¡¡¡¡Put an ice cube from your fridge into a glass of water£®You have a piece of string 10 centimetres long£®The problem is to take out that piece of ice with the help of the string£®But you must not touch the ice with your fingers£®
¡¡¡¡You may ask your friends to try to do that when you are having dinner together£®There is a saltcellar on the table£®You must use salt when you carry out this experiment£®
¡¡¡¡First you put the string across the piece of ice£®Then put some salt on the ice£®Salt makes ice melt£®The ice round the string will begin to melt£®But when it melts, it will lose heat£®The cold ice cube will make the salt water freeze again£®
¡¡¡¡After a minute or two you may raise your piece of ice!
¡¡¡¡This experiment can be very useful to you£®If, for example, there is ice near the door of your house, you must use much salt to melt all the ice£®If you don't put enough salt, the water will freeze again£®