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Barry Parker was a very successful businessman. He lived in a large house and drove a car. He wore expensive clothes and ate his meals in famous restaurants. His name was often in the newspaper. One day a newspaper reporter asked him, “What is the secret of your success(成功)?”
Barry thought for a few moments and said, “I eat a special kind of fish.” “You eat a special kind of fish! What does that do?” “It makes my brain work better.” Barry said. “What kind of fish is it?” the reporter asked. “Give me fifty dollars and come back tomorrow. I’ll have some for you.”
The reporter gave Barry fifty dollars and returned the next day. “Have you got any special fish?” “Yes. Come into the house. It’s in the refrigerator.”
Barry took the reporter into his kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and took out a very small fish. “Here you are. Have this for dinner.”
The next day the reporter called on Barry again. “Did you eat the fish?” Barry asked her. “Yes, I fried it.” “Good, do you feel different today?” “No, I don’t. And I think that fifty dollars was a lot to pay for such a small fish.” “Well done !” Barry said. “You see, the fish is working. You’re using your brain now.”
【小题1】The reporter went to see Barry Parker ________.
【小题2】The reporter wanted to know ________.
【小题3】Barry Parker made the reporter ________.
【小题4】The reporter bought the fish_______.
【小题5】The reporter ate the fish_______.

A.pay 50 dollars for a fish.
B.because he was very successful.
C.but she didn’t feel any different.
D.because she wanted to find out Barry’s secret.
E. the secret of Barry Parker’s success.


解析【小题1】根据文章内容One day a newspaper reporter asked him, “What is the secret of your success(成功)?”可知答案为D
【小题2】根据文章内容One day a newspaper reporter asked him, “What is the secret of your success(成功)?”可知答案为E
【小题3】根据文章内容The reporter gave Barry fifty dollars and returned the next day. “Have you got any special fish?” “Yes. Come into the house. It’s in the refrigerator.”可知答案为A
【小题4】根据文章内容“No, I don’t. And I think that fifty dollars was a lot to pay for such a small fish.”可知答案为C


科目:初中英语 来源:2008年山东省济南市初中毕业升学统一考试、英语试卷 题型:001



1.A.Your books are on the sofa.

B.What's your telephone number?

C.Rick takes the number 17 bus to his company every morning.

2.A.Where's the lost and found case?

B.The buses are dirty and crowded when it rains.

C.I need to take the video tape back to the store after school.

3.A.Do you have a volleyball, Barry?

B.In the future, humans will have less work to do.

C.Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing's great sale.

4.A.Please read aloud in class.

B.Could I invite my friends to the party on Saturday?

C.Our readers want to know something about famous people.

5.A.My aunt took us out to the park last week.

B.Running star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food.

C.Why not come over to my home on Wednesday evening?








11.A.He's out. B.He's at home. C.He's upstairs.

12.A.At the airport. B.At the train station. C.At his workplace.

13.A.New York. B.Sydney. C.Shanghai.

14.A.At 9∶00 in the morning. B.At 10∶00 today. C.At 11∶00 tomorrow.

15.A.Tom Green. B.Susan Smith. C.Bob White.


16.A.To New York. B.To Tokyo. C.To Paris.

17.A.By telegram. B.On the phone. C.On the Internet.

18.A.On January 29. B.On January 30. C.On January 31.

19.A.To have some work to do.

B.To see a movie.

C.To meet his old friends.

20.A.He put his things in his room.

B.He sent a telegram to New York.

C.He couldn't remember the name and address of his hotel.


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省中考真题 题型:听力题

(     )1.  A. Your books are
             on the sofa.               
(     )2.  A. Where's the lost
            and found case?          
(     )3.  A. Do you have a
            volleyball, Barry?          
(     )4.  A. Please read aloud
                 in class.               
(     )5.  A. My aunt took us
       out to the park last week.
B. What's your
    telephone number?                      
B. The buses are dirty
  and crowded when it rains.     
B. In the future, humans
  will have less work to do.   
B. Could I invite my friends
    to the party on Saturday?
B. Running star Sandra Clark
    eats lots of healthy food.
C.  Rick takes the number 17
    bus to his company every morning.   
C.  I need to take the video tape
    back to the store after school.
C.  Come and buy your clothes at
      Huaxing's great sale!           
C.  Our readers want to know
     something about famous people.      
C.  Why not come over to my home
     on  Wednesday evening?           

