$200D.$240
小题3:If you are a college student of English who enjoys writing during your summer holiday,  you will be more interested in the job in_______.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you like travelling? If you are interested, come to our travel service as soon as possible. We offer the following travel lines for you to choose.
2-Day Yangzhou Colourful Group Tour
How about going to Yangzhou for the weekend? You can visit the Slender West Lake, Ge Garden, Daming Temple and taste Huaiyang delicious food such as Yangzhou fried rice and Fuchun buns.
Tour Price:¥690        Call us at 800-817-7223
4-Day Qingdao Private(私人的) Tour
Qingdao is famous for its sunshine, white sandy beaches and clear water. You can relax here, walking along the beaches and breathing the fresh air!
Tour Price:
1 person 
2-5 persons
6-9 persons
Call us at 800-810-6288
5-Day Colourful Taiwan Group Tour
If you like to take a round-island trip, Taiwan is the best place for you! You can climb A-li Mountain, go boating in Sun Moon Lake and experience the various cultures of the island.
Tour Price:¥8500       Call us at 800-850-8288
8-Day London Private Tour
Come to London for a few relaxing days to enjoy the view of the Thames(泰晤士河) and visit such places of interest as Tower Bridge and Big Ben.
Tour Price:
1 person 
2-5 persons
6-9 persons
  Call us at 800-830-7288
小题1:How long will the Yangzhou Colourful Group Tour last?
A.Two days.B.Four days.C.Five days.D.Eight days.
小题2:Mrs Li is planning to take the 4-Day Qingdao Private Tour with her two daughters. How much will they pay?
小题3:If you want to take the 8-Day London Private Tour, you should call ________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解


① 人民教育出版社 ②材料 ③目的地 ④离开 ⑤到达
小题1: When does the plane reach Milan?
A.At 11:30B.At 14:35C.At 10:00D.At 18:00
小题2: Where can you have fun and watch displays?
A.In Flight No. BA564B.In people’s Education Press
C.At Zhonglu HotelD.In Deeside Animal Park
小题3: If you want to buy English books, you’d better call the number_______.
A.(8610) 64622288B.(010) 67661423
C.(8610) 64612502D.(024)46364148
小题4: If you travel to Beijing, you’d better live in ________.
A.MilanB.PEP Teaching Materials Center
C.Zhonglu HotelD.Southdene
小题5: From the information, we can guess Yang Kai is ________.
A.a booksellerB.a studentC.a waiterD.a teacher


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1: A fashion show will last________ on Friday.
A.for two hoursB.for two and a half hours
C.for three hoursD.for three and a half hours
小题2: Mr. White has a restaurant. He wants to find some new delicious food for his customers(顾客). He can go to_______.
A.Xinhua SupermarketB.Zhongshan School of Hotel
C.Sliver Sea HotelD.Zhanjiang
小题3: Maria has a lot of experience working with children. She is looking for a new job. She may call_________.
A.0755—8486 9855B.0755—8488 9655C.010—2367 8893D.010—2376 8893
小题4: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the four ads?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Join Us for a Day at Sun Valley Amusement Park
Children aged 10 to 14 are invited to take part in the “Event of the Summer” at Sun Valley Amusement Park, the most popular amusement park on the East Coast. Sun Valley has more than 80 amusement rides. For sports lovers, there are basketball courts, an indoor baseball field, and climbing walls.
No amusement park would be complete without a gift shop. Sun Valley has two.
You won’t want to miss out on this day of fun. Join us at Sun Valley Amusement Park on July 14 Register(登记)early.

The cost of the trip is $25. This includes tickets and all rides.
We suggest that all children bring lunch.
Buses leave at 9:00 AM and return at 5:00 PM.
Rain Date: Wednesday, July 16.
Register at the Children’s RecreationCenter at the Town Hall by July 3.
A one-day registration will also be held on July 1 at the Brown School.
For more information, call Jane Parks at 555-7267
小题1:Who can take part in the “Event of the Summer”?
A.Children under 5B.Children over 16
C.Children aged 10-14D.Children aged 5-9
小题2:The children had better bring ____
A.a basketball B.lunch C.a gift D.gloves
小题3:When can children register at the Brown School?
A.On July 1B.On July 3C.On July 14D.On July 16


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Red Star Restaurant
The biggest and busiest restaurant in Jinan is seeking 20 waiters who have relevant (相关的) experiences in high-grade restaurants. About ¥800—1,500 per month.
Red Star Restaurant is located at 66 on Park Street.
Our phone number is 0531-8278-4560.
3 People wanted
Need 3 people who would like to work 4 evenings per week showing films. Earn $300 per week possibly. Call 469-867-6042.
Baby-sitter wanted
For a year. 3 days a week. Some flexible (灵活的) hours required.
Knowledge: above senior middle school.
Call 0431-478-9971.
小题1:How many advertisements are for waiters?
A.One.B.Two. C.Three.D.Four.
小题2:What kind of people are needed in the second advertisement?
A.Film actors.B.Film makers
C.People to show films.D.Film actresses.
小题3:In the third advertisement, the baby-sitter should         .
A.have a year’s working experienceB.accept flexible working hours
C.work two days a weekD.be a girl
小题4:How many waiters does Red Star Restaurant need?
小题5:If you want to be a baby-sitter, you can call         .
A.0531-8278-4560B.469-867-6042.C.0431-478-9971 D.450-381-2533

