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(   ) 6. ―What do you think of the environment here?

       ―Wonderful!         of the land        covered with trees and grass.

   A. Two fifths,is   B. Two fifth,is

   C. Two fifths,are   D. Two fifth,are

6. A在英语里分数的表达法是分子用基数,分母用序数。分子大于1时分母加-s,且谓语动词应与of后面的名词保持一致。land在此处为不可数名词,故应用单数is。

题目来源:中考英语丢分题修订版 > 单项选择


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

There was once a millionaire who loved money than anything else in the world. He didn't know exactly how much he had,so he took on a little girl to 1        all his money for him.

It 2       the little girl six days to count all the money. When she told the millionaire that he had fortytwo 3        dollars,he was 4        with joy and asked , " How much 5        do you want?" He thought that 6        she was only a child,he could 7        her into taking a very small amount of money.

The girl said, "well,I worked for six days,so I think you 8        pay me for six days. Give me two pennies for the first day. Each day after that,just give me the amount you give me the day before,multiplied by itself."

The 9       thought that in this 10        he would only have to give her a 11       dollars. What a 12       little girl!So immediately,he 13       his lawyer sign up the contract,fearing that she would change her 14       .

On the first day the millionaire paid her two pennies,and on the second day,two pennies times two pennies,or four pennies.

Each day after that,he gave her 15        number of pennies he had given her the day before,multiplied by itself. And by the sixth day,the foolish millionaire had to give the clever little girl all his money.

(   ) 1. A. bring   B. count   C. send   D. hide

(   ) 2. A. had   B. needed   C. got   D. took

(   ) 3. A. million   B. dozen   C. thousand   D. hundred

(   ) 4. A. pride   B. wild   C. surprised   D. moved

(   ) 5. A. dollars   B. number   C. time   D. pay

(   ) 6. A. as if   B. though   C. if   D. because

(   ) 7. A. warn   B. advise   C. cheat   D. set

(   ) 8. A. could     ^   B. would   C. should   D. might

(   ) 9. A. girl   B. millionaire   C. two   D. people

(   ) 10. A. measure   B. way   C. point   D. means

(   ) 11. A. few   B. little   C. less   D. much

(   ) 12. A. nice   B. clever   C. fine   D. foolish

(   ) 13. A. ordered   B. asked   C. had   D. persuaded

(   ) 14. A. mind   B. heart   C. word   D. plan

(   ) 15. A. good   B. great   C. a   D. the


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 7. ―Could you move over a little and make some        for me?

      ―Sure. Please.

   A. place   B. seat   C. room   D. ground


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 24. The        reading room is quite large.

   A. students   B. students'   C. student's   D. student


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 1. ―Here's coffee and tea. You may have         .


   A. either   B. each   C. one   D. it


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 11. You can imagine how different the table manners there are from         .

   A. us   B. ours   C. ourselves   D. our


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 18. It's not mine. It could be         .

   A. someone else'   B. someone's else

   C. someone else   D. someone else's


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5. ―What ,§ one fourth and a half? Can you tell me?

       ―Yes,it's         .

   A. two sixths   B. three fourths   C. one three   D. three sixths


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 26. We are going to play        No. 7 Middle School.

   A. to   B. from   C. against   D. for

