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How often do you change your hairstyle or ask for new clothes? Do you care much about fashion?

A recent survey among high school students in China, Japan, South Korea and the US found that Asian teenagers cared more about their appearance (外表) than teenagers in the US.

The survey was made in 156 high schools in the four countries. South Koreans cared most about their appearance. They were followed by the Chinese and Japanese, while US students showed the least interest in fashion.

“The different results show the differences of cultural backgrounds (文化背景),”said Sun Yunxiao from the China Youth and Children Research Centre.

He explained that in the US there are many different standards (标准) of beauty, so teens are more likely to be confident about their appearance. About 85% of American teens are happy with themselves. Besides, most US students agree that people should follow their own interests rather than those of others.     

“According to the survey, Chinese students are happy and disciplined (有纪律的). They have a strong desire to make a difference. But Chinese students depend on their parents too much, so they need to be more independent. Besides, they should learn how to relax,” said Sun.

(   )1. Which country isn’t mentioned? 

       A. China.                  B. Japan.

       C. England.             D. America.

(   )2. Most             think people should follow their own interests rather than those of others.

       A. Chinese students      B. American students

C. Japanese students      D. Koreans

(   )3. The underlined word “independent” means

                   in Chinese.

       A. 依赖的      B. 独立的      C. 悲观的      D. 乐观的

(   )4. Which of the following is NOT true about Chinese students according to the survey?

       A. They are happy and disciplined.

       B. They should learn to relax.

       C. They ask their parents for too much.

       D. They show the least interest in fashion.

(   )5. What can we learn from the passage?

       A. The survey came from four countries.

       B. Japanese students cared most about their appearance.   

       C. American students weren’t interested in fashion at all.

       D. Cultural backgrounds didn’t influence students’ views about fashion.

1C  2B  3B  4D  5A


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


purple  brown  morning  Helen  evening  yellowAlice

1.人名:______ ______

2.时间:______ ______

3.颜色:______ ______ _____


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Remember to add some sugar______the stewed apples.

A.to                                                              B.on

C.at                                                               D.for


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

— I tried my best to prepare for the English exam in your way, but I still got low marks.

         — Don’t worry.    . Continue to work hard and I’m sure you’ll get higher marks next time.

         A. It’s still early       B. It takes time         C. It depends             D. It doesn’t work


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Have you ever asked yourself why some people are very successful, while others are not? The answer   1   this question is very simple.

People who have achieved success in life have been working   2   enough to achieve success. They have   3   many problems on the journey (旅程). However, they believe that they will get what they want if they are optimistic (乐观的) and never give   4  .

I admire the successful people around me, so I try to   5   their experiences and I’d like to give   6   I have learned to you, my dear readers. One of the most important   7   to success is optimism, and I don’t believe you can achieve success if you see the world through a dirty and small window. And don’t expect that you can be born   8   or achieve success without any hard work. Success can only be achieved   9   being optimistic and working hard.

At the same time, you should think about how to be optimistic. Let me know what you think and whether you   10   with my ideas or not.

(   ) 1. A. of                B. to                                   C. on             D. from

(   ) 2. A. late              B. hard                         C. quickly       D. early

(   ) 3. A. broken         B. fitted                        C. faced         D. discovered

(   ) 4. A. up               B. away                        C. out            D. back

(   ) 5. A. learn from    B. hear from                 C. come from D. borrow from

(   ) 6. A. where          B. which                      C. how           D. what

(   ) 7. A. problems      B. secrets                            C. days          D. subjects

(   ) 8. A. sick             B. positive                    C. successful  D. helpful

(   ) 9. A. from            B. at                             C. in                     D. by

(   )1 0. A. agree         B. deal                          C. play           D. help


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


—Good afternoon,Lily!

— ______,Lucy!

A.Good morning  B.Good afternoon            C.Good evening  D.Hello


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1.We are going to o______ a basketball game.Would you like to join us?

2.Will they have a class m______ this afternoon?

3.What will h______ in a hundred years?

4.Children like eating c______.

5.The boy was u______,because his mother didn't come home because of work.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


I think ________ e-mail is fast and cheap.

A.the        B.a          C.an          D./


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Don't worry.Your son can look ______ himself well.

A.like         B.for

C.after D.at

