精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
A.prettyB.shelfC.enough D.enjoy
A.bottleB.topC.October D.mango
A.musicB.cut C.pumpkinD.luck
A.wool B.coolC.noodleD.choose
A.apples B.masksC.candlesD.pencils
A.alwaysB.also C.saltD.walk

小题5:A项“u”读“/ju /”其它项读“/ ?/”
小题6:A项“oo”读“/u/”其它项读“/ u:/”

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)
小题1:Two bank _________were reported in this area last month. (robbery)
小题2:China has become the ________country to build a space station. (five)
小题3:_______is the most important thing for a people. (honest)
小题4:If you want to ________things better, you’d better have a healthier diet. (memory)
小题5:Some ________people have traditional turkeys for Christmas dinner. (west)
小题6:President Hu Jintao made a ________on TV last Wednesday to welcome the new year. (speak)
小题7:Some kinds of computers are so tiny that people may be ________of them. (aware)
小题8:Many people like to keep pet dogs because dogs will love people ________for many years. (faithful)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:I saw many old people ----------(do) sports at the square at that time.
小题2:Teachers complain about --------(teach) tired kids in the classroom.
小题3:He is -----------(popular) than any other students in his class.
小题4:My clothes ---------(be) in style .Don’t you think so?
小题5:He is --------(plan) for his future.
小题6:I think French is ------(little) popular than English.
小题7:Don’t ---------( ask) me for money again.
小题8:We should ------------(watch) TV and relax ourselves.
小题9:I went to Shanghai last year and ----------(fall) in love with it.
小题10:My teacher wants us-------(study) as hard as we can.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Do you have a mobile phone? Do you send text messages to your friends and family?
Text messaging or “texting” is becoming very p__1__. But scientists have p__2__ that texting can give us problems with our h__3__. Be careful! Too much texting can cause RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) in our thumbs (大拇指) and wrists (腕关节). We spoke to a doctor called Harriet Wilson, who treats many patients with RSI. She says if we spend more than 10-15 minutes texting each time, we could have p__4__ in the future.
Dr. Harjeet Deepa, who treats RSI patients, said that the y__5__ patient she had treated was a 5-year-old girl. She had s__6__ bad RSI in her hands that she couldn’t hold a pencil.
As mobile phones d__7__, they are getting smaller with buttons c__8__ together. Texting with a smaller phone is worse than using a larger phone with b__9__ buttons. Using computers and playing video games can cause the same problem. So more and more people could find t__10_ with RSI.
Many university students and teenagers have RSI. If we don’t do anything about this, too many young people could grow up in terrible pain.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Mr Smith is a teacher of English. He comes from New York, A ____1   . He teaches English in China. He s   2  _  Chinese very well.
He reads a lot of books and his wife often writes books f   3    the students at home. Mr Smith gets up at five in the m   4   . He leaves home at ten to six. He begins his lesson at 8:00. He teaches English every day e__  5  _  Saturday and Sunday. At ten to twelve he finishes his lessons. Ten minutes l_  6   , he has lunch. In the afternoon, he usually plays g  7  __ with his students. S  8      he teaches his students in his office. After school, he takes a walk and does some o    9    things. At a  10    ten to eleven, he goes to bed.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

I often go to  1 with my friends, Mike. My   2 actor is Paul Jackson. He has a new movie, My Father’s   3.It’s a very funny   4 Mike likes the actor Rick Smith. He  5 likes his movie, Black  6 .It’s a very  7  movie, but I think it’s. One   9_____ thing: Mike is English, but he likes Beijing Opera! He often goes to see Beijing Opera on  10 .Mike’s  father likes it, too!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

I have a pet, ______ name is Polly.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:You can’t _______ (相信) him, he is always telling lies.
小题2:Every time I heard the other students talking and_______(笑).
小题3: He likes _______ (搜集) stamps.
小题4:I’m going to ask you  some  _______ (个人的) questions.
小题5:We know that _______ (外国人) find China very different from their  own countries.
小题6:She was too l__________,so she couldn’t  pass  the  exam.
小题7:Welcome to our school,Amy!Say hello to our new c____ , everyone! She’s from Australia.
小题8:Our country is d________ very fast.
小题9:I asked your secretary  w________ she could come or not.
小题10:Yao Ming plays basketball very well, he has many f______.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

6. Would you like to ask Mr. Hu for some ____________?(建议)
7. I think diving is more _____________ than skating.(令人兴奋的)
8. Why do you look so _____________? Can I help you?  (紧张)
9. You must know that different people have different _______________(能力).
10. Do you think what he said is ____________? (真实的)

