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---___ he ___ his lessons?

 ---No, he isn’t.

 A. Is; study   B. Does; study  C. Is; studying D. Is; to study




【解析】本题主要考查情景交际,根据答语排除A、B、D只有C答案符合题意,一般现在时be doing,故选C。



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【小题1】My birthday is on the ________ (five) of June.
【小题2】Look! There are some books on these ________(shelf).
【小题3】There is ________(little) money in this pocket than in the one.
【小题4】The book doesn’t belong to ________(he), his book is on his desk.
【小题5】At weekends, there are so many ___________(shop) in the supermarkets.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届重庆市育才成功学校中考一模英语试卷(带解析) 题型:句型转换

【小题1】He did his homework last night. (改为否定句)
He __________ __________ his homework last night.
【小题2】The kid is playing the piano at the school music club. (对划线部分提问)
__________ is the kid __________ the piano?
【小题3】Visitors love this city because it has historical sights and delicious food. (改为同义句)
Visitors love this city __________ _________ its historical sights and delicious food.
He hasn’t ________ ________ his son for two months.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省泰兴市黄桥区初三中考一模英语试题(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Nowadays(如今) everyone has a practical goal for life. Do you have one? What’s it? Do you want to become a writer, singer or just become a rich person?

 A recent survey shows that in modern society, most people pick up practical goals, such as “earning money to buy a house and a car” , “to improve one’s life quality, “finding a good job”.

 Wang You worked in a small firm (商行) in Nanjing. The job was good and he didn’t have to work for extra hours. However he felt the work was not exciting at all and the life was boring. ① So he          ______   _______his job and went to Beijing in February, 2007. When he arrived in Beijing, he set his new goal as finding a good job.

 Nowadays more and more people want to live a better life. This fact shows that the society is making progress and people’s life goals have become more practical. One researcher says, “Everybody has his/her own life goal, which will be surely different from people to people. If one is poor, one’s life goal will be to earn more money; if one doesn’t have a diploma(文凭), studying hard to get a diploma will become his life goal; and if one doesn’t have love, his life goal will be to look for it. ②But if one has no life goal, he will idle away(虚度) his lifetime.”

1.回答下列问题:Why did Wang You go to Beijing though he had a good job in Nanjing?





He needn’t work in his spare time because of his good job.






科目:初中英语 来源:2011年实验中学中考英语二模预测卷1 题型:单项填空

He is popular in his class. Because he _______ his classmates.

         A. falls in love with     B. gets on well with    C. talks with




科目:初中英语 来源:2013届辽宁省凌海市初二下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:句型转换


1.He has more friends than me .(改为同义句)

I  _________   ________ friends than him .

2.He went back home after he cleaned the classroom yesterday . (改为同义句)

He  _____ go home  _______ he cleaned the classroom yesterday .

3.The foreigners are visiting the park now .(用 tomorrow改写) 

The foreigners _________  _________ the park tomorrow.

4.I think you should finish your homework  first .(改为否定句 )

I _____ think you ______ finish your homework first .

5.You are not as popular as your best friend (改为同义句  )

Your best friend is  ____  _____ than you .

6.We were lisenting to the teacher when she came in .( 对划线部分提问  )

_______   _______  you  ______ when she came in ?

7.He does his homework every day .( 用at this time yesterday改写句子  )

He  ______  ______ his homework at this time yesterday .


