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从B栏中找出适合A 栏中问句的相应答语

           A                                    B

1. How do you come to school?               A. I went to Beijing.

2. What did you do yesterday?                B. Three.

3. How many pens do you have?              C. By bus.

4. What will you do?                        D. Sixty yuan.

5. How much are they?                      E. I'll go swimming.

1.C 2. A 3. B 4. E 5. D


科目:初中英语 来源:三点一测丛书 八年级英语 上册(湖南版课标本) 湖南版课标本 题型:030



(  )1.Will you join us?

(  )2.I hope my mother will be all right soon.

(  )3.Which sport do you prefer, skating or skiing?

(  )4.What's your favorite sport, Jane?

(  )5.How often do you write to your parents?

(  )6.Are you good at swimming?

(  )7.Would you mind opening the door?

(  )8.I'm sorry I lost your book.

(  )9.Would you like to go swimming with us this afternoon?

(  )10.What about going out for a walk?


a.I prefer skiing.

b.Oh, It doesn't matter.The book isn't important for me.

c.No, I'm not, but my father swims well.

d.Football of course.

e.Good idea.

f.Oh, I'd love to.But I think I'll go to see my grand-parents.

g.I'm afraid I can't.

h.Of course not.

i.Once a month.

j.I hope so.


科目:初中英语 来源:期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

从B栏中找出适合A 栏中问句的相应答语。
(     )1. How do you come to school?     
(     )2. What did you do yesterday?     
(     )3. How many pens do you have?     
(     )4. What will you do?              
(     )5. How much are they?           
A. I went to Beijing.        
B. Three.                 
C. By bus.                                                                   
D. Sixty yuan.             
E. I'll go swimming.   


科目:初中英语 来源:期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

从II 栏中找出适合I 栏的正确答语。
(     )1.Who is she?                   
(     )2. What is this?                
(     )3. Is this your father?         
(     )4. What is your mother?         
(     )5. Is your mother a nurse?      
A. She is a doctor.                    
B. Yes, he is.                          
C. It's a photo of my family.                                                              
D. She is my twin sister.             
E. Yes, she is.                                                     


科目:初中英语 来源:期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

从II 栏中找出适合I 栏的正确答语。
(     )1. Good morning!                
(     )2. Good afternoon!             
(     )3. How are you?                
(     )4. Hi! I am Millie.            
(     )5. What's your name?          
A. I am fine, thank you.          
B. Good afternoon.                                                                          
C. My name is Lucy.               
D. Good morning!              
E. Hi! I am Lily.      

