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Last summer, Jeff became a middle school student. He was a good student, and he always worked hard. He had a test in the first month and he finished the questions easily until he read the last one:”小题1: What’s her name?”
Of course, this question was a little special.   小题2:She was tall and her hair was dark. But Jeff didn’t talk with her and didn’t know her name. The test was over.   小题3: Then a student asked the teacher, “Is the last question very important in this test?”
“Yes,” said the teacher. “In our life, we will meet many hard-working people. They are important.  小题4: We may smile at them or say hello to them. 
 小题5: He also learned that woman’s name later. It was Kathy.


试题分析: 本篇阅读是一名学生在考试的过程中有一道关于学校清洁的问题。问这个清洁工的姓名,杰夫在读到这道题时感受很多,平时也多次见到她,并且能描述形象,但是并没有去打招呼。学生们交卷之后,都说这道问题是最有意义的,平日要更多的关注那些努力工作的人们。
小题2:细节理解题。联系下文:She was tall and her hair was dark. But Jeff didn’t talk with her and didn’t know her name.句意:她个子高高的,她的头发是黑的。但杰夫没有跟她交谈过,也不知道她的名字。从中得知他有时看过她。故选C。
小题4:细节理解题。联系下文:We may smile at them or say hello to them. 句意:我们可以微笑的看着他们或者向他们问好。只有我们去关注了他们,才能做到这一点,故选E。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There are forty-seven different kinds of kangaroos(袋鼠). The smallest kangaroos are about a quarter of a meter long; the biggest are taller than a man.
 Kangaroos have very long strong back legs. These are used for jumping. They also have long strong tails(尾巴)used for resting on. Kangaroos’ front legs are much shorter, and are almost(几乎) like arms. Kangaroos’ heads are quite small, but their ears are quite large.
 Mother kangaroos have a pocket at the front. They have one baby each year. When it is born, the baby kangaroo is straight(直接) into its mother’s pocket. The baby kangaroos stay there for six months.
 The biggest kangaroos stand more than 2 meters tall, and their legs are so strong that they can jump more than 9 meters. They are very fast, and can travel at more than 50 kilometers an hour. They are very strong, but only eat fruit, leaves and grass.
小题1:How many different kinds of kangaroos are there?
小题2:How large are the biggest kangaroos?
A.Smaller than a man.B.Bigger than a man.
C.The same size as a man.D.A quarter of a meter long.
小题3:.Does a mother kangaroo have a pocket?
A.Yes, it does.B.No, it does.C.No, it doesn’t.D.It doesn’t tell us.
小题4:How long does a baby kangaroo stay in its mother’s pocket?
A.One month.B.Three months.C.Six months.D.Five months.
小题5:.How far can kangaroos jump?
A.More than 2 meters. B.More than 9 meters.
C.Less than 2 meters. D.Less than 9 meters.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Fear may be felt in the heart as well as in the head, according to a study that has found a link between the cycles of a beating heart and the chance of someone feeling fear.
Tests on healthy volunteers found that they were more likely to feel a sense of fear at the moment when their hearts are contracting(收缩) and pumping(向---送出) blood around their bodies, compared with the point when the heartbeat is relaxed. Scientists say the results suggest that the heart is able to influence how the brain responds to a fearful event, depending on which point it is at in its regular cycle of contraction and relaxation.
Sarah Garfinkel at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School said: "Our study shows for the first time that the way in which we deal with fear is different depending on when we see fearful pictures in relation to our heart."
The study tested 20 healthy volunteers on their reactions to fear as they were shown pictures of fearful faces. Dr Garfinkel said, "The study showed that fearful faces are better noticed when the heart is pumping than when it is relaxed. So our hearts can also affect what we see and what we don't see - and guide whether we see fear."
To further understand this relationship, the scientists also used a brain scanner(扫描仪) to show how the brain influences the way the heart changes a person's feeling of fear. "We have found an important mechanism by which the heart and brain ‘speak’ to each other to change our feelings and reduce fear," Dr Garfinkel said.
"We hope that by increasing our understanding about how fear is dealt with and ways that it could be reduced, we may be able to develop more successful treatments for anxiety disorders, and also for those for those who may be suffering from serious stress disorder."
小题1:What is the finding of the study?
A.fear has something to do with one's health.
B.fear is a result of one's relaxed heartbeat.
C.One's heart affects how he feels fear.
D.One’s fast heartbeats are likely to cause fear.
小题2:When are people more likely to feel a sense of fear ?
A.When the heartbeat is relaxed.
B.When their hearts are contracting.
C.When people are tired.
D.When people are happy.
小题3:The study was carried out by analyzing (分析)_______.
A.the time volunteers saw fearful pictures and their health conditions
B.volunteers' heartbeats when they saw terrible pictures
C.volunteers' reactions to horrible pictures and data form their brain scans
D.different pictures shown to volunteers and their heart-brain communication
小题4:Which of the following is closest in meaning to "mechanism" in Paragraph 6?
小题5:This study may be useful to _______.
A.treating anxiety and stress better
B.explaining the cycle of fear and anxiety
C.finding the sky to the heart-brain communication
D.understanding different fears in our hearts and heads


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

We students enjoy our school life, but sometimes we feel unhappy.It’s every student’s       dream. At the       of every term, we have six exams.
Last week, I finished my final exams. The math exam was the easiest one of all. Most of the problems were from early exams,so I       it soon. The biology exam was hard. The questions were so difficult       I had to guess the answers to them. And there wasn’t enough       to check every answer. But after the exam, my teacher said I did well in it.
In the computer exam, we had a lot to do. I thought I needed more time, but some of my classmates didn’t think      . They just wrote down the answers quickly and then       games.I didn’t think I could get a good mark in the English exam because it was a little difficult       me and I didn’t work hard enough at English.
In our school, we can       some elective courses (选修课). That means students can learn these courses by       and then take the exam. If they pass, they don’t have to have these courses any more.
Now, I am very glad that all the exams are over. The summer holiday is coming and I will enjoy it.
小题1:A. bad                   B. good                C. interesting
小题2:A. middle                 B. beginning               C. end
小题3:A. gave                      B. finished                C. passed
小题4:A. if                        B. that                    C. until
小题5:A. time                      B. idea                    C. people
小题6:A. also                  B. so                      C. too
小题7:A. made                   B. played                  C. got
小题8:A. for                      B. at                      C. of
小题9:A. go                     B. teach                   C. take
小题10:A. themselves            B. them                    C. they


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

This past month saw one of the most devastating storms in history brings death and destruction on the Philippines. The number of lives lost is still being calculated, but it is already sitting above five thousand. In the flurryof news about the storm and its after-math, the cries of “I told you so” from environmentalists rang out loud and clear.
  These scientists were especially vocal during the United Nations Climate Change Conference, which just wrapped up in Warsaw, Poland. The timing of the conference and Typhoon Haiyan was an eerie coincidence, but perhaps the concurrence offered a wakeup call for all.
  Christiana Figures, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) said, “We are witnessing ever more frequent extreme weather events, and the poor and vulnerable are already paying the price.”
  Scientists claim that storms like Typhoon Haiyan are an inevitable result of the effect greenhouse gases are having on our environment. Environmental analysts claim that rising temperatures around the globe and changing weather patterns are all part of the same problem.
  This isn’t breaking news. We’ve heard the warnings for years. The UN has been hosting the Climate Change Conference since1995.But the changes that need to be made are huge. Added to this, the developed nations and developing countries have competing interests that are difficult to settle. The issue of who takes responsibility becomes difficult to resolve.
  We may feel far away from Poland and resolving conflicts between countries, but we mustn’t feel far away from the issue. When we watch neighboring countries suffer in severe weather, when we hear reports of increasing global temperatures, when we walk outside and find it difficult to breathe the Shanghai air, we know we have a very real problem. So what are we going to do about it? Are we making every-day choices that can have a positive impact? Are we reducing our carbon footprint? Are we choosing to walk, ride a bicycle or take public transportation instead of a car? Are we recycling? Are we turning off the lights and electronics whenever possible?
  The problem is complex, but saving our earth starts with each of us taking simple steps.
小题1:What is the most terrible typhoon in 2013? It is _________.
小题2:Warsaw isn’t in Poland,is it?
A.Yes, it isB.No, it isn’tC.Yes, it isn’t D.No, it is
小题3:How many years have we heard the warnings? For nearly ______years.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT FALSE?
A.The environment is worse and worse and we have no ideas about it.
B.The environment is worse and we needn’t do anything about it.
C.Saving our environment is not so complex.
D.The environment is a big problem and we must take simple steps


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

No one knows how man learned to make words. Perhaps he began by making sounds like those made by animals. Perhaps he grunted like a pig when he lifted something heavy. Perhaps he made sounds like those he heard all round him—water splashing, bees humming, a stone falling to the ground. Somehow he learned to make words. As the centuries went by, he made more and more new words. This is what we mean by language.
People living in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred different languages in the world. Each containsfour or five hundred thousand words. But we do not need all these. Only a few thousand words are used in everyday life. The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your vocabulary larger. Read as many books as you can. There are plenty of books written in easy language. Your dictionary is your most useful book.
小题1: What do we mean by language?
A.Sounds made by man.
B.All the words made by man.
C.Different kinds of sound.
D.The way man learns.
小题2: Form the passage we know that long long ago________.
A.no one learned how to make sounds or words
B.animals taught man to learn the language
C.man learned the language by lifting heavy things, falling to the ground,and so on
D.man followed a lot of things in nature to make sounds and words
小题3: What is the number of languages spoken in the world today?
A.500. B.5,000.C.1,500.D.15,000.
小题4:In which sentence can the word "contain(s)" be put so that it is a right one?
A.I________ several dictionaries.B.Sea water________ salt.
C.A dog _______ four legs.D.Mr. Smith _____ glasses on his nose.
小题5: Which of the followings is the best if we want to make our vocabulary larger?
A.To read more books.
B.To use the words in everyday life.
C.To use the words in class.
D.To write the words.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次) (共8分)

Maybe everyone has trouble in learning new words. It is not easy to remember and use them  小题1:  . The following suggestions will help you a lot.
It can be a good idea to divide the new words into groups according to the meanings. Thinking about the connections(联系) between words may help you to remember them. The more you practice, the better you will use them. You can also write a list of some new words. Express your ideas with them and discuss the    小题2:   of these words as much as possible. However, there is one more thing you should pay attention to. Don’t try to learn    小题3:   many words at one time. Choose several important ones to you. Repeat their pronunciations, spellings as well as their meanings in your mind. Learn    小题4:  every day and you will learn a lot in a few years. It is the skills that can make you learn new words easily. It is the skills that can help you know more words quickly.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

People began to make robots about several hundred years ago. In the past, some of the early ones looked like animals or humans. However, they couldn’t talk and were pretty dumb. They worked like clocks and did the same things over and over again.
Now modern robots don’t always look like people. Some are like big machines; others are nothing but long arms attached to boxy(箱子般四四方方的)bodies. However, modern robots are smart. Some can solve problems on their own. Their brains are computers and their eyes are sensors(传感器). Motors(发动机)help them move.
In the future, robots will learn from their mistakes more than they do now. They will be smarter. It’s possible that we will have robot judges, robot household workers, and robot factory workers. Robots will help people to do more things.
小题1:How long is the history of robots? 
A.Hundreds of years.
B.Several hundred years.
C.Seven hundred years.
D.A hundred year.
小题2:What’s the possible meaning of dumb? 
A.Talking like people. B.Clever.
C.Unintelligent (迟钝). D.Cute.
小题3:Most robots look like people ______ .
A.in the pastB.clever
C.in the futureD.all the time
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true about modern robots? 
A.Some robots can solve problems on their own.
B.Some robots are like big machines.
C.Modern robots are smart.
D.Some robots’ brains are sensors.
小题5:What can’t robots do in the future according to the passage?
A.They can help people do housework.
B.They can work as judges.
C.They can work in the factory.
D.They can have brains as people.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Different types of maps have different uses.
Tourist maps, for example, have signs to show places of interest in an area. When tourists read these maps, it is easy for them to find where to go and what to see in a place and it is easy for them to go and find their ways to these places. 

Road maps show large areas so that people can plan long journeys. Different types of roads are given different numbers. For example, if you want to go to Wood Green, you just follow No. 621 Road and keep looking at the road signs.

Distribution maps (分布图) use colors or signs to show facts about an area. For example, where different languages are spoken, how many people live in an area, how cold and hot some places are, or whether a place is short of water.

Some maps, such as railway maps, use straightlines to show everything. This is easy for people to read. Trains are fast. People don’t have to think about small places they go past. They just need to know the two ends of their trips.

小题1:Jim is going to Beijing Zoo. Which map does he need most?
A.A tourist map.B.A road map.
C.A distribution map.D.A railway map.
小题2:How can you tell different roads on road maps?
A.By using different colors.B.By finding the numbers.
C.By following No. 621 Road.D.By looking at the road signs.
小题3:Why do railway maps use straight lines?
A.Because railways are straight.
B.Because people like straight lines.
C.Because people can read them easily.
D.Because railways have only two ends.

